You knew it was going to be a long golf game when it took Jenna several minutes to see the golf flag.

Jeff let Thrillie drive the golf cart, it only took her the first 7 holes to get used to it.

Word has it that Jill carried her team...here she is contemplating why she
didnt get the infamous 2-2-2 breakfast.

KDH searching for her ball...there seemed to be a lot of that happening amongst the Holtz golfers.

Adam obviously got the memo on mandatory tacky plaid shorts.

Olympizzle brought out the competitor in all of us.

ahhh the toothpick pick up...I am still nursing my puncture wound.

#1 in D-in-law was determined to win, but it is evident that she had a helping hand in the pick up. Note the Stranger's hand reaching in to help.

Poor Gram....Do you think she knew she had a bunny on her head the whole time?
Cookie thanks for putting those pics up for me!!!!! I have a blog written by gram. If she calls, tell her the blog is up and it's a great one!!!!!
Awesome pics and the memories keep coming.
Carried her team??? Wait a second. I was there too.
Word on the street is, Gramma didn't know she had a bunny on hher head.
GREAT pictures! But here's some questions for the group:
1) where did the bunny come from 2) why don't I have a commercial that highlights my golf swing like tiger? That's damn fine looking!and 3) did anyone capture the "frozen tshirt" hijinks on film?
Jff, why do you think Grampa stayed with her for 60 years? Sorry, that was a bit gross. ANyhoo, that look that I'm giving Austin is pure evil. Sorry about that Austin. No harm meant.
Great photos. Had bfst at ZZ this morning--a 2 2 2 with a chocolate milk to washerdown. We need a picnic this weekend. No canalfest, no palooza; life is way too dull.
Muggy out. Blech!
I went fishing with Zach this AM after a filling breakfast at Athena's. Unfortunately, we were shut out.
I do love those pictures. Do we have any more?
You're always right Unckie, not much going on, so a picnic is definitely in order. I think Mr. Fixit would snap though if he "offers" to make chowder again. Too much pressure.
Looks like a nice day today. Beware of penguins wearing camaflouge, toting bagels on a string.
Did you go to mass this morning, Jff?
Picnic can be next to my pool if ya'll want to come down. I'm sure I can rustle up some bbq. Please don't leave me to work!
Church is always at 11:15, we never miss it. Well...
I'm pretty confused about that camouflaged penguin comment. Bad acid trip jff?
You people who trust penguins... you're foolin' yourselves. They want to take over the world.
More pictures under neath this blog.
Just realized that there was another set of pictures that someone--K maybe???--posted that I never saw nor that never got any comments. All of that work and no comments? That is unfair, so I am commenting that those were also great pics, as well as the ones that jff sent cause he couldn't post them on the blog. I think that we have exhausted all of the palooza stuff and will be moving on, unless there is one final group out there. Looks like I will be heading into NT today. Talked to Mom last night and she was out of sorts because she needed to buy a scratchoff to send to Theresa, her friend in W. Clarksville, and couldn't get to the store to get one. To quote from the finest movie of all time "it's a mad, mad, ....." Dick Shaun: "don't worry Mama, your little boy is on the way...". The mother, Sid Caesar's m-i-law in the movie, was played by ???? Come on out there. Even tougher, who played his wife in the movie? Any movie with Arnold Stang is a good movie, but throw in Jonathan Winters and Andy Devine; enuf said. Who needs camping? There is no joy in Boston--shades of '78.
I'm coming mama -- I'm coming! That's why you had me mama!
Ethel Merman, of course, who's best line in the movie was .. "the reasons these things happen is because people like you say these things happen!"
What a movie. Did you know that Dick Shaun (born in Buffalo by the way) was also the voice of Cold Meiser on the cartoon classic "A year without a santa claus"?
How's that for trivia for you?
I just watched Madx4 for the 300th time. It kills me. Kills me!
Took a half day at work today to take my best friend on a boat ride in Canada. Then for some drinks afterwards.
Great Pics family!! Keep them coming!
THANK YOU JILL. I was beginning to get worried after two days of a blank screen where the blog used to be. Anything interesting happen to anyone in the meantime???? Certainly not me.
Anyhow----Back to the penguins...
blog couldn't have gone down at a more opportune time for me. still trying to get my sanity back after that debacle in the fens.
oh lordy I missed you all. Can't help but think I did it, since my comment was the last before the crash.
How is everyone?
Roof tarring continues. I can't believe I have to sit in my house yet another day, pretending to work.
We have one more set of pics...
I love Mad, mad, world. What a great movie. Spencer Tracy, Buddy Hackett, Jonathan Winters, ... what a cast.
Almost tiime to post Watkins Glen pics.
Sabres are thinking of cutting off season tickets at 14,500... what a year.
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