After Holtzapalooza I, we traveled south to Allegany State Park, just making it in time to put up the tent before night fell. After that, a cold refreshing beverage was in order.
The next day we traveled to "Thunder Rocks". Emma and I are doing our best AC/DC "rock out" pose. Thunder Rocks!!!

Whew, That was tiring. Rick, the quiet one, loves my outdated tie-dye shirt (circa 1988). He reminds me of that everytime he sees me in it. Bonnaroo 2007 here I come.

My two favorite gals.

The kids really love going to the beach and swimming and laying out in the sun.

On the last day we took a stroll along a creek. We walked for about a half-mile up stream.

Zach loves to look for crayfish and salamanders.

We (the kids and I) really love going to Allegany and I was glad Sandra came this time.
The kids, of course, being veterans had to show Sandra the ropes. Then, as we were leaving the park, a deer was on the side of the road just to tell us "See you soon".
Jff posted the camping pics to try to butter me up about camping AGAIN! Rain in the forecast...yippee! (Jff loves when I mention butter).
Great pics. Reminds me of the summers of 82 and 83===kinder and more gentler times.
Made my final trip to Dunn park today to see our heroes fall to he damnable Scranton.... in my final trip of the season. Can't believe that local baseball season should be over so quickly. the summer seems to be coming to a close too. Sad to say.
So...I hear there is a little "scandal" happening at good ole' E.A. High School Unkie C...
The news just announced that Boston ranked 4th as the drunkest US city...seriously! Adm...
(Milwaukee was #1)
Zach was at the Bisons game today too, with Mr. Fixit.
We're all going to the 30th game. Maybe, you could go one more time?
No, no... not a crabby cookie. GOLF how the times have changed. To think... at Holtzapalooza, the chicks were encouraged to play.
Scandal in EA??? what's going on at my alma mater?
Sorry to hear about the plane ride from hell. I'm sure thrille dealt with it much better than I would have.
OF course Boston is one of the drunkest cities in America. What else would explain my 1.6 2nd semester gpa back in 1994?
Scandal at EA?? Come on Sandra. What have you heard? This is Toyfest weekend which means that we have to spend all weekend trying not to go into town with all of the "outlanders" in here messing up traffic patterns. I have even heard that there are "people of color" in town over the three day period.
Where was Mr. Fixit on Thurs? I was in my usual spot in sect. 113 but didn't see anyone resembling a family member, although the fact that I started at Early Times at noon and had a number of Conehead runs my way might have affected my vision. I thought that the Bisons had won, until I read the paper this morning. Wed. nite BASeball?? I have to try to find a dry nite next week to see the Jamestown Jammers. One of my goals for this summer.
Pouring rain here this AM so it will likely be a quiet day. I missed out on my older sister's trip. What's up with that? Also missed all of the great dialogue on state reptiles. Yuze guys is a fount of info. K promises that she will turn up at work this week> We will have to see about that.Things were so boring yesterday that Auntie and I actually went to the Elmwood Ave. Arts festival. The only purchase was a Louie's king size hot to share and a couple of Buds for Unk at Merlin's while Auntie did the stroll. I think she was actually stalking Mayor Brown who was there schmoozing with the electorate. Have a good one all.
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