Happy Birthday, Jeff. Our Holtz Fest 2006 ends on a high note with Jff's birthday being the last significant event.
The twinkle in Jff's eye is still the same but now it's just for different reasons. We hope you still have those guns because they're worth a lot of money. Which reminds Auntie P of her favorite joke she'll have to tell it to you in person. ;)
Always fun to be the first to comment. Always loved the look of the tree in front of the knotty pine. Hope that nfw jff's day is a great one. It has been quite a year.
Happy Birthday Jeff!!!!! Hmmm, there may have to be lawn decorating or car doodling. Free lunch at the Tiki Hut on me.
Big THANK YOU everyone. We had a really nice time camping in Watkins Glen. Saturday, the rain held off and we hiked the gorge. Rain came down in buckets this AM and we packed up early to find a breakfast spot. An hour and 15 minutes later we had eggs and flapjjacks at Lehigh Valley Family Diner. Lovely folks. I highly recommend them.
happy birthday, ya old fart!
Happy Happy Birthday! nothing says celebration like pancakes. Glad you had a great day.
Sandra and I were discussing why it is we spell Adm, Adm... when everyone else we eliminate the first vowel. For example: Jff, Jnna, Rck ((the quiet one), Thrllie... then shouldn't it be Dam? Just something to think about Adm.
I confess responsibility for the slight on Sndra's 40th. When all of the Big "0"'s were mentioned, Sndra's never came up. I was under the impression that she married a much older man. Mea culpa. So we do have one more significant event for this calendar year to come. Was there a birthday candle inthe pancakes this AM?
Finally back at work -- the house arrest has ben lifted, and so far (22 minutes into it) the stank of roofing tar seems to have dissapated. yay for Kristen! social interaction has GOT to mean good things for her sanity. Right? Right??
Saw "cool hand luke" on the telly this weekend. What a movie!
Since no one is fessing up to the lovely 40th decorations that we came home to, I guess we need to blame those neighbors of ours! Hmmm!
Also...someone left him 40 beers...good beers! Anyone thirsty?
How about the NY Yankee hot sauce...at least they had good taste right Dam?
UnkieC...someone at work said E.A...and it really was the Batavia thing...can't figure out how they mixed the two towns...can you?
Cool Hand Luke was the sweatiest movie ever made. Buckets of sweat.
Zach and I are going to see Heisman Trophy runner up Turner Gil and his team of intense engineers on Thursday night. Last big bash of the summer break. Well, maybe not the last.
I know I SHOULD know who turner gil is... but alas. who is turner gil?
Looks like the Rice's are having a quiet week; resting up after camping and all==so far baseball on wed. and football on thurs. and we are not yet into Labor Day weekend. Come on guys, get with it. And, to the best of my knowledge, no one in EA is planning on the transgender thing, although there are a few that I know that would benefit from doubling the size of their potential dating pool. I got rained out on golf today and am pouting.
I golfed yesterday at Buffalo Tournament Club and shot a 51. Believe it or not... I actually shot decent mmuch better than the score indicates. The course is pretty tough and I was shooting blind most of the times. Balls just ended up in the sand or I'd lose it off the fairway and since it was a tourney counted as a lost ball stroke. My first tee shot ended up in the woods and was left shooting three off the tee... AGAIN. Pounded the next shot about 285 in the middle of the fairway... figures.
Next tourney is the 18th of Sept. at Arrowhead.
So ... do we have a September outing in the making Unckie???
Adm, You haven't GOOGLED Turner Gill yet? Mr. Nebraska.
Some teacher adam is going to be, if can't even master the google search! ;)
Sounds like nfw jff is playing the good courses, unlike his unkie who is relegated to playing those that he can afford. Sept. golf is in my calendar book. when and where?
Awesome article on the demise of the BlowSux and Theo's undoing at MSNBC.com
Unckie, do you have a coupon for Grover Cleveland, here on Main St. by UB?
I got my "Vote For Pedro" T-shirt in the mail yesterday. Happy Birthday Me!!!
The red sox nation has officially given up, at least this part of it has. Will check on Grover. Rothland in Akron got the best of me today.,
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