Well as we welcome in a new year; our family has many reasons to celebrate. This is the year of the "ZEROs" for our Holtz family. We have birthday celebrations, wedding annivarsaries, and golf records (similar to Lou Gehrig and Cal Ripkin's consecutive game appearances). Oh Tiger Woods would be so proud.
Our family website was created to countdown Christmas together and reflect on ones we shared. I only hope that Grandpa can see this somehow. It started as an e-mail and grew to a website that attracts fans near and far. Now our website; reflects how our family is doing before and after the Big Day. As the year comes and goes; we will still be counting down the days until our next Christmas together.
So here it is 2006!! Please keep my family and their families family healthy and safe this new year. The following information was obtained by Grandma's 50 page Mead Notebook:

Jill receiving her bachelor of science in criminology and criminal justice. Graduated Cum Laude from Niagara University. She is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Criminal Justice Administration; then following where the road takes her.
Other 2005 Holtz family memories; just pretend there is a picture:
1. Aunt Sue and Uncle Gary celebrated their 40th wedding annivarsary in Walt Disney World with the entire family.
2. Grandma's trip to Gettysburgh with Uncle Chuck, Aunt Patti, and Kristen to view Grandpa's brick, a forever lasting memory of his war days. Which now stands in the Gettysburgh circle.
3. Jeff and Sandra celebrated their 13th wedding annivarsary in 2005. (I still remember Jill and I wearing our green dresses). Ah! Good Times
4. Grandma's free lunch ticket obtained from Squires; not the one in Boston.
5. Everyday that we spend together as a family, creating more pictures and more memories.
Cousin Adam will be graduating with his master's degree in 2006. (If not, Grandma thinks you are)
Although these important moments do not end in zero; Grandma's great-grand children are one of the greatest joys in her life.
Austin will be turning 11 and going into 6th grade.
Zachary will be turning 9 years old and going into the 4th grade.
Emma will be turning 6 in 2006 and going into 1st grade!
So family, you see we may be miles apart; but we all share our families celebrations. May we all have a healthy and safe new year.
Hello from Michigan- I find this website funny and sentimental. But what is the purpose of it? I guess I just dont understand it. It must be the water in Michigan. Anyway chao
If you've been surfing the web for the past year or five, you’ve undoubtedly heard of “blogs” or weblogs. These personal Internet journals have taken the Internet by storm. Frequently updated and written in a personal tone, a blog is a diary or journal where the writer or “blogger” will write her observations on the world or provide links to useful websites. Different bloggers write about different themes, sort of like a newspaper columnist but with no specialized training necessary.
The first blog is said also to have been the first website in 1992. Blogs didn’t really start to take off until the late nineties, however, and they gained in popularity after 2000. Early blogs were mostly lists of recommended links with some commentary. Since then, they’ve evolved to something different. Now anyone who fancies himself a writer, and even some people who don’t, has a blog on the Internet. Thanks to easy-to-use programs and websites, the most technically challenged person can get a blog online. This isn’t a bad thing, as there’s something out there for everyone.
For some, blogs are strictly vanity projects as they ramble on about their daily observations to family and friends. For others, blogs take on a deeper meaning. Blogs can be used to make political statements, promote products, provide research information, and give tutorials. If there’s a subject that interests you, there’s a good chance someone’s writing a blog about it.
Everyone’s jumping on the blogging bandwagon. Blogs written by politicians, musicians, novelists, sports figures, newscasters and other notable figures have been spotted. Because of this, blogs have also been the center of controversy. Since one can write about anything in a blog, complaints about others are commonplace. In many blogs, names are named. There have also been issues with employees writing about their place of employment in blogs and getting fired. Though you can write what you want in a blog, you’re not exempt from the repercussions. Anyone who makes a controversial statement had best be well prepared to back it up.
Blogs have become so mainstream that the word “blog” was Merriam-Webster’s word of the year in 2004. It has even become a category on the hit television game show, Jeopardy. Families now use blogs to keep in touch and teachers assign blogs as writing assignments. “Newsweek” magazine even recommends a few notable blogs each week to its readers.
It appears that blogging is here to stay. If you’ve considered a blog, you’ll be happy to learn that many services make creating your own blog as easy as typing and clicking. Why not start your own blog?
Great job with the pics Jenna. Hoping that 2006 will be everything that we would like it to be and more. For our Michigan friend, the purpose of this is to do what our family has always done when we are together: to try to get others to laugh. Reader's Digest suggested that it=laughter, is the best medicine, and we have always tried to over-medicate ourselves. No big time political commentary, although our politics are rather diverse, an occasional outburst of sentimentality, but that will be quickly put to rest with nonsense, but most importantly is an ongoing "chattiness" as we all try to get the others going in some way. This blog has been great because it prevented the kind of drift that is so prevalent in families today where schedules make it difficult to get together and when families do get together, usually at weddings and funerals, there is little to talk about because no one really knows anything about what is going on in each others' lives. Thanks to jnna and her efforts, that won't happen, and for that I, personally, am grateful, and I know that even more so dad would be as he watches all of this and laughs. It's not the water Michigan, since what you get out of your lake we eventually get out of Erie too. Hope that all of you young people are back to work and to school. Us retired folks just hang out around the water cooler/computer being non=productive.
Alright, people -- I'm going to TRY not to take it PERSONALLY that I was no where to be found on that list of Holtz family shout outs. I mean, come on -- I had mentioned that its my 10 year anniversary of my husband being gay .. its also the 20 year anniversary of me starting High School, and the 30 year anniversary of me finding out about the joys of the French Canadian version of Sesame Street! Don't those count for anything????
And just as a side bar, what's with anonymous' dissertation on the history of blogs? Come on man -- bullet points!
Cousin K, My deepest apologies for your feeling left out. You see, all this information was obtained from Grandma's Dollar Tree notebook. But, when I informed her of your upcoming celebrations; she ordered me to pick up two little people farmer's from Toys R Us, glue, and glitter. Your construction paper card should reach your hands in 2-3 weeks. She said one farmer would come out of the closet. I wasn't paying any attention to her.
Well speaking of Gram, she has been in the lobby since 7 am and SCPS (Senior Citizens Protective Services) has already called three times for me.
Thank god, those pesky holidays are over and I am back at my desk and I now can check my favorite blog site! I have been absent since 12/23, so I had a lot of reading to do. too funny, you really are all terribly witty. And to Michigan, this is not rocket science, it is a family catching up, remembering a deceased family member. A dad, I think. And their last name is Holtz. not rocket science. The long winded comment about the history of blogs, I think was written by the guy in the next desk, he wears a ballero tie, and bad aftershave. really bad. And i think he reads my favorites list when I am away from my desk I also think this family is from NY. Lots of bills pictures. not sure where in NY though? keep up the thought provoking comments, the laughter, and the sentimentality. It personally brightens my drab dreary day. I have not spoken to some of what is left of my family in forever. kind of sad
A fan forever
albany, ny
great photographs! This blog is always a lot of fun to look at!
Happy New Year Holtz Family immediate and extended
Welcome to Michigan and Albany -- but where are our friends from Fargo? Maybe they're still opening presents?
Happy New Year family, I am back in the fold. GREEEEEAT Pictures, as Tony the Tiger would say!
HEH HEH how about them Bills? What is there next move? Is anyone in the family a Bills know it all? Ya think they bring in Jim Kelly to coach? They gotta do something, they are just horrible.
Be kind now, only Bills fans can bust on their own team... (yeah, they're pretty bad). But help is around the corner. I predict Hall of Fame coach Marv Levy (wearing an 'S' on his chest) comes back and saves the franchise. And I also heard Daryl Lamonica and Jack Kemp are not too busy.
Congrats #1 DinL, on your decision. Sweet. Let's see, my mom lasted one year with Glen before she returned to the work force. What's the over/under on you getting a job again. Calling Las Vegas Holtzes, What's the over/under?
Adm, do we need to celebrate your Master's in anyway? Can I just crack open a Sam's lager from my Lazyboy?
Ooops... my bad Michigan anonymous. Welcome. There really is nothing to get here. We don't even get it. And I've tried to get it. Every night... I try. So help me Lord, I try.
And a shout out to my favorite college team the Wolverines. How could we lose to Nebraska? Are you kidding me?
Rick's playing The Dixie Midnight Runners "Come On Eileen", on his radio station. Can he do that?
Adm, isn't that song banned in Boston?
Man, we have folks coming out of the woodwork on this. Great. Just finished dinner out with Auntie P. on her first official day of retirement. I am exhausted.Liked it better when she was off to work and I was left to my own devices. Maybe Mr. Fixit and I will team up in a new endeavor. With all of his skills and my lack of same, I am not sure what we would excel at, but there must be something out there to get us both out of the house. I can't believe that I missed out on the 700 lb. man.
Thanks for all the congrats on my retirement. It means I will have more time for flocking and trips to the river! In an effort to save time perhaps I could combine the two somehow!
Ya know Unkie C...Mr. Fix it did quite a bit of babysitting...oh...yeah...that would take a grandchild--ok Adam, get going!
The Bills...I think Unkie G should take over-he rocks! Unkie C could be the waterboy-that would give him something to do now that he is retired!
Sndra, thanks for putting all the pressure firmly on Adam for the grandkid. Just like the grinch's heart, my womb shriveled another three sizes today. ;)
As I sidebar, though, I agree that we should kick out the plagarizing anonymous blog historian. What's up with all THAT? Doesn't s/he know that we have VERY important things that must be discussed on this here blog?
I couldn't get past the second paragraph. Is it done yet?
Kdh-didn't want to loose my "she's perfect" standing with Glen & Shirley with an "out of wedlock" grandchild comment--I was completely thinking of myself-sorry!
I hope that "dictionary" entry was a cut & paste--who would sit and type all that junk?
Hi Auntie B-I see we are both working soooo hard!
One of the great "joys"? of retirement is access to sports radio all day long. Yesterday's topic was "in what capacity will Marv Levy be coming back to the Bills?" I don't want to use the term grasping for straws, but I am afraid that we have fallen on desperate times here in WNY. If the franchise were to be entrusted into the hands of an 80 year old, does that mean that he would promise to bring Jim Kelley back from retirement to quarterback too? It has only been 7 years since he was knocked woozy by Jax. And, to set the record straight for our contributors around the country, my sister is a victim of S. A. D. I can attest that the sun was out yesterday morning, at least here, for approximately 5 minutes, at least I think that it was the sun.
P. S. Welcome back Fargo. Any big new year's celebrations in your neck of the woods? Remember, only 355 days until next Christmas. I am already working on next year's gift exchange.
I'm sure anonymous just forgot to cite his work, so I'll do it for him... don't want any of the professors on this board to flunk him out.
k, don't worry, you can have the first grand kid, I'm in no rush. and no stigma attached from this end. and jff, i will be graduating with my master's this year, and I'm expecting a repeat of last summer's family excursion to new england. you're in charge of getting grandma up here. May 20th. and i'm surprised, that michigan is your favorite college team... did you grace that school with your presence for a semester?
My job was never boring but being in bed with Unkie sometimes is!
Twooo for McAdoo!!! The Buffalo Braves, oh those were the days. Things were fine when they were grabbing players from Buffalo State (Randy Smith), but as soon as they drafted MMike Macaluso from Canisius that's when the team went down hill.
No Adm, the University of Michigan passed on my services & contributions to a commuunity, and my C grades. I had to save my Introduction to Racquetball class for Arizona State... alas, all is well.
Well Donahoe is out and Mularky remains. Looks like another lossing season next year. You heard it first on our website. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; beer prices will not go up.
What about beer prices for Canadians? You never know what will happen with the exchange rate. Ah yes, the long lamented Buffalo Braves. What about Ernie D and Marvin, the Eraser, Webster, the prides of Providence College. Any Rhode Island Holtzes out there? We will leave out John Hummer and Princeton.
Correction! It was Marvin, the Eraser, BARNES-not Webster, Unkie!!
Are we going to have to separate you two???
Better be careful Bets because I seem to remember a responsibility that you had last year to purchase yankee preseason tickets in Tampa that didn't get done. Although, as I read on their website, all of their preseason game tickets last year were sold within 12 hours of going on sale. I don't think that you will have quite the same pressures for San Antonio. Just a word of caution. Be prepared for when Mom decides that she wants pie for dinner at 7 p.m. and I don't think that she likes pecan pie which is probably all that is available in Texas. You will need the flask then. Plus, after last nite, the entire state of Texas will be more insufferable than usual. Just don't tell anyone down there that you are a USC/Pete Carrol fan. How many of you remembered that once upon a time he was on the Bills staff? So was Gregg Williams and they love him in DC. Does that mean that there is hope for Mike M?? Prepare for Day 13 of "no sun". We made the weather channel again. Another record. Sorry, but another clarification before I get called down by the sports fans. The Buffalo Brave I was thinking of was Marvin "Bad News" Barnes, the bad boy from Providence College--seems that he got kicked out of school for some" misunderstanding" before he came to Buffalo. There was also, I believe,a Marvin "The Human Eraser" Webster, who was in the NBA but never in Buffalo. Looked kinda like gumby as I recall. Way to go Fargo. Dress down those Michiganders.
Hey buffalo bloggers, I remember the buffalo braves! I believe Karl Malone was a brave for a day!
sorry you get stuck with malarkey for another season, was sure they would bring back haslett.
what happens to that team when wilson dies? snuck out of town like the braves were? then you guys would have nothin.
albany fan returning.. Yes betsy I am a state employee, that was a funny line. and I am serious the guy next to me wrote the history of the blog. It was not a cut and paste, I believe he has that in his head.
KDH ? 10 yr anniversary of your husband being gay? jerry springer show, not a blog. funny
still no sun in buffalo saw that on the news, but there is no sun in albany either. nys is very gray.
Just had a great talk with Wayne Campbell (from Wayne's World) yesterday. He is willing to come out of retirement long enough to put on the "Holtz-Fest 2006". He figures that Unkie C could donate his backyard for the festivities since he is the only one in the family that can have "legal" bonfires.
He's pretty sure that Aerosmith is free that weekend and would be more then happy to "rock out" in East Aurora.
He figures that we should be set with concessions-right Auntie B & Unkie G? You do have that magic touch!
I'm sure the wiring for the R-V hookups shouldn't be that bad, I mean, how many are we talkin'-unless of course the Fargo group joins us (not Michigan...they don't get it).
Maybe Rick could fly in and Emcee the occasion-I'm sure that #1d in L could pick him up now that she has time on her hands--if not maybe Mr. Fix-it could fit it into his schedule--although I'm not so sure if Rick and Glen should be alone in a car that long.
We could maybe put up a few fliers at Bob's Pump & Pull -afterall, we do want the right crowd...and maybe a few single STRAIGHT men.
MOSES MALONE... NOT Karl, sheesh.
Countdown to HoltzFfest 2006 !!!
There's our new blog title. I love the AeroSmith idea Wayne. And for the older generation, Wayne has ins with Rip Taylor.
The Buffalo Braves... Sven Nater, John Shumate, Jim McMillan, Adrian Dantley, Billy Knight, Gar Heard, Don Adams (more famous for "Get Smart")
Ugh... First round draft pick John Hummer. He was the worst. What about Dr. Jack Ramsey? I think I need a moment to myself.
Gotta love Fargo rippin' on Michigan.
Please Michigan don't leave us. You'll get us soon.
I'll come if we can get a moonbounce for the backyard, mom and dad. That would be SO cool!
Just as an aside, I understand sports more than the next girl, but I have no idea who all these people you're talking about are. Wowza! The depth of the Holtz "thin and wide" knowledge font never ceases to amaze me!
re: jerry springer: if the Albany fan only knew the adventures I've had ...
Jff & I have at least two tents!!!
HoltzFest 2006!!!
Awesome, can I man the grill? Would I be overstepping boundaries to work another man's grill?
We need patio lanterns.
The "fest" has possibilities, but only if cousin Eddie and his Tennessee Crotch Hound are able to make the trip. One the downside, we don't have sewers, so it will be difficult to empty his camper as needed. Bets and an Albany public servant==kindred spirits. And Braves fans from years gone past. Lovin' it. I was told by aunt p to cut the "sports crap" cuz it was too boring. What about our old M.I.S.L. franchise?
I had a great idea for my father-aka Hot Rod, aka Pops. As you may or may not know, he "lost" his job with Enterprise and is looking for new employment. I am going to encourage him to apply for a special teams coach position with the Bills! At 83 he'd be the "tweener" with Marv and Ralph.
Which team Unckie C, the Buffalo Stallions or the Buffalo Blizzard. Jim May was awesome between the pipes or in the cave. What did he defend?
And what about home products (Ken East) Bobby and Michael DiNunzio?
Tailgating before Holtzapalooza, this is turning into a schindig. We should start selling raffle tickets. Jnna, that's your specialty. We may even tip you.
Where's Thllie in all this? Can she sing with Steven Tyler or sprinkle confetti with Rip Taylor?
Hot Rod "lost" his job? He should retrace his steps, that's what I always do.
Ohhh...Yeah...Micheal DiNunzio....very nice guy and quite a looker if I remember right!!
Why the Stallions of course. Unfortunately "Hot Rod" had a small fender bender while transporting one of the Enterprise vehicles entrusted to him and they used this incident against him. Is it ageism to can an 84 year old? Sounds as if Sndra wants to broaden the guest list to our event.What is it with Kenmore soccer players? Is there any way that we could turn this family party into some "Live-aid" type of event and make a few bucks? I will e-mail Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins and get them on this. There must be a cause here somewhere, other than cause we are all a bit crazy and have way too much time on our hands, most of it "work time".
what is this holtzapalooza? sounds like a german sausage fest in october haha
when is a new blog coming I have caught up. and am anxiously awainting something new to chew on.
A new blog? I believe it's Adm's turn. Maybe he has another job interview story or alas, another mid eastern socialogy paper about female dogs raised in a male dominant society. Discuss.
I loved the Stallions. That was a fun team. Germain Iglesias (Rookie of the Year I believe) and Scott Mannning.
There will be a new blog relatively soon. I have some "BIG" news to report to my family. Please be patient as I am anxiously awaiting to find out if its a boy or a girl.
Now that I have all your attention. Just joking.
New blog soon!!!
speaking of chewing on things... a few for y'all from this neck of the woods. irony of ironies, but there was a huge article in the boston globe today about Marvin Barnes!! apparently his drug troubles are finally behind him... The buffalo stallions, god i miss those guys. I remember hangin out at the apartment compex in tonawanda harassing them with my cousin david... good times, good times. Buffalo Sabres- Tom Barasso. he was a jerk. I asked him to submit a recipe for a 2nd grade cook book and the guy never responded. I still hold a scar deep in my heart. and finally, the buffalo bills have been renamed the shady acre bills by the boston sports guys, what with their pension for hiring 80+ year old execs. sorry to hit you all with this at once, but the antibiotics are finally working, but may be causing some dementia.
Bare-asso was a jerk (when he was younger) and a drinking fool.
Ahhh yes, NT Sports-Plex and the Buffalo Stallions. I forgot. How about Sabreland on Niagara Falls Blvd.? I got a puck from Rick Martin once. Still have it.
Jnna, cats out of the bag or blog. Conngrats!!! That's awesome. Anything I can do to help let me know.
Cousin Jeff, I have no clue what you are talking about. Well, since everyone knows; I have a rather important job interview on Monday for Rich Products. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
New BLOG soon
Tell Bob Rich that potato chips are your ife and your life needs dip.
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