As the family grows and continues to change, we use our family blog to keep in touch, remind each other of who we are, where we came from, and where were going.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!!
I hope everyone has a spooky day!!!!
Love, Oliver
Wishes you a very happy 1st halloween!!! I heard your great gramma "drew" a ghost card and sent it to you!!! I hope she put some cash in that master piece! give your mom and dad a great big hug from me! This truly put a big smile on my face. Has anyone gone back and looked at the Pope Blog, some very interesting comments have surfaced??
I have been so busy with flu clinics that there has been very little time or energy left for flocking and I do miss it! Good suggestion, Antie B! I will save all the money I make from doing the clinics and get some really good flocking in when the clinics end.
Did enjoy the tim leary comment on the pope blog. some good folks entered into the debate. If O were to show up here t and ting tonite we would have some good stuff for him. Miss Halloween and the time when the kids were small. Always went out with don wagner and his kids and Don and I always had our pockets filled with goodies for the trip. A sippin in the bushes. Good times. Enjoy
Kind of a quiet Halloween. Not a lot of kids, an even mix of big and little. And another year has passed and I did not run out of candy, always am in an anxious state about that one! I just noticed our monkey was missing a shoe! How adorable! Adm, what frightful character were you for halloween, Youkalis?? or Variteck?? zach and emma,did they have a nice halloween? Happy Birthday to Sandra tomorrow, enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Sandra. I hope everyone had a spooky Halloween. Gary (my BF) and I rented a scary movie called "Gag" last night. It was the worst, low-budget, non-scary, boring, pathetic movie I have ever seen. I am so glad it only lasted 1 hour and 15 min! And It was a 2 day rental! How deceiving!
Heading to Cincinnati tomorrow for work. A direct to and from Cincinnati cost more money than the trip to Kalispell. Now thats scary!!!
no trick or treaters in the ATL, but then again I was on an airplane flying up to DC. I'm here for meetings and its all lovely and fall -- whoo hoo!
The missing sock on the monkey was freakin' cute, huh?
jll -- look out for turkeys falling from the sky in Cinnci! I just read that one of the most haunted hotels in the country is in Cincinati -- are you staying there??
33rd consecutive year of no trick or treaters. Happy B-Day Sandra. I am sure that your hubby will have himself all wrapped up as a special b-day package for you to open at your leisure.Enjoy your day!
We had are usual good time last night. Fire, pizza, beer... not in that order. The kids had great fun and the night was beautiful. Thank you Buffalo, you're a sweet ol' gal. 'snif'.
I am going to blow up Monkey Man and give the pix to GG, it is just to cute to not share. Well here it is a chilly willy friday. Having to scrape the car twice in one week is not fair! Any hot plans for the weekend family?? Thrillie won bills tickets for Sunday. I am getting my new stove delivered tomorrow. nothing else going on enjoy the day that belongs to each and everyone of us. Tough 1 point last nite!
Auntie will be heading out to Boston tomorrow if hurricane Noel cooperates. Me, I promised mom shopping and lunch tomorrow. Other than that, nothing going on here. The EA football team is making one of their extremely infrequent trips to the Ralph tonite so all the chilluns were uneducable today. Have a good weekend
Good mornin' everyone, Looks to be a really nice day. Well, at least the sun is out. Emma and I just returned from Home Depot and the kids workshop where she made a pirate ship today, it turned out really nice.
Todays' events: Errands, clean up the back yard and get it winter ready, pack for our trip, and then suck a few down and watch some college football (GO BLUE!!!...GO BC!).
No, I didn't get to see Gary today (your BF, not my dad), but I'm sure he saw me. He's lurking, always lurking that one. Shuffle on back Adm, we need you here.
The big news is that Gramma hit for 25 on a non-alkaida purchased scratchoff,so i AM SURe that she is so done with those people. Got in and out of Tonawanda without being attacked by any of the gangs that I read about in the papers. Time for a little college football watcching. Nobody here to frisk me. So lonesome. Can I go to florida too???
We picked up Austin today and as he put it "life is good". We had to go to the disney store to get some last minute disney dollars that he insists should all go to him.
Our Bulls crashed but maybe our Bills can bring us happiness today. Sounds like the excitement level is high in the northtowns with the impending trip. Seems like everyone is either somewhere or going somewhere soon. Just leaves you and me Auntie B. How sad.
happy sunday morning. Is that appropriate?? got lots done yesterday, well maybe not lots, but somethings done anyway. So I have noticed that time referances on sports center, are related to the price of gas, the last time navy beat notre dame, gas was .30cents a gallon, the last time the Yankees won a world series, gas was 1.19$ a gallon, and so on. so I think that will be my barometer also, so the last time I got paid gas was 2.95 gal oh wait, that was last week! GO BILLS!!! GO PAYTON MANNING!!!
We are now officially all packed--yes...done by me...Jff tosses in a few things and then spends the entire trip asking me if I brought (fill in pretty much anything here) for him...hmmm..I need a vacation!
The price of gas the last time Bills won 3 in a row??? 1.53$
So thrillie was at the game today and stopped by stand 329, the NU stand, and it seems they will be open for the Ice Hockey Game, and they are looking for help, any takers??? Geo already has his cuddleducks on and is ready to go!
Well here it is another Monday! How quickly they come! Yup, UC its you and me, and me, I got pretty much nothin, work and then somemore work, and then possibly work again. The gang off to Florida should have a great time, as lake effect snow is expected on wednesday :( Austin is beyond excited, as his papa is off today, it is haircut day, and homework day. have a great monday one and all UGH to NE Yea to ???
Heading to work a little early this AM. Which hopefully translates to leaving early. Yeah to Austin to being organized, packed, and ready to go. On the other end of the spectrum all the clothes I think I am bringing are thrown on the floor.
Good mornin' folk, And what a lovely mornin' it is. It seems the Cookies are taking Ben Franklin's words to heart and starting their day off quite early. Yeppers, one more day, at this time tomorrow we'll be heading down the pike to the Buffalo airport en route to fun, fun, fun. I have one responsibility today and that's to get some money from our "other" bank and make a transfer, so we don't have to eat PB & J sandwiches every night in Disney. Not that the kids would mind.
Good Morning Family... I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed this morning to go to work. UGH!
Great Bills game to go to yesterday. Our seats were amazing, and they were heated!
Not quite sure how those tailgaters do it every game. We got to the game around 11am. We got home around 5:30pm. I ate 3 slices of pizza and took a nap at 6:30pm that last until 6:30am this morning.
Headed to McConnellsburg, PA tonight and will be there til Thursday. Glad I will miss the looming snowfall.
I must admit I need to get my priorities straight. I just came home from a lovely evening with mi madre. We sat in front of Rite Aid as we witnessed a 16 yo slam into the Tim Horton's drive thru. Apparently, the sale of pumpkin spice donuts has concluded.
I have to get my last minute text in before we leave! But have a great week family. Please check in on Grandma as I told her no she could not squeeze in my luggage.
Hey...a thought...we could take Gram, stick her in a wheelchair & get to the front of the line for everything! Any takers to push? ...not me, I pushed Jff last to love a 40yr old still playing hockey!
Ah, that first snow of the season. So nice to walk outside and get hit with the ice pellets. Hoping that our Fla. bound group gets out of town without delay, has a wonderful, safe and picture-filled trip. Looks like getting Auntie back tonite could be an adventure. Saw the film of the tonawanda timmy-ho incident. Man, you guys never have a dull day. Have a good one all and travel safely.
So the Disney bound travelers, are safe and sound at the BIA. It was an uneventful AM Jna of course had to go and vote first, she was number 1 so she was very excited about that, I have to let her know what number I am when I vote, as that is very impt. To one and all, please exercise your right to vote today! Just got a phone call, my sister was targeted in the security line and had to go behind the "screen" I am quessing it was the plethora of disney shirts she was wearing, probably exceeded the good fashion sense limit! And mr fixxitt his cell phone is off, so dont call I will try to hold it togother, now its off to work The last time I drove to work gas was 3.15$
Mrs. Fixxitt and airports do not seem to go together well. If you pass a cheaper gas station, please let everyone know. Looks like it will be up to you and me Auntie to provide updates to all, unless of course my bourbon swillin daughter, safely sitting in DC, chooses to toss in an observation or two.
UC, you and I can keep it togother, possibly with help from KDH, Adm if available, and of course "O", and Amy can pipe in also. Cookie is in McConnellsburg, so we may hear from her too! Possibly AP if her "flocking is finished", she is a busy lady! But we can do it, I know we can, snowing and hailing as I type. The last time I posted, gas was 3.19$ a gallon.
Heard from the Disney gang, they arrived safe and sound. It is warm and sunny there, sigh!!! I hear my sister spilled her complimentary beverage all over mr fixxitt, good thing his phone was not on he would have gotten a shock!
Glad to hear that those in warm Fla arrived safely. Auntie, please stop checking gas prices. every time you look they are higher. maybe if you stop looking long enough they will come back down to a buck or so.
Note to self -- don't ever travel with Mrs. Fixxit!
Bourbon swilling kdh is rockin out here in dc -- I am not quite used to the time change yet so I was at drinks at 3:30m dinner at 6 and now its time for bed. Ahh -- so adventurous!
UC, I can do either gas prices or a rod watch??? which would make for better ink with our fans? Had one final call from the magic kingdom last nite, mr fixxitt finally turned his phone on and has jnna on speeddial, 3 trips on space mountain and the gang was ready for more, the ride pairings are as follows: zach - austin (and no one can keep up with them) Emma - mr fixxitt, awww sandra-jff, of course! and that leaves jnna and mrs fixxitt, and we all know how much mrs fixxitt loves rides! The disney employees think the fixxitts are celebrating their golden wedding anniversay, so no one blow there cover. KDH, I know time changes are very difficult, but at least you are the first in line for happy hour horsedvors! enjoy wed all! GO JP!!!
poor nc jnn. seems like she got the worst of the matchups. I hope that she brought plenty of changes of clothes if she plans on spending any time near ms. fixxitt. I am already dressing in Jan. clothes and it isn't the middle of nov. yet. Not a good sign. Hope that things are warmer in t-wanda. How about mcconnellsburgville? any news? Good news is that wed. is almost over. Auntie is back and going thru Oliver withdrawl. Hang in, the week is on the downside.
Non pay day thursday, for me folks! so I have to get to GG's by 4PM to get her to the bank??? So who goes to the bank anymore?? Paychecks are direct deposit, bills are paid on line.. Oh well I will oblige! Disney update: all our well, however Emma is a bit under the weather, been running a fever. The rice clan today is laying low, and Jnna and austin are off to MGM. Mr fixxitt is aghast at the price of a bottle of water in disney, 2;50$!!! :O But he is still paying it! You can check out the latest disney picts at code: WDWP9K6F7T6W3Y7M
I couldn't get that to work but I'm not surprised -- most things disney leave me flummoxed.
I hope everyone there is having a blast and mickey is treating them well... now that I think about it I have a craving for one of those frozen bananas from the Disney carts. Not sure where in DC I can put my hands on one of those ...
What's everyone doing tomorrow for Friday? They're talking about "flakes" here and I don't think they're talking dandruff. Not sure WHAT I'll do if it gets snowy since I only have high heels and a jean jacket!
Well here it is finally friday! Heard that MGM was a blast, they have a new rock and roll roller coaster, that mick jagger introduces, now that is scary. They put austin in a bacon commercial, and jnna has decided that vacations are well worth the preparation. thrillie finally back in the fold, after numerous flight delays in baltimore. But she is to the TO tonite. I heard through GG yesterday,as I had to go to 3 stores to get her puffed rice! that mr oliver had the sniffles, hope he is on the road to recovery Off to get my work done, so my weekend can begin that much sooner!
Hey, it is Friday, isn't it. After nine straight subbing days I decided to take a lng weekend so I am off thru Monday, vet's day. Not much here just me vs. the leaves. Hope that everyone has a good, productive day.
Hello Family, back at work. My flight from BWI to BUF was delayed because apparently Pres. Bush made an unannounced stop at the San Antonio airport. So no planes were allowed to enter or leave the runway. My poor plane that was headed to BWI after San Antonio was re-routed to Austin, which caused a 2 hour delay in reaching it's next stop.
quiet day yesterday for everyone. Bright frosty morning. Bills with a big game next week against the Pats who are off this weekend while we play the winless Dolphins in Miami, after their week off. Seems like a conspiracy to me, and I can't help but be a bit nervous over today's game. Help me deal with these fears. Tell me that it will all be OK. How about them Sabres>>Hard to believe that two guys made that much difference.
San Antonio blog would be me, Yes I will have to get right on that. Well here it is Monday morning, who saw that coming! A quiet weekend, worked on saturday, cookie was in TO, and of course I heard from the disney group, it sounds like they are having a wonderful time! Not to much drama, Jnna's brand new digital camera did not work, apparently it was re called shortly after her purchase. Other than that, not alot going on Thanksgiving, next week, the table is set, well no not really, but it will be and all are welcome, there is room for everybody, no really there is, I swear, if you dont believe me stop by and see for yourself!
YEA!!! JP! did anyone else feel sorry for Payton Manning??? Yea me neither. The sabres are just to to painful to watch. I am anxiously awaiting college basketball, go purple eagles!
Great weekend. Too bad it's Monday. I do not have today so I am back at work. And I am very jealous that my teacher roomate is still sleeping! Visited some friends up North this weekend, and of course they all had to rub it in that their looney is worth more than our dollar.
I was hoping for a 5-3 win yesterday since I was betting on "under" 10, but the results of the game were good. Gotta love Marshawn's running. Being picked on by the "Loonie-toonies" is tough to handle, especially by all of those who actually go to the Galleria to shop and have to battle the hordes. Me, I'm off today too, but poor Auntie has to work. What about nphw jff??? He's due for a day off. What about K? Did her boss give her the day off? Is Disney closed for Vet's Day? Auntie B?? We need updates. Rumor has it that Ruth will only be invited for Thanksgiving if she has backup batteries. True? Have a good one all.
Newphew Jff and his lovely family are still in Disney, they return tomorrow afternoon. Updates come daily, and I hear everyone is having a great time! Veterans Day is not one of Kaleida's 6 approved holidays, so I am at work. Austin did call me and tell me the plethora of redsoxxx fans in the magic kingdom was obnoxious, so I guess going to disney is more than just a saying! Thanksgiving will include Ruth, of course, whether she can hear or not, a nubie, Gary, Jill's BF, not my BIL as he will be in Asheville, and a surprise mystery guest???
A surprise mystery guest??? Let's just say that my interest is piqued. Sounds like an affair to remember, as it always is. Does it have something to do with my brother and his next betrothed? And yes, I guess that I knew that my nphw was using some of his well=deserved off time in Fla. Glad that my great nephew is getting a chance to mingle with "the Nation"
Happy Tuesday! The rest of the family returns home today, just spoke with them as they are on there bus to the airport, and Jnna has informed me that Romney, the german waitress from the beer garden will be joining us for Thanksgiving also! enjoy the day family, its here for you!!!
Wishes you a very happy 1st halloween!!! I heard your great gramma "drew" a ghost card and sent it to you!!! I hope she put some cash in that master piece!
give your mom and dad a great big hug from me!
This truly put a big smile on my face.
Has anyone gone back and looked at the Pope Blog, some very interesting comments have surfaced??
Yea and I am the first!!!
Cutest monkey ever!
I have been so busy with flu clinics that there has been very little time or energy left for flocking and I do miss it! Good suggestion, Antie B! I will save all the money I make from doing the clinics and get some really good flocking in when the clinics end.
Happy halloween Oliver, I love your costume. Have fun T or T ing. Hopefully it's trickin'.
No flocking!!! That's an outrage.
Did enjoy the tim leary comment on the pope blog. some good folks entered into the debate. If O were to show up here t and ting tonite we would have some good stuff for him. Miss Halloween and the time when the kids were small. Always went out with don wagner and his kids and Don and I always had our pockets filled with goodies for the trip. A sippin in the bushes. Good times. Enjoy
ol' pop is gettin a little misty eyed. what's up with that?
Well the front porch light was turned off. Our last tally was 43. Luther Manor had 14 and at 7:30 Aunt Sue was at 8.
Kind of a quiet Halloween. Not a lot of kids, an even mix of big and little. And another year has passed and I did not run out of candy, always am in an anxious state about that one!
I just noticed our monkey was missing a shoe! How adorable!
Adm, what frightful character were you for halloween, Youkalis?? or Variteck??
zach and emma,did they have a nice halloween?
Happy Birthday to Sandra tomorrow, enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Sandra!
Happy Birthday Sandra.
I hope everyone had a spooky Halloween. Gary (my BF) and I rented a scary movie called "Gag" last night. It was the worst, low-budget, non-scary, boring, pathetic movie I have ever seen. I am so glad it only lasted 1 hour and 15 min! And It was a 2 day rental! How deceiving!
Heading to Cincinnati tomorrow for work. A direct to and from Cincinnati cost more money than the trip to Kalispell. Now thats scary!!!
Happy Birthday Sandra -- have a good one!
no trick or treaters in the ATL, but then again I was on an airplane flying up to DC. I'm here for meetings and its all lovely and fall -- whoo hoo!
The missing sock on the monkey was freakin' cute, huh?
jll -- look out for turkeys falling from the sky in Cinnci! I just read that one of the most haunted hotels in the country is in Cincinati -- are you staying there??
33rd consecutive year of no trick or treaters. Happy B-Day Sandra. I am sure that your hubby will have himself all wrapped up as a special b-day package for you to open at your leisure.Enjoy your day!
Boy, what a crumudgeon. 33 years???
We had are usual good time last night. Fire, pizza, beer... not in that order. The kids had great fun and the night was beautiful. Thank you Buffalo, you're a sweet ol' gal. 'snif'.
I am going to blow up Monkey Man and give the pix to GG, it is just to cute to not share.
Well here it is a chilly willy friday. Having to scrape the car twice in one week is not fair!
Any hot plans for the weekend family?? Thrillie won bills tickets for Sunday. I am getting my new stove delivered tomorrow.
nothing else going on
enjoy the day that belongs to each and everyone of us.
Tough 1 point last nite!
Auntie will be heading out to Boston tomorrow if hurricane Noel cooperates. Me, I promised mom shopping and lunch tomorrow. Other than that, nothing going on here. The EA football team is making one of their extremely infrequent trips to the Ralph tonite so all the chilluns were uneducable today. Have a good weekend
Good mornin' everyone,
Looks to be a really nice day. Well, at least the sun is out.
Emma and I just returned from Home Depot and the kids workshop where she made a pirate ship today, it turned out really nice.
Todays' events: Errands, clean up the back yard and get it winter ready, pack for our trip, and then suck a few down and watch some college football (GO BLUE!!!...GO BC!).
I've got 2 tickets to tomorrow's football game. My seats are in the Jim Kelly Club. It's good to me.
Jff, did Gary frisk you again. Not your dad, my BF I mean . He was working today
So is Gary giving out free frisks? I gotta move back to buffalo.
No, I didn't get to see Gary today (your BF, not my dad), but I'm sure he saw me. He's lurking, always lurking that one.
Shuffle on back Adm, we need you here.
The big news is that Gramma hit for 25 on a non-alkaida purchased scratchoff,so i AM SURe that she is so done with those people. Got in and out of Tonawanda without being attacked by any of the gangs that I read about in the papers. Time for a little college football watcching. Nobody here to frisk me. So lonesome. Can I go to florida too???
We picked up Austin today and as he put it "life is good". We had to go to the disney store to get some last minute disney dollars that he insists should all go to him.
Have a good night everyone
Absolutely Unkie, we'd have a riot (great golf courses, no coupons though). All is welcome in Disney World, that's just the way Walt wants it.
Off to buy some donuts for the kids (maybe I'll have one too).
Yeah Blue!!!
Our Bulls crashed but maybe our Bills can bring us happiness today. Sounds like the excitement level is high in the northtowns with the impending trip. Seems like everyone is either somewhere or going somewhere soon. Just leaves you and me Auntie B. How sad.
happy sunday morning.
Is that appropriate??
got lots done yesterday, well maybe not lots, but somethings done anyway.
So I have noticed that time referances on sports center, are related to the price of gas, the last time navy beat notre dame, gas was .30cents a gallon, the last time the Yankees won a world series, gas was 1.19$ a gallon, and so on. so I think that will be my barometer also, so the last time I got paid gas was 2.95 gal oh wait, that was last week!
First time in three years that the bills have won 3 in a row!
We are now officially all packed--yes...done by me...Jff tosses in a few things and then spends the entire trip asking me if I brought (fill in pretty much anything here) for him...hmmm..I need a vacation!
... she ain't lyin'
The Koch clan is not even CLOSE! We will be finishing our last minute shopping tomorrow night.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow. Do you think they will buy that I am sick?
The price of gas the last time Bills won 3 in a row???
So thrillie was at the game today and stopped by stand 329, the NU stand, and it seems they will be open for the Ice Hockey Game, and they are looking for help, any takers??? Geo already has his cuddleducks on and is ready to go!
Well here it is another Monday!
How quickly they come!
Yup, UC its you and me, and me, I got pretty much nothin, work and then somemore work, and then possibly work again.
The gang off to Florida should have a great time, as lake effect snow is expected on wednesday :(
Austin is beyond excited, as his papa is off today, it is haircut day, and homework day.
have a great monday one and all
Yea to ???
Heading to work a little early this AM. Which hopefully translates to leaving early. Yeah to Austin to being organized, packed, and ready to go. On the other end of the spectrum all the clothes I think I am bringing are thrown on the floor.
One day to go!
Good mornin' folk,
And what a lovely mornin' it is. It seems the Cookies are taking Ben Franklin's words to heart and starting their day off quite early.
Yeppers, one more day, at this time tomorrow we'll be heading down the pike to the Buffalo airport en route to fun, fun, fun. I have one responsibility today and that's to get some money from our "other" bank and make a transfer, so we don't have to eat PB & J sandwiches every night in Disney. Not that the kids would mind.
Good Morning Family... I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed this morning to go to work. UGH!
Great Bills game to go to yesterday. Our seats were amazing, and they were heated!
Not quite sure how those tailgaters do it every game. We got to the game around 11am. We got home around 5:30pm. I ate 3 slices of pizza and took a nap at 6:30pm that last until 6:30am this morning.
Headed to McConnellsburg, PA tonight and will be there til Thursday. Glad I will miss the looming snowfall.
The last time I was in Disney, gas was 1.35$ a gallon.
I got the crap kicked out of me in McConnellsburg once.
I hate to yell but, I AM DONE WITH WORK... well, at least for a week. Howdy Walt, How's things shakin'?
I must admit I need to get my priorities straight. I just came home from a lovely evening with mi madre. We sat in front of Rite Aid as we witnessed a 16 yo slam into the Tim Horton's drive thru. Apparently, the sale of pumpkin spice donuts has concluded.
Now I must start packing.
I have to get my last minute text in before we leave! But have a great week family. Please check in on Grandma as I told her no she could not squeeze in my luggage.
Hey...a thought...we could take Gram, stick her in a wheelchair & get to the front of the line for everything! Any takers to push? ...not me, I pushed Jff last to love a 40yr old still playing hockey!
I just love the pic of O without his footie on.
Lake effect snow headed to the southern tier. Wait let me check the weather where I will be all week. No snow there. PHEW!
Ah, that first snow of the season. So nice to walk outside and get hit with the ice pellets. Hoping that our Fla. bound group gets out of town without delay, has a wonderful, safe and picture-filled trip. Looks like getting Auntie back tonite could be an adventure. Saw the film of the tonawanda timmy-ho incident. Man, you guys never have a dull day. Have a good one all and travel safely.
So the Disney bound travelers, are safe and sound at the BIA.
It was an uneventful AM
Jna of course had to go and vote first, she was number 1 so she was very excited about that, I have to let her know what number I am when I vote, as that is very impt.
To one and all, please exercise your right to vote today!
Just got a phone call, my sister was targeted in the security line and had to go behind the "screen" I am quessing it was the plethora of disney shirts she was wearing, probably exceeded the good fashion sense limit! And mr fixxitt his cell phone is off, so dont call
I will try to hold it togother, now its off to work
The last time I drove to work gas was 3.15$
Mrs. Fixxitt and airports do not seem to go together well. If you pass a cheaper gas station, please let everyone know. Looks like it will be up to you and me Auntie to provide updates to all, unless of course my bourbon swillin daughter, safely sitting in DC, chooses to toss in an observation or two.
UC, you and I can keep it togother, possibly with help from KDH, Adm if available, and of course "O", and Amy can pipe in also.
Cookie is in McConnellsburg, so we may hear from her too!
Possibly AP if her "flocking is finished", she is a busy lady!
But we can do it, I know we can, snowing and hailing as I type.
The last time I posted, gas was 3.19$ a gallon.
Heard from the Disney gang, they arrived safe and sound.
It is warm and sunny there, sigh!!!
I hear my sister spilled her complimentary beverage all over mr fixxitt, good thing his phone was not on he would have gotten a shock!
Glad to hear that those in warm Fla arrived safely. Auntie, please stop checking gas prices. every time you look they are higher. maybe if you stop looking long enough they will come back down to a buck or so.
Note to self -- don't ever travel with Mrs. Fixxit!
Bourbon swilling kdh is rockin out here in dc -- I am not quite used to the time change yet so I was at drinks at 3:30m dinner at 6 and now its time for bed. Ahh -- so adventurous!
At least its not snowing here!
UC, I can do either gas prices or a rod watch??? which would make for better ink with our fans?
Had one final call from the magic kingdom last nite, mr fixxitt finally turned his phone on and has jnna on speeddial, 3 trips on space mountain and the gang was ready for more, the ride pairings are as follows:
zach - austin (and no one can keep up with them)
Emma - mr fixxitt, awww
sandra-jff, of course!
and that leaves jnna and mrs fixxitt, and we all know how much mrs fixxitt loves rides!
The disney employees think the fixxitts are celebrating their golden wedding anniversay, so no one blow there cover.
KDH, I know time changes are very difficult, but at least you are the first in line for happy hour horsedvors!
enjoy wed all!
GO JP!!!
poor nc jnn. seems like she got the worst of the matchups. I hope that she brought plenty of changes of clothes if she plans on spending any time near ms. fixxitt. I am already dressing in Jan. clothes and it isn't the middle of nov. yet. Not a good sign. Hope that things are warmer in t-wanda. How about mcconnellsburgville? any news? Good news is that wed. is almost over. Auntie is back and going thru Oliver withdrawl. Hang in, the week is on the downside.
Non pay day thursday, for me folks!
so I have to get to GG's by 4PM to get her to the bank??? So who goes to the bank anymore?? Paychecks are direct deposit, bills are paid on line.. Oh well I will oblige!
Disney update: all our well, however Emma is a bit under the weather, been running a fever.
The rice clan today is laying low, and Jnna and austin are off to MGM.
Mr fixxitt is aghast at the price of a bottle of water in disney, 2;50$!!! :O But he is still paying it!
You can check out the latest disney picts at
I couldn't get that to work but I'm not surprised -- most things disney leave me flummoxed.
I hope everyone there is having a blast and mickey is treating them well... now that I think about it I have a craving for one of those frozen bananas from the Disney carts. Not sure where in DC I can put my hands on one of those ...
What's everyone doing tomorrow for Friday? They're talking about "flakes" here and I don't think they're talking dandruff. Not sure WHAT I'll do if it gets snowy since I only have high heels and a jean jacket!
Well here it is finally friday!
Heard that MGM was a blast, they have a new rock and roll roller coaster, that mick jagger introduces, now that is scary. They put austin in a bacon commercial, and jnna has decided that vacations are well worth the preparation.
thrillie finally back in the fold, after numerous flight delays in baltimore. But she is to the TO tonite.
I heard through GG yesterday,as I had to go to 3 stores to get her puffed rice! that mr oliver had the sniffles, hope he is on the road to recovery
Off to get my work done, so my weekend can begin that much sooner!
Hey, it is Friday, isn't it. After nine straight subbing days I decided to take a lng weekend so I am off thru Monday, vet's day. Not much here just me vs. the leaves. Hope that everyone has a good, productive day.
Hello Family, back at work. My flight from BWI to BUF was delayed because apparently Pres. Bush made an unannounced stop at the San Antonio airport. So no planes were allowed to enter or leave the runway. My poor plane that was headed to BWI after San Antonio was re-routed to Austin, which caused a 2 hour delay in reaching it's next stop.
quiet day yesterday for everyone. Bright frosty morning. Bills with a big game next week against the Pats who are off this weekend while we play the winless Dolphins in Miami, after their week off. Seems like a conspiracy to me, and I can't help but be a bit nervous over today's game. Help me deal with these fears. Tell me that it will all be OK. How about them Sabres>>Hard to believe that two guys made that much difference.
didn't somebody promise a san antonio blog a while back?
San Antonio blog would be me, Yes I will have to get right on that.
Well here it is Monday morning, who saw that coming!
A quiet weekend, worked on saturday, cookie was in TO, and of course I heard from the disney group, it sounds like they are having a wonderful time!
Not to much drama, Jnna's brand new digital camera did not work, apparently it was re called shortly after her purchase.
Other than that, not alot going on
Thanksgiving, next week, the table is set, well no not really, but it will be and all are welcome, there is room for everybody, no really there is, I swear, if you dont believe me stop by and see for yourself!
YEA!!! JP!
did anyone else feel sorry for Payton Manning??? Yea me neither.
The sabres are just to to painful to watch.
I am anxiously awaiting college basketball, go purple eagles!
Great weekend. Too bad it's Monday. I do not have today so I am back at work. And I am very jealous that my teacher roomate is still sleeping!
Visited some friends up North this weekend, and of course they all had to rub it in that their looney is worth more than our dollar.
I was hoping for a 5-3 win yesterday since I was betting on "under" 10, but the results of the game were good. Gotta love Marshawn's running. Being picked on by the "Loonie-toonies" is tough to handle, especially by all of those who actually go to the Galleria to shop and have to battle the hordes. Me, I'm off today too, but poor Auntie has to work. What about nphw jff??? He's due for a day off. What about K? Did her boss give her the day off? Is Disney closed for Vet's Day? Auntie B?? We need updates. Rumor has it that Ruth will only be invited for Thanksgiving if she has backup batteries. True? Have a good one all.
Newphew Jff and his lovely family are still in Disney, they return tomorrow afternoon. Updates come daily, and I hear everyone is having a great time!
Veterans Day is not one of Kaleida's 6 approved holidays, so I am at work.
Austin did call me and tell me the plethora of redsoxxx fans in the magic kingdom was obnoxious, so I guess going to disney is more than just a saying!
Thanksgiving will include Ruth, of course, whether she can hear or not, a nubie, Gary, Jill's BF, not my BIL as he will be in Asheville,
and a surprise mystery guest???
A surprise mystery guest??? Let's just say that my interest is piqued. Sounds like an affair to remember, as it always is. Does it have something to do with my brother and his next betrothed? And yes, I guess that I knew that my nphw was using some of his well=deserved off time in Fla. Glad that my great nephew is getting a chance to mingle with "the Nation"
Happy Tuesday!
The rest of the family returns home today, just spoke with them as they are on there bus to the airport, and Jnna has informed me that Romney, the german waitress from the beer garden will be joining us for Thanksgiving also!
enjoy the day family, its here for you!!!
i second that! DISNEY BLOG!
Although the mystery guest IS intriguing!
when everyone left for florida the price of gas was 3.15$ per gallon
3.15 and a-rod was unemployed. How things do change. A waitress from a beer garden? Now that's a first. My sister, always the trendsetter.
Just talk to the homeward bound...They are at BWI. Jenna called as her lifeline regarding an MTV show. I had to google it to get the answer.
We're Home!!!
I'll have to get caught up and respond to all the posts that are questioning my remaining vacation time.
Autumn of Jeff... to be continued.
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