Grandma shows off her Holtzapoola shirt & Jeff...I triple dog dare ya! The Unkie Family...guess we forgot to take other group shots!

Jenna & Gram relax at intermission: "The Games"

Jeff was finally given his Christmas gift from 1976!...and proceeded to break it!

The awesome & RED cake! AuntieP & Em snuggle the cutie! Wonder if Auntie is getting ready? Hmmm...

Em & Austin smile for the camera & Zach shows off the Rice 1st place trophey!
I want to know where my sister finds the time to read the boston globe and about garter snakes and strippers at funerals, although that is an interesting concept; not the reptiles. Ah, the conversation is flowing once again. Sail on. Camping pics to come?? with a 40th birthday cake??
Another set of great pics too. Well done to all. i just wish that we had taken some.
grey day here in Hotlanta - -kind of unusual. It rains every day here, but not usually in the morning!
My mom asked me last night if I was under house arrest and just didn't want to admit it -- no no no, the story about the roofing is true I swear ...
thinking of taking a pilates class today. Thoughts on that, anyone?
i didn't know states had official reptiles. Why?
MA has an official everything. The corrupt politicians need something to do, right? We have an official cookie (chocolate chip) Toilet paper (charmin)shoe (loafer) beverage (beer). so, why not a reptile.
Just a tidbit of information for the Atlanta Georgia residents, their state reptile is called the Gopher tortoise.
Et tu' Pilates?
Good idea re: the camping pics. Here they come.
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