Happy 60th Birthday George! I know these pictures have been used before, but these are past and present pictures just to show what he has accomplished in 60 years! I am sure his mother and father would be so proud, just as his family is....... On a side note, I sware I saw my mom wear the wedding dress last night..
Happy Birthday DAD!
Okay, family meeting time..... Since, this is the only way I know how to reach everyone near and far.... A few items I have to discuss with you... Do I have EVERYONE'S attention?
1. We have a new blog... Google e-mailed me quite a nasty letter that said we are one of a few blogger sites that are still using the "old version". So they demanded we switch to the new blog site. Our website did not change, but the method of posting blogs has. In order to post a blog you log in to blogger.com and then you click on the NEW VERSION (google). The username and password has not changed. If you have any questions, please let me know. They sent me a card after it was complete. I was so moved by it emotionally, I wanted to share it with my family.
"Congratulations! Your move to the new Blogger is complete. You can now access your dashboard at http://www.blogger.com/ using your Google Account and start using the new features right away. Happy blogging,The Blogger Team."
2. So gram's birthday is next week. The other day, I had to go fetch her Diet Pepsi and Icecream. She ripped the icecream out of my hands, grabbed a spoon, and went and sat down. She proceeded to moan as she ate the icecream. Hey, If I had to hear it; then I was telling it! Does anyone have any suggestions on gifts? Mom and I are taking her to Gettysburg in April. All are welcome.
3. That's all I got.......................... HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE
A most happy birthday Uncle George. Welcome to the "swinging 60's", a term that has a far different meaning than it did 40 years ago. Enjoy your day. I just hope that there isn't a quiz on all of those new instructions.
throught the wind, the snow and the cold, a very happy birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Uncle George, thanks for all the time we spent playing baseball. I loved it then and cherish it now. Thank you.
New instructions??? I refuse. Fear change, I say, fear change!
Hey, what I'm I doing home before 2PM?
February 20th is National Pancake Day, and IHOP is serving FREE pancakes, take your favorite family member to breakfast...
happy birthday uncle george!!! hope you have a good one! If I were there, I'd make sure your champagne glass was never empty.
Happy Birthday Uncle George!Zachary & Emma
Hope someone made you a birthday cake...or at least those awesome chocolate chip cookies! Happy Birthday Uncle George!
happy birthday unkie george! Hope you had a good one!
Happy Birthday from another member of the Class of "64
happy birth day papa have a great day blow the candles out...hows the family hi sack and emma
Hi Austin
Molding is up in the bathroom.
Where's Thrillie? She's my party hero.
Austin and I are taking Grandma to dinner tonight. She said she is very bored. So I am playing off this dinner to her. I told her not everyone can make it, they have other plans. So let's go with that theme until Saturday!
Austin will be sledding sometime this week, maybe Zach and Emma can join?
I took Gram out for dinner last night to Zebbs, where I slipped a note to our waitress that said, "She turns 90 next week, so please make a BIG production out of it!"
While at dinner, I saw an old high school friend who was sitting behind us. Gram had to ask somewhat loudly, who they were, how I know them, and she doesn't remember them.
After she was given a hot fudge sundae with a cookie and a cherry on top, she let Austin and I lick the bowl.
She has NO clue about Saturday! I hope everyone near and far can make it in.
Although, she is under the impression we are just going through the Mickey D's drive thru for her and that most of the family have previous engagements to attend.
I thought that was the plan. One #1 with a diet coke. Nothing says I love you like two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a seseme seed bun.
Jnna, call us for sledding. We're home later today (~3PM) and free all day tomorrow. Sandra's off to Wisconsin tomorrow until Wednesday, so it's pizza every night at the Rice's until her return.
Thrillie has been the sole reason the crime rate at the Home Depot has declined by 60%. Last night she attempted to tackle a man who 5 finger discounted $800 in lumber. She did not have to hide in a box for this stake out.
I am sure she will fill you in with details.
Sledding today sounds good. I have to work until about 2ish. But someone will be here with Austin.
$800 in lumber???
Both kids here are exhausted. How about sledding tomorrow? Sandra has to be dropped off at the airport, other than that we're free.
Well we just got back from Day 2 of celebrating Gram's upcoming BIG day.
Austin and I took her to dinner and gave her a little taste of Texas at the Texas Roadhouse.
I wrote a note to the waitress and said, "It's her 90th birthday this week, can you please sing to her." She read the note and said, "Yes, that is the special this week."
Gram created her own dinner with a side of sweet potatoe.
After dinner, 15-20 wait staff began clapping by the door and proceeded to clap all through out the restaurant. (They also brought a horse saddle with them). I kid you not, she almost got on. I told her it wouldn't be a good idea.
The loudest waitress stood on top of the table and said, "I NEED everyone's attention. Attention Everyone!" (Everyone in the place stopped what they were doing). She began to yell that it is a special someone's 90th birthday this week and we have to give her the LOUDEST hee haw ever! ( Here is a visual.... Gram with her cataract glasses on stuffing peanuts in her purse as the whole place is staring at her)..
The whole place began to scream and chant as if the NU men's basketball team made the NCAA tournament.
Following her birthday song, the waitress brought out our bill that had on it, "Happy Birthday DAISY."
Everyone came up to her and gave her High 5's, wished her a happy birthday. One on looker said, "How do you do it?" Her response was,
"It's creativity."
Before we left, they gave her a Texas Roadhouse cowboy hat and peanuts that were already stuffed in her purse.
My gram the thief, that's an old show from the 50's. Oh no wait, that was "My mother the car".
Yeah! A day off today. You gotta love Abe and George. Good men, good men.
Did you know Abe had a $5 Confederate bill in his bifold when killed?
There's a reason for it.
So much going on that I missed out on yesterday. Talked to Mom and she never mentioned the "peanut caper", only the missing apartment key.That was really great nc jnn. I was a bit preoccupied yesterday since at one point we had roof leaks in the front den, the attached garage, the kitchen window, the back door, the furnace room window and the back bedroom window. So I spent the day up onthe roof taking off chunks of ice. We may have to request that partiers on Sat. bring a container to hold in their laps to catch drips. That still leaves one free hand to hold your drink. We did find out that it is not a good thing to have water leak into the tv set. It smells really funny and the set stops working. Need to talk to the Toshiba people today. I HATE presidents day!! Enjoy all
President's Day is NOT an official KDHRC holiday, in case anyone is keeping track (and if someone is, could they share a list of these precedents with me please?) But at least my TV works.
Please tell us why abe had a $5 confederate bill in his wallet when he died, Jff!
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