Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Antie P!

Happy Birthday Antie P! Full of creativity, caring, humor, passion and always a little touch of class -- the Holtz clan is lucky to have her! She's an inspiration to me every day ... so have a GREAT birthday Mom!


Anonymous said...

Boy, all of these birthdays are wearing me out. The pressure. Can't do the tree full of scratch-offs---has already been done. I could try covering my entire body in Emma's stickers? Get a mental picture of that everyone out there. Probably just a movie and dinner.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to the best mother-in-law. the baby and lucy say happy bday too.

JT Rice said...

Happy Birthday Auntie P, have a great day today. You deserve it.
Unckie's body covered in "heart on" stickers ??? Interesting. In the movie theater too??? Hmmmmm...

Charles Adam Holtz said...

Happy birthday to the best mom ever! Too bad Kristen beat me to the post... Hope you enjoyed the movie and dinner. And hopefully NOT dad covered in stickers.

JT Rice said...

I think the Sabres got better.

Sandra said...

Happy birthday Aunt Patti...Jff & I are having a drink to celebrate (mostly 'cause he can't get those "hearts" off his mind) Jeesh!

Sandra said...

The cradle is now with Jnna...she said she'd deliver it to E.A. soon- looks like some of the bedding is still missing--will take a look around.

Anonymous said...

A very special Happy Birthday Aunt P! I even have a special gift for you. It's a craddle, sitting in my kitchen.

Whenever you would like, I can deliver.

However, my truck will be out of commission for a few days, since it was involved in a minor "accident" today. It wasn't my fault! Just a teenager from VA on her way to college. When she got out of the car, she said, "Wow, the roads are slippery."

I talked to Gram today, she rec. a birthday card from her favorite Lou's waitress along with scratch off lottery tickets. In total, gram was given 88 tickets.

I hope you had a great day Auntie P!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day. Breakfast in bed, "Dream Girls" and then wine and mexican for dinner. Unkie even had a birthday muffin for me. He couldn't find the birthday candles so he used a match. Very creative. Only disappointment was he refused to do the heart on thing at the movies.

I also received amazing roses from Kristen. They smell heavenly and are coral with rusty edges. Adam and Amy sent me a beautiful box filled with raspberry & peach jam and tea. Yummy! Such treats!

All in all, I'm a lucky woman!!

Anonymous said...

Since there were only 8 people in the movie, and we were the only ones without at least one walker-assist device, I thought that it might be a good idea to try the old "popcorn box maneauver". Suffice to say that despite all of the nice things that auntie had to say about her day, "the move" was unsuccessful. Current score: stickers-0, popcorn-0; my research continues.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you ...
Happy Birthday to you....
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
( read it like you were singing)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Snap, Unckie C! WHOA!

Anonymous said...

The cruelty in this world knows no limits. Hurtful people. Yes, the truth does hurt.

JT Rice said...


JT Rice said...

I was always a fan of the cinema/popcorn trick. Unfortunately I'm 0 for 5 on attempts. And one embarrassing moment led me to the candy counter for ju ju's unknowing that my family sized popcorn bag was still affixed to my mid-drif. Thank goodness for extra butter.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

Fortunately, I have no ideas what you boys are talking about... but really, Jff... family size? I'm thinking it was more kiddie size

Anonymous said...

ooh -- SNAP! The insults are flowing this morning!

Anonymous said...

Talked to Mom as she called to thank for the birthday card that she finally received from us a bit late. Don't know what that brings the count to. But she did say that apparently there were some of her scratchoffs being held on Adam st. Any truth to that?? Sorry about the "bender" jnn, but mom said that your vehicle was between an inexperienced driver on ice and a bunch of kids standing and waiting for a bus. It didn't occur in good old EA did it?? And yes, it definitely had to be kiddie size popcorn boxes since none of us can deny the irish gene pool that we carry.

JT Rice said...

Kiddie size??? I've have no comeback.. the truth hurts. Thank goodness Sandra married me for my sense of humor.

DC... What about the 9:30 Club?

Anonymous said...

Hey jll -- If I were you I'd head down to Chinatown/Gallery place -- it's the new hopping place, right on the metro (yellow/red line) -- it runs right along 7th street. There's tons of restaurants and bars there and I'm sure you can find something fun to do!

Let me know what you end up doing!

Anonymous said...

What's the gram bday card count?? The friends I recruited to send some along want to know if they helped the common good!

Anonymous said...

Made the mistake of watching the first few innings of yesterday's yank game. Looks like Damon been usin' some of Giambi's roids. I wish I was going to DC. I wish anywhere but WNY. Snowin' out there this morning. YUCK!!

Anonymous said...

George Carlin's Solution to Save Gasoline:

Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas
we use. The best way to stop using so much gas is to
deport 11 million illegal immigrants!
There would be 11 million less people using our gas.
The price of gas would come down,
bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the border.
When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border,
hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq.
Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve
a tour in the military. Give him a soldier's pay while he's there
and tax him on it.
After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen
since he defended this country.
He will also be registered to be taxed
and be a legal patriot.
This option will probably deter illegal immigration
and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq
and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves.
If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway,
without the canteen, rifle or ammo.
Problem solved.
If you think this is a good solution to both the problems,
forward it to your friends

Charles Adam Holtz said...

get off of our blog! you should know we don't talk about politics here!

Anonymous said...

oh good god that's ill-informed and simplistic, isn't it now! And attributing it to George Carlin doesn't make it right.

Beautiful day here -- I'm up in DC for meetings today, its 60 and sunny and my other home sick itch has been scratched. All IS right with the world.

JT Rice said...

Spam, spam, spam, spam... I love that Monty Python scetch.

I love baseball. So much fun watching afternoon spring games and then watching them run the bases.

JT Rice said...


I'm obviously not as bright as a fifth grader. Not to mention it took me three hours to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Probably same anonymous lame-o who came up with that comment about me looking so much older than my wife. We need a better filter on this. How about Dicekay settin' down them college kids yesterday? Huh? What about that adm? Is that bolstering spirits in Beantown? Looks like we are meeting the fixits for an early dinner tonite. I think that Mr. Fixit feels guilty about all of those nickels he took from me last Sat. and wants to make it up. I plan on playing hardball tho.

JT Rice said...

Dinner with the Fixits??? Make sure you get a dessert... he loves that. Hope you had fun.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, dessert. Mr. became a bit upset when the misses said that there would be only two desserts and they would be shared by each couple. He became more upset when he found that the seating required him sharing with either auntie p on his left, or me on his right. He opted for auntie and proceeded to work dilligently while auntie remained engaged in conversation with mrs. fixit. He mellowed significantly when he found that mrs fixit and I only ate half of ours and it was passed on to him. Had a fun night as mr. and I attempted to work our way down the draft choices at the Buff. Brew Pub. Time for a new complete bathroom blog!

Sandra said...

Did he let you get a refill on drinks? He just loves forkin out for those too!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun evening. I love working down the draught line at the Brew Pub.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

sho is quiet 'round these parts...

JT Rice said...

A new blog? Sweet.

Nothin' going on here either. Bathroom is coming along. One mo' weekend and it should be done. Sandra already has me starting a new project. The dining room is up next (you may have noticed)... new light fixture, new paint scheme with wainscoating (sp?) and chair molding. Should look nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see all of you with the ambition that you have on this most depressing of days weather-wise. The only thing for certain is that tomorrow will be worse. Everyone is awaiting Vol 2 of the birthday party celebration. Me, I am exhausted from subbing today in 7th grade technology. Love those middleschoolers.

Sandra said...

It's Freeeeezing out!!!!

JT Rice said...

It's still freezing... maybe colder.

Anonymous said...

I just heard about you guys your so fuuny who went to NU. Purple Eagles rules!!!

So does Odoyle!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kevin Spacey in American beauty rules as well!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry so inactive college is really hard anyone want to field my english lit classes? KDH or adam?

JT Rice said...

Jimmy !!!

O' Doyle Rules!!! Sweet. You can't beat a good line from an Adam Sandler movie.

Good mornin' all, what's up with the action? Our lil' Jimmy is all grown up and in college and one of Thrllie's alum's stops in to say howdy. It's going to be a good day, cold, but good.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

Jimmy- if you want to pass your english lit class, remember this fact. Charles Dickens was paid by the word. Therefore, he was a long- winded fraud!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jimmy! Remember too that everything that Chaucer was obsessed with sex, even though you can't really understand it. The Eagles going back to the Big Dance-Yeah! Something for us locals to enjoy. Sorry, don't get the Odoyle thing. Maybe if it had been in a carrottop movie.....

Charles Adam Holtz said...

I'll be rooting for Niagara!!!

BU got bounced by albany in the semi- finals. That's right, the SUNY albany powerhouse. at least they didn't loose to the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

JT Rice said...

I'm going to have NNU go all the way in my bracket... ummmm yeh.

Is there a Carrot-Top movie out there? Wasn't he in Veggie Tales?

Anonymous said...

New Post-PLEASE!!

Charles Adam Holtz said...


JT Rice said...

I need more stories about Gram at Lou's. Where's the blogmeister?

Anonymous said...

hey ho family
I haven't been blogging because I didn't want to rub in the fact that its full on spring here -- sunny and 72. It just seems wrong you tell you guys that when its only 7 there. Sorry. Beyond that, I spend a lot of time sitting in front of my computer, working on proposals and such. Its not very exciting.

JT Rice said...

Proposals??? Here's a proposal... you write a blog and we read it. Write about 72 and sunny... I know it'll be 72 degrees here someday. Maybe as soon as we turn the clocks ahead? What's up with that?

JT Rice said...

I just realized Antie P was without a U.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

yeah kdh. we definitely need a blog about your life in the ATL. get crackin!

Anonymous said...

Nothing from the Koch's since Tuesday. What's with that? George washington is still alive in the Atlan 10 tourney. Them and Niagara both in the big dance would be great. I resisted picking up the phone to sub today so I can concentrate on the bball games; some conflict because they are running "The Attack of the WereRabbit" today, one of carrottops best performances.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thurman Thomas is going to make a comeback, Niagara will be this year's George Mason, and the Sabres, with Ty Cobb in net tonite will make their statement.

JT Rice said...

I just love those rasically predictions. Who needs Carrottop?
Emma and I are going to the Sabres game tonight. I'll probably end up buying a Conklin jersey (it's his first game and all). I'm gonna mmake a sign that reads "Ty the Not".

Anonymous said...

I must admit I haven't been the loyal blogger that I should be. I have had weekly doctor appointments that they finally diagnosed the culture in my ear as "anaerobic diphtheroid". It's commonly found in children's throats and very common with whooping cough. So I have been pondering what the next step should be:

Should I:

A. Go on IV antibotics for a week straight.

B. Let this cure itself. Doctor said it will clear up in 2-3 months with 10-20% hearing loss.

C. Let the Doctor rupture my ear drum and let it all come out.

Hmmmmm. They all don't sound pleasant. But, anyway if anyone was eating at the time....... That's where I have been.

Anonymous said...

OUCH!! I don't like any of those choices. You are excused from your lack of blogging.

Anonymous said...

I sware I saw Jeff and Emma on tv today! Go Sabres!

JT Rice said...

Sorry to hear about your ear Jnna, I agree, none of those options sound very enticing. BUT, if we're taking votes... I say, rupture and let it drain.

What a game last night, they were so frustrating to watch. Emma had fun but wanted to see a goal... unfortunatelly we left right before they scored.