By JT Pilaf
Jll's recent unfortunate car news got me thinking... what car would I want if I had my pick of any car in the world. The obvious choice and first one that comes to mind is the Bat-mobile. I mean come on, hello.... it's the Bat-mobile, Adm, help out a brotha'. You know what I'm sayin'.
There's other obvious choices that communicate what kind of guy I am. This car says "I'm the sensitive type and I listen". "Tell me, I'm here for you".

And this one says "I learned how to spell Oscar Mayer by watching that commercial as a kid". But what it also says is, "I can drive anything and still be one cool dude".

But wouldn't it be nice if she pulled up in my driveway in the Bat-mobile and asked if I'd like to take around the block for a spin. A boy can dream can't he.
so much to respond to. Jff, I'd help you if I could. The Oscar Meyer weiner mobile always spoke to me in a "different" way. In a, "its like throwing a hotdog down a hallway" kind of way.
Jll, what kind of car did you get??? ooh the suspense...
Jll, it's way past 4:30... how come no update on the new wheels?
Tools have a big game tonight against Agent Orange... it's a late one, I wish I could take a nap.
My sissy took me for a spin in her version of the "bat mobile". I won't steal her thunder and let her talk about her new wheels.
I am the official owner of a 2005 Royal Blue Pearl Honda CRV! You should see what it looks like from out here.
Move it a little to the left. It's beautiful, it's just beatiful.
It kinda sounds nasty outside, I'm afraid to look.
We're off to see the NU / St. Lawrence hockey game tonight. That's pretty much our weekend. Stay warm everyone.
I need to hear more about KDH's commercial!
I wasn't planning on watching the game, but that perked my interest.
Happy February Everybody!
LOL!!! Loved the new car editorial! But no mention of PT Cruisers??? Now why is that?
so my boss for the last 14 yrs, who denied me raises, told me I had poor communication skills, and she made me take a gorilla head that I had on top of my cubicle, retired suddenly yesterday, and I find myself "bossless" Which is kind of intersting??? As I feel a new sense of freedom, I may take a 2 hour lunch!
thrillie needs to post her new cars photo, but I am quessing in this horrible weather, she probably took the bus
Adm, is Oliver better???
KDH, spill on the commercial???
did you apply the top ten attention getting rules of " A Christmas Story" Is a balsam involved? Surprise ending??
Red cabbage served? Is there a villian with yellow eyes?
Hmmmm... hockey game is tomorrow night. Game was rescheduled. Interesting.
So what's up with the commercial? Do we have to guess which one it is? So many questions. Or... So many questions?
Wow I love the CRVs! My friend has one and it completely rocks! congrats!
It's an "anti-drug" commercial, that I had a small part in making (and nothing direct, mind you!) You'll know it when you see it, since it won't be for beer, snack chips or web servers.
Or you can watch it here ahead of time!
hey k, did you know that your brother has a crv too?
yeah yeah yeah. My friend AND my brother have a CRV and they BOTH rock!
I stand corrected.
Were you really standing?
Good commercial. I like it.
Yucky weather...
No big plans, or scheduled must do's, so kind of a low key saturday.
thrillie is here doing her laundry so I drove her new car, it is very nice, roomy, with a new car smell!
Jnna, ran out and got kevin everett's new book last nite, so she has been in the "dont bother me mode" as she reads away.
have 4 different pool sheets to keep track of 4 tomorrow.
I have:
7, 0, 9, 2, 5, 4, 9, 9, 8 and 9 again. whew thats a lot to keep track of!
the slush is to heavy to shovel, I thnk I will read...
Enjoy the day.. It is February YEA
Back in "balmy" WNY and I think that I am caught up on most of the blog events of the last two weeks. Nc jll with new car after her, fortunately not serious, accident, Auntie B. is currently "bossless", which can't be a bad thing. Nc jnn was apparently able to navigate thru all of the bad weather out to EA without incident and it seems that all is relatively quiet with the Pilafs nphw jff seeming to go most of Jan. with a minimal number of days off. Ms. Fixxitt seems to be out of the slammer, at least temporarily. Enjoyed our time with "bourbon swillin' daughter in Hotlanta and were introduced to some of her favorite eateries: 6 feet under-specializing in seafood and overlooking a cemetery; Daddy Z's for Ribs in a very "ethnic" part of Atlanta The rest. seems to offer highly discounted food items to Atlanta's finest thus maintaining a very "visible" police presence. Great to return home this year to only about two inches of ice in the driveway instead of last year's three feet of snow. Seems like the Quincy household is on the mend after a nasty week of the flu. Auntie P. is down on the couch resting. Enjoy Super Sunday everyone.
Welcome home Unckie and Auntie, I hope you had a most enjoyable vacation in the sun. It sounds like you at least ate well down in Hot'lanta. Mmmmmmm... ribs.
How was the golf game?
I attempted taking Emma to the IMAX this AM (9AM to be exact) to see Hanah Montana's 3-D movie, unfortunately everything (reasonable hours that is) is sold out until it closes in two weeks. Sooooooo, to the disdain of my beautiful bride and wise mother of my children, I bought two tickets for Sunday nights show at 9:40 at night. Meaning, Emma (on a school night, did I mention that?) Won't be getting to bed until close to midnight, if not later. Hmmmm... school night. Well, it's the memories we parents try to create for their children, isn't it?
Looks like grocery shopping and laundry today as we get back to reality. Got the golfing in as Auntie and I played a few times, just to keep the streak intact, now at 120 and counting. According to son Adam, the plans are already in place for the celebratory parade in Boston on Tuesday. I will be doing something I have not done in 42 years, rooting for an NFC team over an old-line AFL team. This will be VERY difficult since we all vividly remember 17 yrs. ago, but ANYTHING to end the "hoodie"
Welcome Home AP & UC!!! Glad you arrived home safe and sound!
Well we are in full gear for our super bowl party, beer pong table set up in the living room, 2 tv's are positioned and ready to roll, chili is on , nachos and pizza are done, beer is cold, all the snacks are out and we are good to go!!
mmm not really. I think we have a stale pretzels in the cupboard!
called GG see what she was up too,and to quote her she has the "runs", is staying close to home, and watching a jessica fletcher marathon all day!
Morgans, the restaurant we had grammas birthday party at last yr has closed permanently, quess that place is out for this year! Oh and the owner is now a security guard at Degraff.
Emma will be fine on 6 hours of sleep for school! Jff, Its you I am worried about!
enjoy the day
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