Blogs and websites began to soar in 2000. A CNN blog reported that; "An estimated 145,000 blogs are created every hour." Many blogs contain political, economic, or socialist ideas. Some blogs talk about sports, food, beliefs, daily activities; basically anything. It's now become a growing trend that actors, newscasters, athletes, presidents, CEO's create blogs. Everyday ordinary people have joined the growing trend as well.
When I began my research into blogging and blogs, I found blogs that I was surpised even had a web address. Some blogs have mature content or are racially driven. I even found a blog that was written by a death row inmate. Since the increase of these websites, Congress is working on a plan to minimize these such websites.
With the help of my family; I started to research a blog that I would be interested in writing my paper about. I found a blog written by Brett Favre, although that can't be proved. I came across a blog that was written by TV weatherman Al Roker. Did you know RUPAL is a regular blogger? Actor Jeff Bridges also blogs.
With the help of my family, I started to find my blog of choice. One of the many free blog sites is Like any search engine you can search whatever topic of interest you may have. I began to research for the most updated blogs. I found a blog that even after my paper has been completed, I still check up on.
As a class of 2006, we learn many life lessons. The true meaning of friendships, the value of family, and that skipping class is immediate detention. I found a website where the value of family is evident, the meaning of friendships is defined, and I am assulted if I mention skipping class.
The Holtz family originally from the Western New York area has roots in DC, Boston, Fargo, Carolina, and possibly other cities. Their blog is quite different to the everyday blog. The authors of their website differ from time to time. The blog was created in October in memory of a father and a grandfather who passed away; and the memory of him still lives on. It is clearly mentioned in their blog that he is deeply missed. Adam Holtz, a member of the family blog said " And of course, there's the patriarch of the clan, Chaz f. Holtz, Sr. who is always here in spirit... he's the guy who gave us all this sense of humor." Their blogs range from a wide variety of topics. Some blogs are quite funny. For example, Jenna Koch, blog creator blogged about her speed date evening. Jeff, wrote about his quest to become an olympian, Uncle C and his wife wrote about their recent trip down south. Some blogs are emotional. For instance, the first entry talks about the reasoning behind their creative blog. Each blog seems to bring this family closer and closer together. They average 30 comments per blog, well above any other blog I came across. Some comments are from family members and others are from their fans. They developed friends in North Dakota, Albany, and Michigan. Their newest fan from Pennslyvania.
The Holtz family consists of Grandmother Holtz; who will almost be 89. Sometimes she posts a comment or two, just to keep up with the family. She is featured in some pictures. Grandmother even submitted a blog just before Christmas which talked about Christmas past with her husband, who proudly served in World War II. With the help of her family, I was informed that her husband and her were parents to four children. Although, one blog claims he may have fathered more jokingly, of course. Their children had kids and some kids had children.
The blog only hears from two of her children on a day to day basis. It was later known that Uncle Chuck and Aunt Betsy are two of her children. With the help of their families, the remaining children are named Aunt Sue and Uncle John. They both had kids who are regular bloggers. Uncle Chuck, a teacher; lectured about the importance of reading and writing.
It is important to mention the close relationship each family member has. Every family member strives to help out a family member or stranger in need. For instance, I received quite a bit of help with my paper (maybe I shouldn’t mention that). I learned information about this family that no one else would learn unless they read the blog. The Holtz family traveled to Niagara Falls before Christmas just to enter a blog to outsiders. The Countdown to Christmas, their next gathering was quite important to them. They also can’t go a blog without mentioning their favorite Christmas Holiday; “A Christmas Story.” Now they are counting down to their next gathering; Holtzapalooza, a family party to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other occasions. Two of Grandmother Holtz will celebrate graduating from college; Jillthethrill; who was blasting me to get back to class and not focus on the website and Adam Holtz, who told me to write in larger font. Since they are college students, I took there advice. One granddaughter has a PHD, KDH; who offered to write my paper for $70 and claimed she would use large words to make sure I was guaranateed a A+. Jeffrey, an accountant encouraged me to read on, that you learn by reading.
The family is now focusing on plans to their party. They make group decisions on clowns, dunk tank, circus, bands, etc. On average, there is a new blog about every three days. The memory of their loved one lost only strengthens their connection to each other. Something that he always wanted. I am certain that this family will not let his memory fade. I am also certain that this families ties will only grow as the blog grows and the family grows.
In response to question 2A what was your favorite blog? That question is hard to answer. I can’t decide. There was a blog written by Jeff about his involvement with the federal government and wanting to capture “some guy named Osama Bin Laden.” There are numerous blogs about investigating a accident, death of a squirrel. There are blogs about the families days in there respective cities; Boston and DC.
The most important thing with the family is humor. They enjoy making each other laugh. “Laughter is the best medicine.” I think it’s also important to include quotes from each family member.
Grandma HoltzJimmy,
"Anything that keeps this gang of mine together is the best thing that could happen. That's why this blog created by my family (who is very clever) is such a great idea. The fact that they will do their best to top the other comments will keep them all on their toes. It also means that I will hear from them more often. You know that I have been fortunate enough in being here so long, that I sort of get lost in the background. So, every so often I get to throw my two sense worth. They may shoot me down once in awhile but I bounce back quickly. I never cared for computers before, but now I endorse them completely, except when they break down. Good luck on your paper Jimmy, hope this helps a little."
Uncle C:“Actually, the real reason I came on line is for Jimmie. Are you still out there boy?? With Jan. 27 fast approaching, and I am not sure why you are handing in papers instead of taking midterms on that day like all of our New Yorkers,but, I am going to let you in on a some teacher secrets.Teachers long ago gave up trying to get their students to read what they should read, ie. the great authors, and have compromised by trying to get students to read ANYTHING, up to and apparently including blogsites. This is both good and bad. It is bad that you are reading blogsites instead of the great stuff that is out there, but it is good that you are reading, and this is the point that you need to make in your paper, how much you are reading.Your teacher need to have you say that he/she has been successful in their quest which is getting you to read. A+++++, if you can show how this blog has inspired you to go on to read other things. For example, all of the comments made here about Catcher... have made yougoout and read the collected works of J.D. Salinger---no I doubt that even a rookie teacher would fall for that--=taking notes Adam?, even though it wouldn't take all that long to do it. The second part of this has to do with the purpose behind the blog. As you have learned by now, it started out as e=mails exchanged among the cousins relative to Christmas. Niece Jnna had the inspiration of creating this site as a way to exchange xmas ideas, etc. but like so many things, it became something other than what it was originally intended to be. People are, by nature social creatures, and anthropologically speaking, our survival has always depended upon having a social group that we could rely upon for support. Fast forward to today. Where is the social group that you can rely on to always be there? As you will soon learn, if you have not already, friends, no matter how good they are, come and go. Family is what it is. So you were lucky to wander into a blogsite that consists of a bunch of people with no political or social agenda, a place where unlike so many others out there is not spewing out a lot of hatred and ill will, but just a place where family members are trying to make each other laugh. As you probably noticed, most of the humor is where we make fun of ourselves. My father never spent a lot of time worrying about the self-esteem of his kids, and it seems to have continued. Do we love it when someone outside of our immediate social circle comes on and gives us a compliment? We sure do, and the more the better. That is why it was so neat when the anonymous came on and wanted to set up a site for their family. That is why we love hearing from Fargofan, who as a Holtz, is extended family. Five to seven pages? Come on Jimmy, you have the makings of a novella here. Matter of fact, you will probably take the paper, when written, eventually publish it and make a ton of money off of it. But that is OK, just don't hook up with Golddigger out there. There is something in the Holtz genes that prevents us from ever using any ideas to make money. I know that I will take heat for this long-winded, space-consuming, wandering piece of prose, but write it off to old-age. Back to reality. How about them Billz huh?? Can you believe that neither of my kids told me that there was a resignation? Loved the Pop Warner and Knute Rockne comments. Really, would JoPa leave Happy Valley? He might like being referred to as "the kid" by his bosses.” 6:48 AM, January 22, 2006 His wife, #1dinlaw:--And Jimmy, I am Unkie C's wife! After all of you have read that that 6:48 monolog, you can imagine what 2 weeks alone with Unkie C was like! The man just goes on and on and on.....
KDH (daughter to #1dinlaw and Uncle C)“so here's what I love about the blog -- family is the kind of thing you love because you're supposed to -- you have a shared history, shared genes, shared experience. A lot of families stop there -- or don't even get that far. But the blog has helped to actually KNOW my family better -- beyond what you can get over xmas presents and turkey -- and expand upon those genes, those experiences and that history. And how much fun -- a sense of connection, a shared sense of humor and something that I know will make me laugh out loud at least once a day. That's why the blog just rocks.
Can I get a witness on that one?”
Betsy:“To My Dear Friend Jimmy:I have thought long and hard what would I write to you about the family blog and what it means to me. Cuz you know, Jimmy, the words have to be perfect, they have to have the right amount of humor, warmth, grace and charm, be funny but not mean spirited, no heavy political or religious discussions, even though we could have those, they dont belong here, but this BLOG even though it is to honor our Dad/Grampa, it is more for all of us. I echo all the other sentiments, keeping us close, learning about each others daily grind but the message here Jimmy is you see, every persons name you read every day, well that person, this family was the center of Charles Holtz's world. Every phone call, every post card, every 20 minute visit, was a kings ransom in his eyes. And I have adopted that philosophy, I hang on every word that is said here, can not wait to respond, and tell everyone far and near how much fun this is. And everyone's response is exactly the same, but you're just talking to your family right? Exactly, thats all I am doing. And I can not imagine doing anthing else. So in closing, this BLOG has given all of us a chance to honor a wish, and bless us with each others company. May the German Soldier never get you... “6:56 PM, January 18, 2006
Jeffrey:“Jnna, absolutely hysterical!!! I'm not the "cowboy up" like Adam is, but I'd go for Albert. He just has that look about him. You know he's got that look.
Back to Holtzapalooza... 30 pack of Keystone on sale at Wilson Farms for $6.99. I'll go get a few cases.
Anonymous (Seinfeld), were just a family havin'fun. We're also planning for Holtzapalooza, so any ideas or help would be great. Can you bring a 30 pack?
Jimmy, so much material here that your missing. Just start plagiarizing. Come on, if Senetor Biden can do it. You can.”
His wife:
“Hard to believe that ESPN has been replaced by this blog as Jff's main source of...well...everything!
OK you REALLY think it's a hand holding world out there? Teenagers! In reality...we pretty much push and shove and try any means possible to be the one at the computer first to see the blog...Jff doesn't know this but I preset the TV on Spongebob BEFORE the kids come home so I can distract them immediately!
Not only is the blog great for laughs after a day of work, but it is a great way to keep in touch as one unit instead of phone calls and e-mails to individuals--because, after all, in case you haven't noticed, we all like to add our "two sense" to everything...or is that two cents??? Jill?Also...we can include FARGO!”4:06 PM, January 18, 2006
Jenna (blog creator)“Well I have to concur with my cousins on the importance of the blog. You see Jimmy, we created this blog in memory of our Grandfather. A way for all of us to connect and update on what is going on in our lives. We have family in North Carolina, Boston, DC, and NY. Sometimes, it is hard to let everyone know what is going on. I know that Grandpa is in his glory.
Also, I know firsthand how Grandma feels about our blog. I can just imagine she waits by the phone to get a "blog update".
As far as learning new things; I never knew that Jeff and Sanda held hands, that KDH had a "thing" for mullets, etc.
So this blog brought us closer together. I never dreamed it would have been this successful.
So there you have it Jimmy!”
“My sister sure had Lady Luck on her side when she went to speed dating. I am still in shock that no one has snatched up these eligible bachelors.
My pick is for Albert...I bet he has big muscles. The bigger the better!! I can just picture myself runnning my fingers through his thick, luxurious head of hair!”
Adam Holtz:
“I don't know, but the picture of the lady in the short shorts was making me look forward to old age. Sex-Y!”
In closing, the Holtz family lives for their family. They check in everyday to report a comment. I found one blog that showed the true meaning of a family. If only more blogs were like To my classmates, never underestimate the power of your family. Laugh often with them. Thankyou to the Holtz family for their help in my paper.