Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Desert adventures!

Just a quick post to let everyone know that Mom and I are home from our desert adventures! We had a wonderful time. Our favorite activities were eating various food items slathered in green chili, looking at (and sometimes buying!) jewelry, and climbing on rocks. Here's a great picture of Mom at Pecos National Memorial. Indian ruins AND a civil war battlefield. COOL!
Another favorite activity was complaining about not being able to breathe because of the altitude. 7000 feet is pretty darn high, and given that there are still BIG mountains in the distance, you kinda forget about it until you're entirely out of breath from doing something strenous, like trying to talk and walk at the same time.

Let me tell you, the 68% humidity here in Atlanta feels pretty darn good after 2% in Santa Fe. I made mom drink a bottle of water every half hour, so she wouldn't end up looking like this. I'm not sure I'm a desert girl. There's hardly enough sunscreen in the world for me!

Another highlight was going to see the Albuquerque Isotopes play the something something River Rocks. Triple A ball -- and a very nice stadium. Even the hot dogs had green chili on them! Luckily there were some cold beers to wash it all down. PHEW!

All in all, a great weekend. It's hard to be back at work. 'Course, mom had final adventure -- after leaving her in the Atlanta airport for what should have been 15 more minutes of layover, it took her another 3 hours to get home. Stupid Delta and their broken pilot chairs!


Anonymous said...

Great job K. Nice to know that you are using your first day back to work most effectively. Auntie and I are a bit tired since it was close to 3 am before we hit the sheets, a good 6 hours past my normal bedtime. Is jll out of the shower yet?? Great review of baleroabooboo in this morning's paper. I even recognized a couple of the groups there. Color me HIP! I think that Auntie got a case of the "touristas", even tho it was NEW mexico, just a spit and a holler from San Antonio. The chilis did not seem to sit well as she was gulping down pizza in the car on the way home at 2 am.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that Auntie B. snuck 2 comments in while I was composing mine. Way to go B. Another person using their work time wisely. American productivity remains at a very high level. All we need is jff chiming in from work.

Anonymous said...

Now its jll. I need to learn to type faster. The hippies discovered what the colonists did long ago, the many uses of hemp.

Anonymous said...

I struggled mightly with the spelling of our adventures. Of course, we also had some dessert adventures too -- mostly in the form of margaritas!

JT Rice said...

Is a margarita a dessert or a floor wax?

I can't blog from work. I get blocked out by my IT dept. Aren't they supposed to help us?

Great post KDH, sounds like a fun time you two had and I'll never judge anyone's spelling. Sorry to hear Auntie got in so late, I was in lala - land at that hour.

Just an FYI, I already have Phil Lesh and Petty concerts downloaded from Bonnaroo. Tonight I grab Radiohead. Yeah me!!! Be kind to your tapers, always say thank you.

Anonymous said...

where IS everyone today? there's nothing that helps me procrastinate more than the blog. And goodness knows I have a proposal to write today!

Jll, do a bonnaroo post!

JT Rice said...

Hey, congrats on passing a drug test. That's a big accomplishment after spending 3 days in peace, love, dope land.

Hey, Kristen don't you have a proposal to write?

I need a buffalo chicken wrap.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

I'm here, I'm here! I've just been so busy raising a pup, that I haven't had time to post. She's in her terrible twos or something, so she's quite a handful. Great story for you all. maybe after dinner and digestion.

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD! I haven't heard from my brother in DAYS. I guess he only calls me when he needs help brainstorming lesson plans ;)

Can't wait to hear the lucy story. Is it a lucy story???

Anonymous said...


let me be the first to say welcome back, and that we missed you! Congratulations on the new South Dakotan in your life!! That's great news!

Anonymous said...

I knew that there had to be something monumental going on in the Dakotas to keep Fargo away for so long. Congratulations on the new arrival!! The best we have done in your absence is Lucy the wayward Beagle. We are planning on you for the Palooza on Aug. 5 but you have to bring something with a local connection for you---corn or sunflower seeds perhaps--no, beef it has to be. Like auntie b. said, is it another Holtz that will be making this a better world?? Bonarooooo Blogggg--yes!

Anonymous said...

oh lordy, not to make this about me, but WHY aren't I retired or a school teacher?? Let me be petulant for a moment -- I don't WANT to be at work, and I don't WANT to do anything today except play golf and maybe drink a beer.

Stupid capitalism. Stupid kristen's career goals!

Charles Adam Holtz said...

The US is playing like a bunch of wooses. stupid Claudio Reyna. gives up the ball for a goal, and then is "hurt". Who can I root for when the US is ousted?