I have to begin by saying that Auntie P. and I did not both see our trip to Florida the same way. As a matter of fact, we had a bit of a disagreement over our recollections, so you need to know that what is below is what I remember. She plans on filing her recollections tomorrow.
The idea of escaping WNY in January is one that we all have. Off to the sunshine, especially after so many consecutive sunless days, was oh so attractive. We went online to find a condo to rent to give us our week in central Florida. It promised everything that we were looking for, in a most desirable location.
One of the purposes of this trip was to allow me to keep my golf streak alive, and I

Once we arrived, there were any number of great golfing options available. I did find that each course had its own set of local rules and requirements that were a

We did get a chance to meet a lot of nice folks. The young lady was staying in our complex and she introduced us to her great uncle who was there from Germany on a visit. Color us surprised when we discovered that his name was

We did get a chance to visit
Universal Studios in Orlando, and I must say that all of the vicious stereotyping about “old people” is totally unjustified. Everyone we saw was very nice and had totally embraced the Florida lifestyle.

We did

All in all, it was a fun trip. I think that Florida is very nice and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

p.s. After seeing this Auntie P and I agree with Zach---NO CLOWNS!!!!!!
submitted by Unkie
UNKIE C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marvelous job!! Splendid!!! I was just curious if we could hire the girl scout and her friend to our Hotlzapalooza?
Forget the girl scout -- I love the old lady in the hot pants!
Nicely done dad -- love it. Makes me proud to be a Holtz ...
But then again, ALL the blogs make me proud to be a Holtz!
What do you think -- should we try for a bloggie?
I see a bloggie in our future. Who would make the acceptance speech on our collective behalfs? Would have to be Jnna, our leader. I have to admit that I fell victim to the siren call of Thin Mints as presented by the salesperson. Could not resist the sales pitch, particularly after she took her teeth out.
I don't know, but the picture of the lady in the short shorts was making me look forward to old age. Sex-Y!
I hope I look like that lady when I get older!!! Unkie C, everytime I read your blog, I notice something new. For instance; is the hamburgler stuck in the cart?
That was awesome!!! What a vacation.
I agree with Kristen, we have to win a bloggie for that one. How could Auntie P. see your vacation differently? You have proof with those photos. It must be wine memory.
I can't stand solicitors when I'm on vacation. You were nice to buy the mints.
after rereading... oh yeah, proud to be a Holtz.
You would be surprised at how Auntie P. remembers the same incidents. I am concerned for her memory, although she did indulge in cocktail or two over the vacation.
And I'm sure that dad remained as sober as a baptist at a revival, right dad?
We heard about everything but the golf score...well...
Horse with No Name only has three notes Jff...what is that all about?
We are planning a spring trip to Florida--can someone get me those shorts!!
Kristen bought me a round of golf for xmas at Mangrove Bay in St. Petersburg, one of the top 50 public courses in Fla. Called and was told that as a single I had best arrive early to get hooked up with a group to play. Arrived at 6:15 am. Sunrise is 7:20. It is pitch black. There are at least 50 people already there waiting for the clubhouse to open. I checked in and went on the list. At 8 am I finally got to tee off, paired in a cart with a guy who was 89. He had, I found out, "shot his age "the previous Monday and proceeded to beat my pants off. The only good news was that we were not playing for money and he did not, at any time, unlike some others, hit my ball claiming it as his own. I did get somewhat nervous over the many "no hunt" areas on the course identified as rattlesnake areas. got my attention
Sandra~ sorry, I already bought the shorts. The lady was willing to take them off right then and there for $5.00. We could share if you promise not to sell them to some else when it's your turn to wear them. Auntie B~ they might look nice with the fishnets---
Hey, it's not everyday I crush a drive 340 yards... or so I thought.
Auntie B~ I learned a line dance to'Ride aHorse-Save a Cowboy'! You should come to line dancing classes with Linda and me.
She scooped me! I should have guessed that she'd spill my beans! And I had the best blog planned to announce it to the group. Antie b can you pretend you don't know for a little while longer so I can still do that??
re: proposals -- no, not so much, but of course EVERY woman measures success by # of proposals. Personally I get a goodly number -- mostly from cab drivers and bookies.
Kdh did you go to a speed dating night???
just dropping by, this is a very funny web page. your ideas are new and clever. did not look at everything, just a few pages but I will come back and check this out when I have more time
Antie B, you crack me up! No worries at all -- I'm compiling my pictures of Scarlett O'Hara and Daisy Duke for my blog now. But there's a queue in front of me -- antie p's alternative versions of the vacation story AND bro Adam's first day of school ...
In other news, I'm in Detroit motor city today (who schedules a meeting in Detroit in January?!?) and it's bloody cold. But I hear that its snowing in WNY, so it could be worse ...
Good Afternoon Family! So Kristen is in Detroit (Are you staying for the Superbowl?) Adam is teaching the Jr. High kids, Jill is working hard for softball, I am not sure what Jeff is up to. Grandma just likes the update you know.
So today, I had an interview for a head softball coaching job at a D3 university. The athletic director called it a "quick fix". Hmmm, I wonder if that's what Levy told "Little Dicky" (as Jimmy would put it)
albany ny blog watcher here..
mmmm there are golfers in this family, now we are talking! I golf at Capitol Hills, it is a nice course. We have a lot of nice courses up here. You should come up here and try some of them out.
Thanks for the golf invite. We Holtz's will golf anywhere to keep a streak alive.
Thank you so much KDH for the gift! I appreciate it so much!
The exagerations of my whereabouts have been greatly... oh never mind. I'm at work and my IT Dept. blocks me from afternoon bloggin'. Well if it's a choice between 9 weeks vacation and getting my family blog fix, I have to choose the time off. As you can see I'm home early enough to contribute.
Jnna congrats on the "quick fix" proposal. D3 school hmmmm... Is it Daemon (sp?)?
KDH in Detroit? What the 'h' is going on? What happened to Atlanta? Was that a direct flight? Staying for the SuperBowl?
Where's Flick?
Adm, did anyone bring you an apple yet?
Just an FYI:
Yesterday there were four squirrels in my front yard with union signs. They were picketting all small woodland creatures from my backyard because I shop at Budwey's. Can you believe the nerve?
I am hooked on teen melodramas starring actors who are in their mid to late twenties.
Whew... that was a load.
You know what's fun? When you click OTHER and use Adam's name to put down your intermost feelings.
you boys make me laugh so hard, for so long so very often
now that is fun!!!
Are you male, female or unsure??
Just so everyone knows, Auntie P and i spent a half hour trying to get her blog posted but there was a problem with 2 of her pictures. Being the purist that she is, she was not about to post without all of the pertinent info. We will try again soon. By the way, where is Jimmy?? He uses us and tosses us aside like an old shoe. Auntie B., I am sure that Unkie Gare will be deeply touched by all of the good wishes tossed his way via the internet today. Glad that he has finally joined me at the big 62. Next month, SSI check #1 for him. yeah Gare!!!
Jnna, I am SO not staying for the superbowl. Its a little too cold and a little too grey here for my tastes! I fly to HOTlanta tomorrow morning way too early, spend a couple days there, then jet back to DC for the weekend. Therefore, the chances of me catching the avian ebola SARS flu on at least one of these legs of my air travel is VERY high indeed. Will someone nurse me back to health if that happens?
Gram will nurse you back to health KDH.
So in the spirit of air travel stories (I believe my last one involved bourbon smugglin and swillin... )
There's 35 sleepy passengers on the little bus that takes you to the plane this morning, and one of us -- a very blond woman with a very bad accent -- begins a intense and obviously confidential business conversation on her cell phone at the top of her lungs. "Just between you and me" she shouts -- and all 35 of us giggle as she goes on and on with the bitching, naming names (first and last), salary figures, insider trading information, IPO dates and deal details. "Off the record" she screams and the bus is dying ... "don't repeat this to a soul" she shrieks and she's not noticing that 1) we're all listening intently and 2) we're all laughing at her very very hard. She never broke stride and kept talking thought the boarding process and once she sat down on the plane until the stewardess literally had to rip the phone out of her hands so we could take off. An hour later, the plane touches down on its first bounce, and the phone is out, on and the conversation resumes as if it never took a break. Can you say lack of self awareness? THAT's a lesson to the kids out there!
Jnna, I'm so glad you finally received that check for 10 large I sent you!
KDH did this passanger make any reference to Lou's stock? I have large amounts of stock in Lou's. Any insider trading there?
Keep me posted!
Kristen, too funny. I would have asked her to borrow the phone when she was done so I could call my proctologist. And then describe the rash in vivid detail.
Sometimes, Jff, you share just a little too much!
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