Well here it is our last 72 hours, our countdown to our family Christmas. Hard to believe this started with an email on October 20th! My day today with Gramma came about as I had taken a few days off to finish up for our big day, but being the ultimate procrastinator, whatever I had to do would wait. So I called her at 9AM and said, meet me downstairs, we are going on a roadtrip! She was enthusiastic, and willing! Living so close to a foreign country, I felt international waters were the best opportunity for a memorable "BLOG", so it was off to Canada, but first a trip to our favorite haberdashery so she is dressed the part. Really, its just a stop at Target, and a beret for our trip! Every stop at Target turns into a shopping adventure! Here is gramma still looking for that special gift for that special "blogger"
Please take note of the absolute annoying look on her face in picture number 2, there was no popcorn!
Finishing up in Target and heading for the border, I was stopped because the Librarian and her clerks need christmas candy. Could we stop at Tops? And oh by the way could you grab me some tums and a scratch off? MMMM my response, no and no. Now you guys know that I did.
Candy being delivered by Santa's little helper!
Mission accomplished and off to the border. OK the line stretched all the way to Terre Haute. Plan "B" OK gram how about a trip to the Falls? She looked at me and said well you know, I can not remember the last time I saw the falls! So it was off to the American Falls! This is how she toured the falls, she never left the car! She made jnna clean off the window so she could see better! These are pictures of the gorge along NU.

As we cont. on our journey we encountered many tourists. Oddly enough we spotted these Yankee fans from South Korea, visiting the falls for the very first time! Can you believe it they are Yankee Fans!
Along on our journey we did encounter some familiar faces. Mustafa has moved to the falls and is performing at a waste recepticle by the Cave of the Winds.
For those of you who have the opportunity, the falls really is breathtaking in winter. Ice covers everything and turns it into a crystal palace, and the sound of the rapids and the wind drowns out everything. However, we all know how dangerous icicles can be! They have been known to kill people.
If you go, please take precautions! As we got closer to the Falls, Gramma did venture out of the comfort of the cavalier.

Daughter Jenna and I got so caught up in the beauty of the falls we kind of forgot about gramma. I think she will thaw by Sunday.
below is the Horseshoe Falls.
Here is a shot of the mighty rapids taken from the Goat Island bridge. Here is a shot of Jenna trying to jump off the Goat Island bridge after receiving a text message from Lois, that her thuringer had gone bad, could she stop and get another 3 slices?
Please note that the Canadians are always charged more, no matter where they are. That is the great American way!

It was a fun filled day. And Gramma is a great sport, she will do, or pose or wear or wave or smile or frown or whatever we ask her to do.
Counting down............................................................................................
Great Job Mom!!!! It was a really great day. We also have pen pals from South Korea!!! Great Job!!
Back to "A Christmas Story" "Icicles have been known to Kill (Note that I did not add people at the end). This is an ongoing discussion, but I do not think they say people at the end.
Cousin K, I do not think he played hockey. Although, he had a few teeth missing; he may have caught a hockey puck in his mouth. We can't win them all.
All together now ..... the 3 Holtz's who are already at the homestead in anticipation of the big day are reading the blog together. What a outstanding piece of holiday (photo) journalism. Were the Koreans Holtz's too? Did you run into any gay Cubans with gold berets on? Did you get some thuringer for the gang? Canadian thuringer is known to be the best! Can't wait for the big day ....
Jnna, thrillie, auntie b ROCK!
And as for Gram? Well, she's the star of THIS Christmas paeagant!
good morning from your loyal friends from fargo. i really enjoyed your blog betsy. my family and i have never seen the niagara falls. so this is our way to see the niagara falls. it sure looks cold there. thank you very much. i almost fell out of my chair with the pictures of the reason for your blog. i emailed this website to my family and friends and told them to check it out. i hope they can comment so your count can go up. so expect some more fans from fargo. well breakfast time then more shopping.
Forgive me, Father...for this is my first blog post since the Blitz. My deepest apologies to everyone Holtz (including the homeless guy that sleeps under the Erie Canal bridge that we deny has any direct link...depite DNA evidence to the contrary). I don't have much to say. You know me...I'm the quiet Rice brother. I just wanted to wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas. In an interesting twist of Buffalo-fate...I see they're predicting rain for you on Christmas. Huh. Snow every day since August 3rd...and now the one day you want some..."No, I'm sorry, you can't have any. We're saving it for teams with PROFESSIONAL football teams". OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH, FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE.
RICK!!!! Cousin Rick!!! Welcome back. You have a lot of reading to do!!! No comment on the hat about Gram? That has made national news. Your brother is the quiet one lately. I think he abandoned us for another blog.
Fargo, thank you very much. You have made my mother's day; in fact year.
So Jeff, why no comments? Are you preping for your blog day??
I'm back. I seemed to have been derailed to "Coutdown to Kwanzaa with the Jefferson's'" I have no idea how I ended up there. But Weezie says hi.
Thursday night is hockey night in Orchard Park. We beat our nemesis, The Replacements 5-4 (I had 1 goal, 1 assist) and then I was off to Loughran's rest. in Snyder for holiday wings and beer. Got home at the witching hour, a fairly early night for Thrllie.
Now back to bizniss. Great blog Auntie B!!! Those two koreans had really blonde hair. Are you sure they're from where they say?
I just talked to Gram and she's thawing out well.
Ahh... news from my quiet brother Rick. It's good to know he's still around.
Since the multiple person comment cut into my sister's single blog and career blog entry numbers, I feel obligated to come on to add to her already outstanding performance both quantitativly and qualitatively. Bringing back Nephew Rick, the quiet one, from his self-imposed exile, plus getting the Fargoans on line as a new contributing identity, goes so far beyond anything that the rest of us have done, that it certainly makes us humble at this normally joyous time of the year. WAY TO GO FARGO!! Everyone--enjoy. We all deserve it. And a most Merry Christmas to Rick and Stacy. Enjoy your balmy weather. We have some balminess here too.
We're off to Lancaster to check out the manger scene/ Christmas Wonderland setup (original from downtown Buffalo whence I was a child). After that a lil' dinner.
I'm just letting you know.
Back from Lancaster's main strip. It was "The night before Christmas..." scene in each store front window, it came from the old AM&A's store in Buffalo. It brought back memories of the old man and his '69 chevy taking us through the fruit streets of Buffalo just to let us know, he knew where the seedy parts of town were. 'snif' goood times.
Merry Christmas eve to all the friends and family out there... just to get a bit sentimental for once (never expect this to happen again) I hope we can keep this up after the new year. this would be a great site to post pictures and memories with eachother. Have a great xmas eve, and we'll see most of you tomorrow!
PS- antie B, never, ever try and prevent gram from taking a shower the day before a family gathering. bad news.
Dittos on all of the above sentiments. Are we allowed to watch the Bills on Christmas eve?
I guess I have to shower. I'll be back
Merry Christmas Eve to all!!! I was out with Gram today, finishing up our last minute shopping. If everyone is home for the news, please turn on Channel 4. You will see Gram on TV. The cameraman was at Bon Ton and became infatuated with Gram. In fact, I think he is coming to dinner.
Where is KDH???
I'm glad that I checked this. I was so euphoric after the Bills win that I knew other good things would be happening. Did Mom do a promo for the blog site in her tv stint? Will it go national for the Fargoans to see?
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