Unkie and I seem to see things a bit differently these days so I will tell you how my trip went. To start the day right I would have my daily-recommended amount of orange juice sometimes with just a tinsy bit of vodka. This is how I measured my juice to make sure I was getting the daily-recommended amount of good old Vitamin C. I use this method to measure other “things” also.

Next is lunch and I hop on

The day winds down with a relaxing dinner where we greet the many new friends we have made. We took the liberty of inviting all of them and their dogs-everyone there seemed to have an adorable little fluff ball companion- to Holtzapolooza. Unkie and I

This is a picture of just one of the many beautiful sunsets we saw. I would get my suit on and

Just as a side note. From what I could gather, there is very little flocking done in Florida. I can understand this because as you grow older it’s hard to take flocking essentials with you when you travel. I decided to pursue a new hobby-at least while I was there. Shelling is oh so easy to do in Florida. Why just step out the do

Antie P, you just rock the place! Love it!!! But I was really hoping you'd share the story about the Murphy bed, the misanthrope and the hostage situation. Inquiring minds want to know!!
Auntie P, I just love when you post!!
nuh uh! I get dibs on the seashells opera length gloves, don't I, Mom???
The woman is a joy to travel with. Always seems to have the right outfit for any occasion. What we could not find an appropriate picture of was how we spent out first two days in the Orlando area. If you are familiar with the area, most of the Disney stuff runs off of the Irlo bronson hgwy, rte 192. The day we arrived some disgruntled suitor kidnapped his girlfriend and parked his car on 192, right where it crosses over I-4, a very busy piece of realestate. Before he wound up blowing his own brains out in his car, he had traffic a bit "backed up". We were staying 2 miles down the road on 192. The following morning, 2 bank robbers, having the cops show up at an inconvenient time, grabbed 4 hostages in the bank--it seems that hostage taking is a very popular passtime in central Fl., and this brought out the swat boys again, only this time it lasted about 12 hours.This is two blocks from where we are staying.Diverting traffic, we could only get to our hotel by going "cross-country" over quite a few back roads medians, etc.--thank God it was a rental--to spend the entire evening unable to get out to the hotel as a swarm of helicoptors, police and tv, hovered overhead. We were able to walk to a nearby Denny's for some dinner, but the wait staff was not real pleasant since they had been there since 6 that morning--it was now 9:30 pm, and they could not get out. Situation ended with a shoot out as the robbers attempted to make a run for it with a single hostage--lucky hostage. Swat dispatched one bank robber and the other quickly gave it up. And that was the "start" of our vacation getaway.
Ha! Florida getaway. GET AWAY. Get it??
I see you've replaced flocking with frocks! Ha!
wow, the kids are really cracking themselves up tonight!
ok, where is everyone? I'm bored at focus groups, and I'm obsessively checking the blog -- but no one else is around! is there a special "marv levy" reunion special on WNY TV or something?
So just as a sidebar, one of the radio ads that they're testing tonight talks about a young lady shoplifting a cupcake in her pants. Does anyone else find that pervy, or am I just sick??
Thank you all for my birthday shoututs. And I would like to say to all the younger people out there. Just keep on working. My retirement depends upon it.
Awesome blog Auntie P.!!! What a vacation. You guys always know where to find fun... and fun finds you. We saw your ;{ (smiling) faces on CNN and Court TV when all was going down.
I've always been meaning ask, how to balance yourself when flocking on a two wheeler?
KDH!! I am here watching beauty and the geeks on the WB. Happy Birthday Uncle Gary!!!!
Regarding the cupcake; it was a one time deal and I was rather hungry. It won't happen again.
FYI- Jff, no it was D you ville
re: Holtzapalooza -- what IS the plan for Holtzapalooza? I have time on my hands -- if we had a date, i could be lining up the necessaries!
re: cupcake. Chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting ... down my pants.
I think its pervy, but you know me ...
i had a lot of reading to catch up on. all good information for my paper. its due on friday.
cupcake? I thought it was a twinkie?
kdh: you are a one man gang in getting the comment count up. Auntie P. thanks you. It is amazing to go back to October, reread the blogs, and see how few comments there are. We have come a long way, haven't we?
Jff~Ride side-saddle!
Maybe "cupcakes down your pants" could be a game for Holtzapolooza? Auntie B~60 cupcakes on Shirley's lawn?
I thought it was Ho Ho's!
Charlotte, NC home of the next Anchorbar!! Did anyone hear that? I heard it first on CH. 2.
my paper is done
Thanks for the shout out Betsy, Albany Blog fan here. And i am hard at work! I saw where the Sabre's were denied in there appeal as a goal was kicked in? Did'nt that cost you guys a stanley cup once upon a time? Ahh Buffalo sports, lots of hard luck stories! Enjoy your snow.
Albany, must you always bring up sports? Here in buffalo we try to forget about the Wide Right, No goal, Some pass during the Tenessee game; I know it had a name.
jimmy -- we're dying to see the paper! Albany -- let's not talk about that, shall we?
Aunt B, how about forking mom's lawn with black forks? I'll help.
kdh do you want my paper emailed to you
Jimmy, forward the paper to kdh if you have an address, or maybe Jnna, someone who would know how to get it posted. That sure leaves me and Aunt P. out. 60 black forks?? Explain
Bring it on jmmy! kholtz@danya.com. Can't wait to see. Am I allowed to post it?
see I am pervy. I see WAY too much in 60 black forks. I have to go pray the rosary now or something ...
Yep, 60 black forks. By March ground should be fairly soft and you just stick fork end into the ground. When they wake up...hehehe.... Glen and Shirl won't know what hit them. Then Glen has to go retrieve them. Ahhhhhh... good times.
Ya gotta love the Jimmy. Way to go!
you can post my paper then you all can grade it
Ok, so where do I get 60 black forks????
dancing with the stars
I still think 60 cupcakes. Think of all the fun both Mr and Mrs Fix-It would have stuffing them down pants or being the receiver of things being stuffed! OR , Jff-Could you line up 60 of your furry little friends, you know , the ones whose pictures you keep posting? They could all wait on the lawn holding up sign saying saying "Being 60 sure is nifty".
Auntie P, that's an awesome idea. I could gather all my woodland friends and have them make... like an animal pyramid in their front yard. Then have another fury fellow parachuting through the air with a sign waving behind "Happy 60th Birthday Shirley".
I still like the idea of forking their lawn though.
you people are sick
I like it!
mammals, overkill? I like all of this a lot. Talked to mom after Jnna Nightengale took her to the hospital. I wish I had her vital signs, blood pressure,etc. I remembered to use by name this time. My daughter actually called and wanted to know if I was OK, since i went on as anonymous. I foget.
Okay, I would like to say that each and everyone of you CRACKS me up!!
I say 60 firecrackers and then we can come over for fireworks.
Okay, that was stupid! I can't compare to the forking.
Since Adam started teaching, we haven't heard from him as much!!
Gosh, I really miss him.
Ok I think we need to discuss who will stay with our mother when her current room mate moves out to move in with his girlfriend when her divorce becomes final. we need a plan people
nope no teaching here, it was Jeff who showed me the way....
where is Adam?
where is Jimmy's theme paper?
where is rick, he promised us a post after christmas, it is after christmas is'nt it?
I miss Adam very much... sigh :(
Um, like, I um think it wud be cool and stuff, if like you put like 60 yankie bubble heds on her front lown. That'd be like cool and stuff, 'cause like the yankees rok! 'N stuff.
Right on Johnny! I've always loved you, because you're a perfect yankee. Go Yankees! Redsux sux!
Hello All,
glad to see that you all missed me while I've been away. I'm sorry that I've been busy with my 15 hour days. But I am going through blog withdrawl. I'm going to go make some cupcakes now.
johhnnyy damon has cooties
no he does not!
OK, this is enough. I get confused when everyone uses their own name. I generally forget to use mine when I post. I am having trouble remembering who I am most of the time.And I don't remember being there when Oliver North suggested helping the Contras
poor ronnie. he left us too soon.
and who gave up my name as a crash pad for gram? We're newlyweds, gram wouldn't get any sleep, and she'd be very cranky.
Jimmy thank you for your paper!!
Everyone can expect a new post tonight!
Aunt Patti, 70 comments! way to go! That is a cause for celebration. Have a margarita.
Was I suppose to wait for the margarita until I had 70 comments. I'll remeber that for NEXT time. I jumped the gun and started this time when I had 2 comments~lo siento mucho!
Is my name in the paper?
I am thinking of adopting the identity as "Albany River Rat Fan", tried to put that in and it was taken, how can that be. so I am still working on my identity, as I don't want to be anonymous anymore, I feel I am accepted into this fraternity now, and should have a name.
Any AHL fans out there?
Nice paper Jimmy!!! Smart move using Unkie C's quote--that was a long a** quote--how many pages did it cover?!?
Fork the lawn and tie something to the ends...let them "flap" around!
where is this dang paper? am i missing something?
Adam, you're in the paper, known as "the guy from the Boston ... or somewhere".
AHL??? Go Amerks!!! I used to go and watch Puppa and Benny Hogue play in the day. Haven't seen a game in a long time. Well at least since '92. Hmmm... interesting, I was married in '92.
Lots of things that you haven't done since '92 jff, at least at the same level of intensity. Yes, I enjoyed Jmmy's paper also. Can;t believe that you haven't seen it yet Adm. Hey Albany, try ARR for a moniker. Maybe that will work. You need a permanent ID since you are a much more steady contributor than most, even family members. We will have a special spot for you at Holtzapalooza. Any chance that Jmmy and his English teacher will be able to attend? Can ARR bring his blog-pontificating office mate? Although, with the exception of Jnna's knocking out july whatever it was, all summertime dates seem to be a go. We need off limits times people, otherwise I will go ahead and schedule and we will let the chips fall where they may.
Jmmy, I haven't seen the paper yet either. And I'm feeling left out!
I think the paper is being posted tonight by Jenna. I did fortunately have a preview of the showing. I can attest of it's A++++++++++ excellance. Rick, the quiet one, did make mention the fact that he thought Jimmy better study up on his states though. He mentioned Carolina, Boston, Washinton Fargo, and other cities all together. Brother Rick, the quiet one, took offense.
"The Jimmy" Holtz!!! It has a nice ring to it. Jimmy gets to ride the pony first at Holtzapalooza.
jmmy, you da man! Great paper. Can't wait for the posting of it tonight so we can comment in earnest. Let's vote on it family -- is jmmy an honorary holtz or what?
Just arrived home to start my weekend YEA!!! Is there any better day than Friday? Me thinks not. Jimmy, your theme paper should exclude you from writing theme papers for the rest of your natural life! It was exceptional, you made this very ordinary family seem extraoridinary! Something we have all known, and kept a secret from everyone else. so proud of everyone, we are a success because we all participate!
Family I am desperatly trying to get this blog up in due time!! The blog is being rather slow. But, I am working on it! It will be up soon!!!!
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