So, my day started at 6am. To be honest, the alarm was set for 6:30, but I wasn't sleeping anyway. I was so fraught with anxiety over what to make my blog about that I couldn't sleep! I tried waking my beautiful wife up, hoping that she would be my inspiration, my technological muse as it were, but when I tried to rouse her, well, lets just say, her comments should not be repeated in a family forum.
Now, I'd tell you about my classes, but does anyone seriously want to hear about Egypt in the 195os, or the state of the Chinese Military from 1400 to 1450? I didn't think so, but apparently, these are the things that an aspiring teacher needs to know in order to become well rounded and able to teach the little rug rats. Although I will say 2 quick things. First, the professor for my middle east class looks strikingly like my sister; a very strange fact that I haven't quite come to grips with. 2nd, it is very strange to listen to a 40 year old italian dude try and speak with a chinese accent. Try taking notes to that strange dichotomy.
So, with classes out of the way for the day I could get down to business. I decided to scour the city for the ultimate christmas present. yes, a red rider bb gun with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time. I don't think a football is a very
So, 2 hours and $50 later (you may wonder where a recently married grad student comes up with the cash... don't ask) I still hadn't found my red rider, and christmas was looking a little bleak. But then, my dear family I found providence. It was so beautiful, I fell to my knees and wept. No friends, I am not talking about "bored housewife" in the flesh, I am talking about the holiest of all holies. A sight that stands as testament to the wonder that is Boston. It was truly amazing. I can't say anymore, So I'll stop talking and let the pictures speak for themselves. I know Jeff likes it that way, it makes his eyes and brain less hurty. So, without further ado, here they are folks, read 'em and weep.
The first to discover!! On my way out to play poker. A great shot of Fenway. We need more details on the Pink place and where did yu get the pictures at the end? Nicely integrated. If I get sick next thursday and can't take Mom to the doctor, do I still have to do my blog?
Adam!! Nicely done. I am trying real hard to hold Mama and Jill back from discovering that picture. I have a feeling my mom may be halfway to Yankee stadium by now. I hate to cut this short Adam, but I would like to hear more information about the hit and run by gram. DETAILS!!
Though I enjoyed your day without Gram blog, I couldn't help notice that a debate of theology had probably been answered unwittingly. Indeed there must be a heaven because that picture of Fenway Park is surely Hell. Fenway Park were every 86 years a team is rewarded with a championship. Fenway Park a place were "cowboy up' probably references to the great San Francisco marriage debate. Fenway Park, the only place Santa won't visit.
Oh, great job finding the "Christmas Story" display.
It does a mother's heart good to see how well her children are doing.... I could just cry!
geez antie B, where the hell have you been? Sulu's been out of the closet for months now. Really, you tell us all of the down fall of Canada, practically before it occurs, but on the important topics, you're lagging. Next thing you'll be saying is that Gene Shepard has passed. He hasn't has he?
seems as though that Fenway park picture unleashed a bit more than you were bargaining for. For the Trekkies, the Wrath of the Kochs/Rices as the next episode starring Mr. and Mrs. Sulu and Mr. and Mrs. George Michel. What more could possibly happen? Where are my daughter's comments relative to the latest blog?
Jean Shepherd... Jean Shepherd.
Known as Shep to his friends of the night people. And unfortunately he is no longer with us. Check out
Yeah, Sorry Auntie B, Sulu has been out of the closet for quite a few months. I guess the green chick that Captain Kirk made out with grossed him out.
Jill or Thrillie to her friends, the night people. It's great to see you socializing. Do you like the Wizard of Oz?
you know, i spend all day agonizing over my blog, and what do I get? hijacked by a gay sci-fi icon, and no recognition at all from the Fargo Holtz's. its enought to make a guy cry!
Although I did manage to link my blog resume to Jenna's blog for an extra bit of promotion, so it wasn't all bad. HAHAHAHAHA
poor Adam. Nothing ever seems to go quite right. First, the World Series Banner was taken down before the photo-op and then the belated outing of Sulu. I have grave reservations as to what misfortunes might lie ahead of me next week as I make my foray into challenging terrain that my chilren and niece have laid out. I would have thought that your blog entry would have brought some "New England Holtzes" out of the woodwork. Maybe Holtzes are confined to the hinterlands, WNY and west, far away from the New England diletantes (how did you like that word-I was re-reading my copy of Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories and other disasters, and found that Jean loves that term) If you look up the word you will not find a picture of any of our family members.
Unckie C, I too just brought out "Wanda Hickey" from the vault. I can't find my "In God We trust, All Others Pay Cash" book. I loaned it out and never got it back.
Adam, that was a really funny blog, but Sulu... gay... come on. We're talking Star Trek here. The only thing that can trump Star Trek is if Melinda Dillon came out as a lesbo. Everyone knows that Victor is the Lone Ranger cousin's horse.
Who loaned who a book and never got it back?? Hmmm, looks like you walked right into that one cousin JFF.
Oh my goodness, distracted by these pesky "business meetings" in "atlanta" and I find quite the debate going on! I have no comments on the Red Sox (you know my heart lies with the Mud Hens) but I will share with you that not only is Sulu gay (the Atlanta paper broke that story with the headline "Uhuru's legs never got a second glance" but Flick, our beloved Flick, aka scottie schwartz, turned to a life of pornography after his Christmas Story Days, including the well-known and award winning series "Dirty Bob's Xcellent Adventures Vol 35, 36 and 37". See this link for a complete list of his work ... else knew that piece of arcana?
Believe it or not VH1 ran, awhile back, the top 100 child stars and our dearest Flick was ranked in the 60's (like 67 or something). Peter Billingsly was in the 40's. They then went on to say what profession he persued/got into after the movie. He has moved on to mainstream entertainment. Interesting how he knew at such a young age, how to wrap his tongue around a flagpole.
Crp. (Jaime Farr) Klinger says "Go Mud Hens"!!!
Leave it to Kristen to take the discussion of characters in CHRISTMAS story--note capital letters K--in a totally different direction. And yes, K, in response to your question about "the incident", your Grandmother, that saintly woman that you Fargoians see in the photos, ran over the foot of her husband--I guess that she missed the rest of him--and then had to take him to the Emergency Room of the local hospital for treatment. There was much consternation on the part of the staff relative to the injury and how sustained. The following day, yours truly, with the same name, reported to the same staff at the same location to report an ankle injury that I gave myself while casually crossing my feet. Not too hard to understand why the holtzes and not held in great respect in WNY. My only hope is that our midwest brethren have not besmirched the fine Swabian name in a similar fashion.
you hurt your ankle crossing your feet? I don't feel so bad now for wearing an ace bandage to help with the ankle that I sprained two nights ago while walking down the stairs to go to an interview at borders. a job that I was rejected from, by the way. I should have known the E comes AFTER C, not before. Too bad my litle trip didn't happen in the parking lot of borders, I coulda sued.
Of course, any injury Jeff has ever gotten was probably a result of his tours of duty in Sherkston during the war.
He was trying to impress your mom one evening while doing "Riverdance".
Seems to me that my sister, the one who caused all of this discomfort for Mom, should have a much larger role in taking care of all of this. How convenient that she doesn't have a computer to monitor these exchanges, and thus can remain "above" all of this. And yes, my feet have been clocked at 60mph while my upper torso has remained perfectly motionless. Feast on that!
Unckie C, just a question regarding the "Riverdance" attire. Does the headband ever fall off while your doing your best Fred Flintstone starting the car impersonation?
Get those digs in quickly Jff, less than 12 hours until Desperate Housewives. What happened to the Purple Eagles last nite?
boy, I feel that my blog entry has seriously killed the momentum that we had been gaining over the past couple of weeks. No jenna, no jill, no faroans albanyans philadelphans or anyone. So here's a question. The wife and i settled in last night for the first seasonal viewing of a "christmas story". The question is... what year, exactly was the story set in. two easy extra credit questions. What was Ralphie's last name? and, what was the lone ranger's cousins' horses name?
A specific year was never given, but it's pre- WWII. My guess would be 1939 or '40, right after Wizard of Oz and Lil' Orphan Annie on the radio.
Ralphie Parker
Victor, everyone knows the Lone Ranger coousin's horses name.
You People!! Anyone STILL a Bills fan?
...but what was the Lone Ranger's nephew's name??????
I am now rooting for the Buffalo Gladiators of the Tonawanda League.
26 minutes to Desperate Housewives
Speaking of names, what was Ralphie's mother's name? Was she ever identified? How about "the old man"? Presumably Ralph Sr.? any takers out there?
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