Since my last post, a few things have changed in my life. For one, I really haven't spent a lot of time with Grandma. Why you ask? Well I have been really busy with Albert and my new friends. I felt the need to check up on Grandma, since we all hear about it if no one calls her. When I called her, I couldn't hear how she was doing through her coughs. "I'm not feeling well." As soon as she said those words, I began to panic. So I called my lovely mother at work and told her that Grandma wasn't feeling to well. (Don't worry family, it's just the cold).
Mother's orders were for me to rush right over there and see if she needs anything. So I pull in to LMA and quickly ran into the building. It doesn't matter how fast you get there, you still have to wait for someone to buzz you in. Luckily for me, there was a going away party in the community room going on. I met a lot of nice people there today. So I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door to Gram's apartment. She was sitting in her chair, struggling to complete yesterday's crossword puzzle. However, she would look at today's paper for the answers. I caught on to her little scheme!
Being the concerned granddaughter that I am. I wanted to take her temperature (her forehead felt normal, I think), feel her pulse (yes she still had one), bring her water (she wanted diet Pepsi), and ask her if she needed anything. All she could mumble out was; "I really need my tickets!" Well a few hours later, I brought her the tickets she wanted, and she magically felt better! I think I found the cure for the common cold.
So, when she began to perk up, I thought she might want to go out. Of course she didn't turn down my offer. I put my thinking cap on and said to her; " Let's go to Uncle Sam's Delta Bingo Gram!" She began to jump up and down with pure excitement. Our mission; Fort Erie, Canada!
So Gram brought her ten bingo dabbers, lucky rabbit's tail, and a pack of generic cigs (purchased at the duty free shop). I knew it was going to be a great time! We met a lot of nice people at USDB.Grandma is sitting on the right next to her new friend; Gertrude. I, was trying to hide under the table. After every number is called Gertrude would ask for a Repeat! There was security at the bingo hall. Just in case the crowd became rowdy. I did witness trouble, when Ethel was jealous that Francis won the first round.
During the game, Gertrude became rather frustrated with Ed; the bingo caller. So, she took it upon herself to call. The sun was shining through, so everyone was advised to put on their sunglasses. With Gertrude out of the mix, Gram thought her chances of winning grew. But, Gertrude tried pulling a fast one by calling out B41. I witnessed her pocket the cash and declared herself the BINGO winner.When I told my friend Gigi what I witnessed she wanted to confront her immediately. I knew it was going to cause trouble, so I slouched in my chair. Luckily, it was a bathroom break; so I was the only one who saw what went down. Gertrude agreed to split the money with Gigi so that would silence her. I later found out that Bingo is now a contact sport. One person was carried off by getting hit in the head with a blue bingo dabber.(Jff maybe that is a glimmer of hope for your Olympic Dream)
Once Gertrude pulled the first ball out, the "gang" sat down and paid close attention to her. All eyes were on poor Gertrude. I sat attentively helping Gram out with her mass quantities of bingo cards. If there was so much as a peep in the room; Jimmy, the security guard would SHHHH everyone! It was turning out to be an eventful day. Grandma only needed B11 to win the big $25.00. With both our fingers crossed, and our lucky troll in front of us; we anxiously waited for the next number.
Sitting 20 feet from us was Arthur. I caught him eyeing Gram up. But, I became creeped out when he began to talk to his bingo card. "I17, I only need I17! I didn't think that he was going to be a threat to us. Simply because, we were overdue for a B.
The next ball Gerty pulled out was N37. There was an uproar when Wayne declared BINGO. Gram threw her dabbers to the ground and said. "That's it. Let's get out of here!" Luckily, Jimmy continued to work on his paper, so he didn't need to calm the crowd down.
We were allowed back into the states, without problems, and she returned safe and sound to Luther Manor.
Well family, I could go on and on and on and on about my evening with Gram. But you see, I need to start drinking! I think I might just stick with her Crossword scratch offs!
Jnna, you magnificent one you, you have gone international once again!! And BINGO, the purest of all sports. Very well done. You might ask what I am doing signing on at 5:30 in the morning. I think that I am going thru blog withdrawal and I had to come up and see what I was missing. It was worth the trip.
Actually, the real reason I came on line is for Jimmie. Are you still out there boy?? With Jan. 27 fast approaching, and I am not sure why you are handing in papers instead of taking midterms on that day like all of our New Yorkers,but, I am going to let you in on a some teacher secrets.Teachers
long ago gave up trying to get their students to read what they should read, ie. the great authors, and have compromised by trying to get students to read ANYTHING, up to and apparently including blogsites. This is both good and bad. It is bad that you are reading blogsites instead of the great stuff that is out there, but it is good that you are reading, and this is the point that you need to make in your paper, how much you are reading.Your teacher need to have you say that he/she has been successful in their quest which is getting you to read. A+++++, if you can show how this blog has inspired you to go on to read other things. For example, all of the comments made here about Catcher... have made yougoout and read the collected works of J.D. Salinger---no I doubt that even a rookie teacher would fall for that--=taking notes Adam?, even though it wouldn't take all that long to do it. The second part of this has to do with the purpose behind the blog. As you have learned by now, it started out as e=mails exchanged among the cousins relative to Christmas. Niece Jnna had the inspiration of creating this site as a way to exchange xmas ideas, etc. but like so many things, it became something other than what it was originally intended to be. People are, by nature social creatures, and anthropologically speaking, our survival has always depended upon having a social group that we could rely upon for support. Fast forward to today. Where is the social group that you can rely on to always be there? As you will soon learn, if you have not already, friends, no matter how good they are, come and go. Family is what it is. So you were lucky to wander into a blogsite that consists of a bunch of people with no political or social agenda, a place where unlike so many others out there is not spewing out a lot of hatred and ill will, but just a place where family members are trying to make each other laugh. As you probably noticed, most of the humor is where we make fun of ourselves. My father never spent a lot of time worrying about the self-esteem of his kids, and it seems to have continued. Do we love it when someone outside of our immediate social circle comes on and gives us a compliment? We sure do, and the more the better. That is why it was so neat when the anonymous came on and wanted to set up a site for their family. That is why we love hearing from Fargofan, who as a Holtz, is extended family. Five to seven pages? Come on Jimmy, you have the makings of a novella here. Matter of fact, you will probably take the paper, when written, eventually publish it and make a ton of money off of it. But that is OK, just don't hook up with Golddigger out there. There is something in the Holtz genes that prevents us from ever using any ideas to make money. I know that I will take heat for this long-winded, space-consuming, wandering piece of prose, but write it off to old-age. Back to reality. How about them Billz huh?? Can you believe that neither of my kids told me that there was a resignation? Loved the Pop Warner and Knute Rockne comments. Really, would JoPa leave Happy Valley? He might like being referred to as "the kid" by his bosses.
First, Jenna, nice job. Very funny taking an international activity and turning into a borders war.
Secondly, Unckie C, excellent post even at 6:48 in the AM. How's that army/military commercial go? "We get more done by 7AM than most people..."
Funny that you bring Pop Warner and Knute back into the fray. If you read today's Buffalo News, Sullivan's article references 84 year old Lou Saban's desire to be back in Buffalo coaching. Why did he quit that second time as head coach? You's Marv even consider Lou? He was a great coach. He could re-asemble the Electric Company (offensive line) again.
Well Jimmy there you have it! There's your paper!! Make sure you thank Unkie C! Comeon now, that has to be good for 4+ pages!
Interesting sequence of entries from the Koch household. Jenna up and at it first, then my sister, and finally, much later, niece Jill. Were all 3 of you out last night? And in what order did we arrive home? When you are in bed by 9:30 it allows you to get up and enjoy ALL of the morning. Can't remember the exact reason why Saban left in the 70's but I do think that he took another coaching job in the pros somewhere else. Anyone out there remember? Seems he was with the Yankees in the late 70's. George bought him too, right Adam?
I'm cuckoo for coco. Geez dad, a theme! I don't think that a football is a very good present. And if it makes any of you feel better, I have to be at school at 7am tomorrow for my first day of high school. I'm so nervous. I do so hope the other children like me.
Its funny though, I attempted to talk with my father for more than 5 minutes on the phone yesterday, and he got very bored with me, yet he writes a 7 page paper to the family... I guess he's got his priorities straight.
Is Jimmy the only one rooting for Pittsburgh with me??
I thought that Auntie B forbid all rooting for Pittsburgh because of Donahoe, Mularkey and the Pitt fans? I always liked Elbie Nickel and Gene "Big Daddy" Lipscomb . I just thought that I would date myself again. Who would guess that Adam and I are both under 41 for today's Pitt game, given that they were given 14 pts. before halftime. Where is Jimmy??? I spent an hour "creating" at 6 am and all is for nought.Now there is a good word, nought. Use that one grad students in one of your papers. I didn't blow off my son in our conversation yesterday;he was preoccupied with the fact that his wife, Amy, was busy giving blood while he was comfortably situated in the car awaiting her return.
well, there goes that dang under.
Hey family -- that was some mean posting going on while I was fighting off a wicked hangover. How's that go again? beer after bourbon, you're ending up topless? Something like that, I think.
So my flight from DC to Atlanta was delayed by almost 2 hours today (hard to know why) and when I got off the plane, I had a HUGE panic-- we had landed at the old terminal, not the new one that I'm accustomed to, and I was SURE I had accidentally flown to White Plains or some such nonsense. Thank goodness it all worked out!
if i was legal to drink i would be chugging a beer back for my hometown boys heading to superbowl XL. i dont have time to write th e paper tonight i have to celebrate. UNKIE C who are you are you in this family? i will have to edit that part in the paper. if your not you are now because you did write that paper for me.
Jimmy, you've been knockin' a few back already. Congrats on claiming the AFC Championship. Zach and my brother-in-law in Butler, PA are also very happy. Zach's going through his drawers now grabbiing all his black and gold Steeler T/S's. In a couple weeks the terrible towel flies again.
Kristen, I have a funny story of me getting off a plane in the wrong Kansas City... who knew they're were two.
That's classic. I wonder if it wasn't meant though. Ruth did have a gambling problem. Did she play the over today in the Pitt/Denver game?
Sure, why not.
I was hoping for Sherman, but what do I know.
great story antie b -- I wonder if I could try that tactic on purpose sometime? "What do you mean this is paris? I was going to Buffalo!! Guess I'm going to have to stay"
Jimmy, Unkie C is my dad, and, since adam is my brother, his dad too. Antie b is his sister. does that help with the family tree?
I think if I remember correctly, there were a lot of Fargo Holtzes rooting for the Broncos today. Sorry 'bout that, guys.
Unkie C, who are you, really? I expect a theme posted to this website on that topic by wednesday morning
--And Jimmy, I am Unkie C's wife! After all of you have read that that 6:48 monolog, you can imagine what 2 weeks alone with Unkie C was like! The man just goes on and on and on.....
Oh, and Jenna, I think you've been posting on Buffalo too. They're irate over there, claiming they'll never root for the bills again.
since they are going to announce the hiring of little dicky they must not want to win.
#1d in lawi okay so two additions to my paper. if you want to be mentioned in my paper i must have all your names correct by the 26th by midnight. thats when i plan on starting it.
Good Luck Adam!!! That's it for now. We can't wait to hear about your first day!
bell just rang and now i am in english class working on my paper. actually i am reading about my pitt steelers and our awsome win last night.
Poor Jill--run into the ground and then on deck to give blood within 24 hours. It is good that there is still one family member athletically involved. It would be grim if there were only Jff and floor hockey. Loved the Dick Jauron coaching resume in today's paper--won,lost wise. I find myself yearning for a Wade Phillips sighting. By the way, I need to know what weeks are definitely out for Holtzapalooza. I plan on contacting the good folks at Erie County Parks to secure Richardson's cottage for the fest. It is a full cabin with all facilities, apart from the rest of the park, with room for rides and attractions. I would not ever again plan an activity at Emery Park without an indoor facility. I am sure that there are those out there who remember the wedding shower held at one of the shelters. My fondest recollection is making runs to Valu to pick up more blue tarps to use as wind breaks. I think that I wound up with about 15 different ones that collectively did very little to discourage the rain travelling parallel to the ground. And a big thank you to my wife for the shot taken at me. And all this time I thought that, like all wives, she loved hearing about my observations on different topics.
Jimmy~ I am #1 d-in-l, which stands for #1 daughter in law. I chose this name because I AM #1 and also the only daughter in law at the present time. There once was 2 others-both married to Unkie C's brother (at different times) but we managed to drive them off. Gotta be tough to stay in this family. I am also Auntie P to Jff, Jnna, and Jill. I am the mother of Kristen(KDH) and Adam. I will tell you this once and once only~Unkie C is my husband but it's not something I usually talk about. Whew!! If you understand this you deserve an A. I commend you for thinking outside the box and choosing a lowly blog site like ours. Anyone could pick a celebrity's blog.You should get extra credit for that! P.S.(Can't believe I'm talking to a stranger-I was warned about this very thing.)
Unkie C, that all sounds great!! Well the weekend of July 8th, I have to wash my hair. Please secure room for a bounce house and all our party needs. I will again contact the agents for the Dixie Chickletts and Shania Twin. Jimmy, do you know any famous people?
So much to do! So little time!
Jimmy--one final clarification. I am unkie to Jff,Jnna and Jill, uncle in law to Sandra, great uncle to Zack and Emmma, brother to Auntie B and father of kdh and adam. Make sure that you include in your theme that because of all of the extra reading you have done, that you are going to ask for a football for next Christmas because a football is a really good gift.
Albany Blog watcher checking in.
True to my words I went to the buffalo news web page, you only do have one paper correct
And I see the Harvard Man took the Yale Man and he is a redsox fan. Now loyal bills fans who are Yankee fans how will this go over. I seem to recall that there is a definate rift in this family we have a mudhen fan, a couple of yankee fans and a couple of redsox fans. good luck family this could get ugly
#1dinlaw you shouldnt have any fear. i am just a high school student who was given a task by my english teacher to write a paper about a blog. i did a search for christmas because i was going to write about christmas traditions. well that was a idea from my stepmom. so i found yuo guys and read about you. i gave my teacher the website and she approved. like i promised to your daughter kristen i will have a copy of the paper in someones mailbox by the 27th.
Unkie C, don't forget about Austin in that mix! But, we don't want to confuse the young boy.
Jimmy, focus on the purpose of the blog. That should be good for a few pages.
I kind of miss not hearing from Cousin Adam during the day! Has anyone been given a school update?
You HAD to bring up the shower, didn't you dad? Was that anyone's FIRST sign? Or perhaps the day of the wedding where the weather went the other day, and we broke heat records all over western new york? Who needs an air conditioned facility??? After all, its Buffalo! God was obviously against me.
I miss adm too during the day. I'm sending good teaching vibes Quincy-way!
So Jnna, you're already up to 45 posts. Who blogs next? UC and AP on the florida trip? Adm on the first day of teaching? Jimmy on his paper?
ps mom -- its only bad to give your name out online if they ask you take your top off. Word to the wise.
Ooops! Sorry Austin and my apologies. Yes, another great-nephew. Auntie P. and I will have a blog relative to our Fla. trip. We did have a few adventurs worth reporting.Blogmaster, what is the batting order here. We need some dates. I know that there were a lot of demanding readers out there who were getting riled up a while ago.
Unkie C your up. Whenever you are ready, feel free to post. Your welcome to post tonight. We are anxious to hear about your trip.
Once again work and my IT Dept. kept me in the lurch from the blog going on's. I get so far behind. That's it I'm retiring. Unckie C, any helpful hints?
I think Coco Crisp is a good pick up for the BoSux. He's going to be a good ball player.
I like the Bills hiring Jauron. "Mind power Swede, mind
power". And Unckie C, I don't think a football is a very good present.
See Jff that's where you and I don't agree. I strongly dislike Jauron!!!! Don't get me started on him! That's it, I am rooting for hmm another team!
I have faith in our brain trust at One Bills Drive. Bring on the 2006 season. You don't want me to sing the Bills Fight song do you?
Go Bills!
For we are here to cheer for you!
Go Bills!
We are your fans so true!
With victory in sight
We'll yell with all our might!
So Go Bills, Fight Bills, Go!
Come on let's win for Buffalo!
What tune goes with those words? I'd like to hum along!!
kdh--it was so hot in the church that Rick's (the quiet one)shirt literally stuck to the pew when he tried to stand was hilarious...he was covered with varnish...needless to say he needed to change so we ran back to our apartment and found him a polo...did you ever wonder why he was so casually dreesed at your reception?
Jimmy...jffs folks are Mr & Mrs. Fix-it...aka Shirley and Glen
Auntie P, you can sing just about anything to the tune of America's big 3 note hit "Horse With No Name".
Hello folks. Just a quick check in to say that I did survive my first day at Quincy (High) School. After 14 hours, I'm a little tuckered out, but will work on a post describing my new life as a teacher.
I remember trying to buy Jill's handheld fan off of her for $300.00. I know she was taking bids during the service. I am not sure who walked away with it.
Then at the reception, I was standing in front of the fans saying "Luke I am your father," as cousin Jeff kept bringing me drinks.
Jff~I prefer the tune from "save a horse-ride a cowboy', one of my all time favorite songs. Do you think that would work?
albany watcher checking in on my lunch break. Yes Betsy we did get snow. I am pretty sure you will get yours soon very soon. Snow I mean.
so the home town paper is split on the hiring of Jauron? I did not read much banter about this, so all you holtz bills fans must be happy with the choice?
one other thing, I saw Marv Levy on TV and I think he is dying his hair. When he went into the hall of fame his hair was completely silver, and now I am noticing it is a little darker. what is he trying to pass for 75?
I think he spilled prune juice on himself
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