The adventures of my life have really slacked off after the holidays. Call it overindulgence, lack of motivation, or just plain winter doldrums, there hasn't been much excitement here in DC since I returned home on the plane ride from hell relieved only by covert sips of bourbon. So, when approached by cuz jnna with a request for a blog, I kinda panicked! Not knowing nearly enough about arcane Buffalo sports trivia (are we done with that yet, boys? Yawn.... ), I decided to poke around in my picture files to see what I could find to share with all ya'll. Here's some of my favorites:

Here I am at a recent business meeting. You'll be happy to know that I won the contract I was working on that day. The only down side is that 3 members of my IT department and 4 mid-range government employees are now newts. I'm sure they deserved it.

Here's one of my favorite pictures of my brother and new sister. Look closely -- you may never see Adam that happy again (has anyone else noticed that all his childhood memories are somewhat traumatic?) Ahh, that was back in the day when Amy had to pretend to share his interests. She was a trooper that weekend, watching all the baseball, entertaining her sister in law to be and bad obnoxious boyfriend, and going to drafty nasty bar after drafty nasty bar after drafty nasty bar after drafty nasty bar ...

Mom's new gig. Enough said. She's a natural, isn't she? Is anyone else bitter, here, or is it just me with at least 30 more years in the work force?? Moving on ...

One of the highlights of 2005 was Gram's trip to DC. I thought I had prepared for everything (clean sheets, big rental car, hip flask .. .) but the ONE thing I never saw coming was Gram's pressing need to eat pie for dinner. I can get you falafel, injera, sushi or larb -- food from 1000 different nations if you come visit me here in DC -- but I had NO idea where to get pie. I think I tried to pawn off a twinkie on her, from the 7-11 down the road. I had to fight a cabbie (NOT Floyd, of course!) for it. This is Gram and Dad at the WWII memorial. It was a beautiful night, made even more touching by the handicapped tag hanging on my rear view mirror. A giant shout out to whomever got THAT Golden Ticket for us ...
True story, I used this picture in a recent curriculum I wrote about human genetic variance. The point illustrated by this photo? There isn't much variation, if you're a Holtz. The resemblance is pretty darn scary! No adoptions in THIS family! Looking forward to Holtzapalooza, guys -- can't wait for the next big party. Who's hosting for dyngus day?
YES!! I am the first to post!! Way to go cousin K. I was rather suprised when I came home and noticed there was a new blog.
Is Aunt Patti back on the beach? Well, I don't know about anyone else; but my retirement is my stock in Lou's.
Great Job K!! Holtzapalooza, I like it!! Who is buying the keg??
Ok I have never done this before so bear with me Holtz family. You see I rec'd a computer for Christmas from my friend, and the one thing she said I had to do was go to your blog site. so after much manuevering I finally found it, and it was well worth the journey. I read every word! I balled like a baby over gramma's historical rendition of her life. and I laughed my ass off over the two girls in the falls. Your words are funny, insightful, thought provoking, you guys are a family I quess for better or worse. A family. Be thankful
cousin K, not sure who you are, great blog!
Can we buy tickets to Holtzapalooza? It will be better than OZ fest.
A new fan...
good blog, but I quess I am in the minority, I like sports trivia, esp buffalo sports trivia, maybe the guys could start that blog?
Awesome blog cousin KDH, that was great. I'd love to read your curriculum paper, (hehe... you know I can't read) while sitting down with a coffee and a piece of pie.
How about ol' Buffalo Bisons? Luke Easter, Johnny Bench, & Tony Pena.
KDH, Do you have any picures of woodchucks?
buffalo braves trivia. what no mention of Gar Heard, and Nate "tiny" archibald? Adrian Dantley, who j y bronw traded away. dead eye shooting adrian dantley from the olympic team. did you see the handwritting on the wall when he got traded away.
Great job K.; some of those photos might be a bit scarey for the first-timers here, although I love the reference to "Oz fest" from our first-timer. My thoughts were that for Holtzapalooza we could see about renting that military base near Utica that they tried for Woodstock revisited. That would make it easier for Albany to bring his cubicle neighbor to entertain us all with Blog minut(iae)?? To keep all of our readers happy, how about this one. I attended the Braves game where the "phantom foul" of JoJo White allowed the Celtics to steal the game from the Braves that cost them a trip to the Conference finals and was the beginning of Buffalo's pain with "wide right" and "no goal" to follow soon after. K, instead of turning Federal gov't employees into newts, which is not all bad as long as you work near the top of the food chain, use your powers to lift the curse from WNY. Looks like we need someone else to step up for the next entry. Jff has had 2, k 2, jnna 25, etc.
buffalo bisons trivia... my favorite all time Bison? Cesar "epil" espy. never made it to the majors, far as i can tell. great name though, great name.
Oh, we mentioned (Rookie of the Year)A. Dantley and Gar Heard, that was the last blog. Did miss (HOF) Tiny Nate though. The writing on the wall was the moving trucks outside the aud, saying "To San Diego or Bust".
What about Buffalo's disdain for Hubie Brown? "Sit Down Brown!!!" I was young but remember it like yesterday.
Thrllie thanks for letting me wear the scarf last night. I was the talk of the party.
Buffalo Bison Jeff Manto was my favorite. I also liked Rick Lancelotti, he wasn't around very long and Jose DeLeon... liked the name.
I did see Tony Pena hit a homer at "the Rockpile" to rightfield. I'm guessing that shot traveled about 234 feet. WOW!!! rightfield seemed to go forever.
That picture has gotten me thru many a dark day. Just close your eyes and repeat over and over,"I can feel the warm sun on my skin. I can hear the gently rolling surf. I need more wine." Over and over and over until you hear the snow plow roll by for the 3rd time today!
That scarf that you "lost" on Christmas Day would have looked nice with the outfit you had on in the first picture. K! Were you having a bad hair day that day or just trying out a new styling product?
Bad date the night before. These things happen.
I will report that there is much joy in DC right now; not only are the redskins in the playoffs, but they're presently winning their game. Never could get into the Redskins, though I would take free tickets to Fedex field whenever offered. THAT makes me a fair weather fan!
Autie B I'm at a loss, it couldn't have been Ernie D. and he was our point guard for half our existance.
Snow plows rollin' by three times already, sorry to hear that AP. Sandra and I are playing sequence tonight and suckin' down gin and tonics. Hopefully the snow plow's headlights won't create our shadows on our wall... Hehe... Wouldn't want phone calls from the neighbors.
KDH, no pictures of woodchucks or other woodland creatures?
WOW, I guessed I missed a "Between the Lines" on ESPN. That's it, I'm quitting my job to dedicate myself to this blog so I can research all our information. I'm missing to much.
I wouldn't worry about Rick's (the quiet one) return north.
I'm going to bring in plenty of twizzlers, I heard at the last HoltzStock there were bad red twizzlers going around. I don't want to "trip out" on bad twizzlers.
hi from vermont
Just wanted to be the first to wish our blogleader, jnna, a most happy birthday. Aunt P and I are going to be gone for a bit and will be away from all of this for some time. It is going to be tough being out of the loop, but at least we will be able to look forward to catching up on our return. We will try to have a "blogworthy" adventure and hopefully the Buffalo Braves questions will be answered by that time. Tough questions Fargo, way to go.Way to go Fargo, way to go!! July 7 is out for Holtzfest;that is sock-drawer rearranging day, but all else is fair game. Welcome aboard Vermont--anywhere near the Calvin Coolidge home? Great state but whenever any outsider tries to drive across the state, there are logging trucks waiting at the state line that you are required to follow at 25 mph in order to get maximum enjoyment of the scenery.
Aww!! Unkie C thank you for the birthday wishes. Where are you and Aunt Patti headed off to? You could always rent a laptop you know? How will we survive without you two? Jeff might be talking sports by himself now!
Okay, time to get ready for my interview. My eyes arent usually open this early, I might have to experiment with coffee to wake myself up. Everyone have a great day!!! Have a safe trip Auntie P and Unkie C.
Regarding our Holtzapalooza; I have to wash my hair on July 17th.
Jnna an interview on your birthday! That's GOT to be good luck. Happy Happy Birthday!
Just so the Holtz's know, I'm happy to run up the Danya cell phone bill by giving Mom and Dad real time updates on the blog while they're away. No worries there.
July 15th would have been my 11th anniversary, but since that's an odd number, I think we should choose another day.
Are we getting t-shirts made? Love the dunk tank idea Fargo!
great trivia questions! I will need to look them up and ans, maybe break time hehe
will the holtzapalooza t shirts be available on line?
please make sure you have some extra larges.
good luck birthday girl on your job interview. love this blog site, I feel like I know all of you. maybe I do?
Thank you for the birthday wishes. However, tomorrow is in fact the big day. The big 24! Yikes!
Fargo, wonderful idea about the dunk tank. Gram in a 2 piece should draw attention from urban folks.
Where did Unkie C and Aunt P go? Did they take a trip down to the river? Who is going to step up to the plate and post like Unkie C did. Okay, I was not prepared for this!!
I believe Unckie C and AP went south, so Unckie can keep his golf streak alive.
I'll try to answer those Braves questions with out looking them up: Here I go;
1. I'm guessing 2.7 mil. (considering the Bills entered the AFL for something like $50,000)
2. Braves first victory was over the Cleveland Cavaliers (who were also an expansion team)
3. They made the playoffs in 74-75 (that's all that matters)
How'd I do?
Welcome Vermont (God's country), I used to party just outside the town of Barton, at Clear Lake. My friends parents used to own land there and we slept on the island.
KDH, would you read me the blog when I'm ready for bed? You have such a soothing voice.
Hotzapalooza merchandise on-line??? Hmmmmm???
Happy Birthday Jnna!!! Have you talked to Aerosmith's people yet? Rip Taylor says he's in; and he can get Teller (of Penn and Teller).
Well, I really hope that everyone wishes me happy birthday again tomorrow. My interview went well; all he talked to me about was binge drinking; Hmmm interesting.
I then decided to spend time with Gram. She had 12 books that had to be returned to the library, a check that had to be cashed, and she said she was in desperate need of groceries. Okay, she only need 1 loaf of beefsteak bread, 2 lottery tickets, and corn flakes.
We should have had Holtzapalooza down south with Unkie C and Aunt P. I don't mean to panic, but we haven't heard from Adm in a few days; Is he okay???
have no fear, I'm ok... the wife has me running errands. I spent an hour in line for 2 cent stamps today, and it took me a while to recover... a job interview that revolves around binge drinking discussions... that's either a very good, or very bad thing...
Hi Adm, good to hear you got those .02 cent stamps. Can I borrow six?
We really have to think about these t-shirts. Maybe it could be like a Lithuanian olympic basketball team and the Grateful Dead kind of thing. Hmmm... as I slowly rub my stubbly chin and thoughtfully nod.
Phew!! I was starting to get worried about you Cousin Adam. Would it be possible to send me a few 2 centers? I have been actively searching for them.
Is it me or does anyone else notice that Fargo has gotten a lot bolder in 06?
Okay, Fargo you can come to the party! You can bring bean dip.
Sheesh, with a handle like "golddigger" that's GOT to be a reputable business endeavor! Maybe s/he can help us find a way to finance the dunk tank!
Jnna, do not email golddigger. Even if it is your birthday.
Adam, I need some of those 2centers too. Help a sister out, wontcha?
K, Ooops!! To late. I e-mailed him and we have a date scheduled for August 18th, 2019.
Adm, I will give you .3 cents for your 2 centers. See you would even make a profit. Maybe thats how "golddigger" is making quick cash.
Did anyone notice the hit counter on the bottom of the page? So in order to catch up, Since October 18th, estimate how many times you have viewed the page and just hit refresh. Gosh, I wish Unkie C was here to complete this task for the family!!!!
searching through websites and found yours. i was happy i found a website that wasnt in a foreign language. and its sports related. will check often.
Just curious, what wil the time frame be for new blogs? Before christmas you were pretty religious in keeping up the posts, now I sense a little bit of slacking, you know it is all about new and fresh ideas
Albany checking in. what is the name of the blog that you can post your inner most secrets? sounds fun and interesting reading
still waiting for the date of holtzapalooza maybe you can coincide with a bills preseason game, because there is no post season for you bills fans . HAHA
17 damn visits to this blog?!!!??!?! That's an outrage! we all need to boost up them numbers big time... I, personally, will do my part. who's with me? and, antie b...can you give the address for that secret website? I'd like to offer my cousin Jff's small rodent proclivities to a wider audience.
hey albany... nice to see that your team, the "conquest" is at the top of the arena league 2 standings. of course the season hasn't started yet, and they benefit from alphabetical positioning. They still televise those games on the local access channel?
Jnna -- Happy Birthday!
Auntie b -- no WAY on the hair secret!
Adam -- be nice!
its going to be 65 here in DC today. I'm very excited.
KDH! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
To silence all the critics, a new post should be up this week. Keep your fingers crossed.
no new blog boooo
what is the deal?
what is holding up the production?
who is asleep at the switch?
who is the slacker?
who is the weakest link?
who is the chink in the chain?
who is holding up the one car funeral?
who is not screwing the light bulb in?
today my high school english teacher gave us a project to write 5-7 pages about a website or a blog page. i decided to choose your website. can you provide me with more information. how this got started? why it was started? etc. i need 5 pages about it. thanks for your help
Jimmy, welcome to the board, my man.
this website helped me write a 15 page paper about women in the middle east, i'm sure we can help you write 5. as my cousin Jff, told me, and it helped tremendously, WRITE BIGGER! and you have to post your paper when its done, of course.
But seriously, long story short, this blog began as a way for all of us holtz's to get in our xmas wishes to our rich grandmother, who would then buy us all our desires. Quickly though, it developed into a way to keep in touch, and to entertain random viewers across the coutry with out wit and wisdom.
Now, will there be any prize money in this paper you're writing?
a prize a prize a major prize!
That's funny. I heard Jff spent all day poundin' out the chicken too! I'll go back to my cave now.
and happy bday Jnna. I'll expect pictures and a blog before midnite
Note to self... stop using the word "unthaw" when talking to Sandra.
"Pounding out the chicken"???
I "google the clown".
Sorry Fargo that you had to read that. My apologies.
Hey Jimmy, what do you do?
i think he learns, Jff. That's what students usually do, eh?
Uh, what was the question?
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