Merry Christmas Everyone! Thank you for such a wonderful day. Even though the pirate game was a little "cut throat" this year. We missed everyone who could not be with us today. But rest assured you were in our thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night.
Those were amazing pictures!
It was a most wonderful day!
Off to work, UGH!
could i have captions please? what is on the piece of paper that all the women are reading? what is that on my mother's head? Why does my father look like he's been forced to a timeout?
What a day what a day!
You're spot on with the "timeout" adam! We'll explain everything else when we see you, but now I have to go buy an undershirt that comes up a little higher!
LOL!!! Adm..
Your Mom, your Aunt Sue and I are reading a note from Gramma, you see she wrapped up some of her priceless heirlooms, 3 of them, and we each got to pick one. My sister picked first, I picked second and your mom was left with the 3rd one. Once opened they were vinegar cruets, Your Aunt Sue got Aunt Emma's from England, I got Gramma's and your Mom, got Momma's (your great grandmother's)
Gramma wrote how she got the Cruets, what year, and from where.
Your Dad was in time out, as he did put a bottle of Champagne to close to a heat source. KDH will explain.
And your Mom was doing her Ellen Degeneres inpression!
Thanks everyone for a wonderful Christmas! I agree, the pirate game was awesome this year! Everyone came up with great gifts, except for the stubby bits. Sorry Jeff, better luck next year!
The stubby bits look good when laid next to my collection of Elvis videos. Yes, it was a great day and thanks to all for your contributions to the day. so much fun in the planning and the execution and so disappointing that it all ends so quickly. Thank you nphw jff for the phote essay. It was great. Enjoy the rest of the holiday period everyone.
Unfortunately no texts were given with the pictures posted. My mom made me get them up and running before it was to late.
Off to play Mario cart with Austin. Such a wonderful day to bad its over. :(
Sorry nc jnn that I threw the kudos toward jt. I should have known that it was you.
Great photos, awesome fun, what a day (how can you not like the stubby bits?)! Thanks everyone. We missed you Adm, Amy, and Oliver.
Thanks for hosting again and the food was fantastic.
Is my brother out of his timeout chair yet?
FYI, no one suspected it was nog in the coffee mug and not coffee, I am so clever! Thanks KDH for fixing me up!
The qunicyites arrived last evening, santa came this am and the orgy of gift opening continues. Have a good one all
Good news, is Oliver enjoying his second round?
Good mornin' folks, we have been non-stop on the go and still have another gathering today. I can't wait to sit down, relax with my feet up and enjoy a double chocolate porter. I'm counting the hours.
Enjoy the windy day it could be a lot worse.
4th and 1 and we get into a passing formation??? I can't take it anymore.
Is there any way we can get text with those pictures? I'm having a tough time remembering anything after I opened the stubby bits package.
Well here it is Monday AM. Everyone back at work??
Saw Mr "O" yesterday, in his whirlwind North Tonawanda tour, and he is the smartest cutest toddler ever! He did like "frosty" and pointed out everyone's bum, in case there were any questions.
I can not even begin to comment on the Bills game, it was a fitting end to a fit inducing season!
And what is up with those whacky redsox, spending money like a drunken sailor, 5 Mil on Brad Penny???
enjoy whats left of 2008
Mr. o made his tour of extended family yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. Today appears to be one of r and r and awaiting the call from my insurance adjustor to see what we will do about the trees. you have to admit that the Bills certainly gave us a lot to talk about this season, and you can't totally dismiss the consistency that Jauron provides. Would you want to suffer thru a 1-15 season and win the division the following year? That is way too stressful. 7 and 9 year after year is much more comfortable.
So its Monday and the Lions have already fired their coach and so have the Jets...What is Ralph waiting for???
Browns, J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets... and the Lions have all decided that a better coach is needed for their team to succeed. And here we are... Hmmmm...
Wasting time outs and trying to get an extra two yards for are punter in 70 mile an hour winds and only 23 seconds.
I think we'll get a pizza tonight. That always makes me feel better.
Is there any nog left?
Are??? I really should spellcheck before I hit the button.
sigh, I am on board with my nephew, pizza always makes every situation better!
mmm Maybe Dick Jauron was fired while I slumbered?
enjoy the next to last day of 2008!
Is it over? It seems as though it might be. Everyone has gone home and the silence is deafening. Except for the sound of Unkie hammering shingles back onto our roof, there is hardly a noise. Also proof that it might be over, is the absence of the nog jar, since I polished that off 2 nights ago.
Better go check on Unkie and make sure he hasn't fallen off...the roof.
Final airport run, at least for the time being, was made at 6:30 this morning. Shingles are back in place and still awaiting the insurance guy's look at the tree situation. No nog; beer is gone. Guess I will watch the humanitarian bowl. It always makes me chuckle watching them play on blue turf.
AP makes me giggle.
It took every ounce of strength I had to make it through the entire day at work today. I need a day off.
I love the Blue Turf Bowl!
Mike Shannahan, Eric Mangini, Rod Marinelli and Romeo Crennel are all unemployed why does Dick Jauron still have his job?
I can not believe with the pool of qualified candiates that we have decided to attempt for a 3rd consecutive 7-9 season. Apparently we aren't striving to make this team better.
very frustrated!
Mike Shanahan??? Incredible.
I just got done watching Alvin & the chipmunks with the kids. That movie is funny.
Dickie do promises to make it better. Wouldn't 3 seasons of broken promises be indication enough that he can't keep promises?!?!?!?!?!
Who else is at work today??? I know all you healthcare people are working! Lets hear for those who drove on these treacherous, unplowed streets just to make a buck!
Happy New Years Eve! Beer and swedish meatballs starting at 8pm.
Beer and swedish meatballs? now that is what I call a new year's eve celebration. Enjoy the day all, just 50 more weeks until you have to start worrying about next year's pirate gift, and let's just hope that things go better for me next year.
Happy New Years' Eve from Hotlanta, family -- I'm with Jff, I definately need a day off after two full days of work!
Beer and swedish meatballs sounds GREAT jll! And so glad to hear dad didn't fall off the roof. As far as I know, mom is still scraping goldfish out of her carpet and missing Oliver.
lvr? How would you do that name without vowels? Discuss.
I think liver would be... no. How about Olvr???
Swedish meatballs and beer... where do I sign up, throw in some swedish red fish and you have yourself a hirshka-dershka party.
Enjoy NYE everyone, I'll be napping by 11:35.
I think cookie said "all those healthcare workers' with a little disdain in her voice, did'nt you!
Herska Dershka party, LOL...
It was a white knuckle ride in, but even rougher at the seafood counter at tops, who knew the majority of tonawanda does not buy there smoked herring til new years eve.
No big plans at 431, there must be some marathon on that I have not seen, twilight zone, or law and order I am sure!
I will be snoring an droolin by 9:35!
Hard to imagine another year has whizzed by! And here we are, altogether, and waiting to ring in the new!
Happy New Year one and all, and may 2009 be the biggest, the best, the brightest, the one to beat all others, for us Holtz's and our extended families!
Even if we do have a democrat in the white house, and still have dickjauron!
I can see something on the horizon!
Oliver would be really hard, but you could incorporate his middle name Charles, so it is lvr chrls. I am always thinking! Sweedish meatballs and beer sounds yummy!
Pizza, chicken wings and smirnoff for me, all at once of course.
So here it is 2009: a democratic president, new state law requiring tractor drivers to put an additional headlight on the back of the tractor only in times of distress!
And horses are now only allowed 4 shots of steroids a month as opposed to the norm of 5.
I suppose we all need a little change.
My new years resolution in 2009 is to bring the smallest pirate gift but walk away with the biggest and the best.
Love to all.
bdeep dadeep dadeep thats all folks.........
I woke up at 12:02, rolled over and wished auntie a Happy New year, but she never moved. A brisk -6 out here this am so a chilly start to the year. Dinner with the fixxitts last night was fun as always. Has it been a year since we were looking forward to hockey from the Ralph???
Emma and I are watching Looney Tunes too... nothing beats the classics.
I made it until 11:50 last night and that was it, probably couldn't have made it a few minutes longer had I had a lil' partner participation... I think I'll leave it at that.
Enjoy 2009 all, I'm gonna try and sleepwalk through the next 4 years of Obama and hopefully not say anything negative, defeatist or ill-willed. Wish me luck.
Happy the first day of the first month of the new year.
brr it is very chilly in tonawanda.
The canal ball drop brought out 50 hearty souls! We got nothin on Times Square.
not doing a blasted thing all day, cept cook dinner and have my momma over.
Jnna is watching "Speeders" geo is watching ESPN, so everyone is busy
Happy day 2 of 2009.
I think it is going well, dont you?
I think I am going to put my resolutions on the blog, that way I will be held accountable.
1. Save more, waste less. I am really going to try to reduce my carbon footprints, I think we should all jump on board with that one.
2. Do something I have never done before, irregardless of what that may be. This could entangle something as simple as eating sushi or climbing mt everest, neither of which will happen, but it is a possibility, as it is my resolution.
3. Finish a project in a timely manner, my whole world is incompleted projects! myself included.
4. eat healthier, exercise more, cook healthier, buy healthier foods, (yea whatever)
5. Be the best Betsy I can be, nuff said.
Enjoy the day!
Just want to throw an idea out there.
yesterday I had Mom over for dinner, and she really enjoyed the high def TV. She could see it, the picture was clearer, etc..
And she did complain that her TV is very dark. So with her 92nd birthday fast approaching, a little over 8 weeks away, maybe we could take up a collection from everyone and get her a HDTV for her birthday? Of course if we get all our money together we could get it for her earlier. Lets face it, why wait.
Thoughts? comments? concerns? or anyone have any better ideas for her birthday?
Will $20 help?
Yeh, that's right, I'm home. I went into work, finished what I had to and then called it a day. Drove over to NT's DMV and signed up for my enhanced license. What a productive day. I'm feeling complete and very attractive today.
Count Austin and I in for a contribution. I think its a grand idea! I couldn't pry the remote out of her hand.
Well I wussed out on the trip to Toronto and the chance to cross out #15 on my Earl list of things to do so I will have to be content just watching it on the deuce. One more day of vacation and then it is back to work.Go Bulls!! With the Reverend Jesse behind wny, how can we fail?
Make sure you vote!
We had an great time! Too bad they got thumped in the second half (obviously a rushing record was set), but the whole day was fun and definitely something to experience. The Bulls fans came out in full force. Blog soon to come.
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