Time to Get Ready
While all this banter has been a great deal of fun and most entertaining, it is now time to get serious about the fast approaching BIG DAY. I thought I might tell you about how Unkie and I are preparing.
First, make yourself a big glass or mug of Ovaltine before you start. Here in East Aurora we start every day with this delightful, piquant beverage. Remember their slogan, “ For Health, Strength and Energy drink Ovaltine each day.” Hint #1. Add a jigger of schnapps- make it go down easier.

When I think about Christmas decorations the word “flocking” immediately jumps into my head. I try to do a bit of flocking in each and every room of our house. Flocking in the kitchen, flocking in the living room, flocking in the den, flocking in the bedroom and don’t forget to do a little flocking in the bathroom. Nothing makes spirits brighter than flocking

Next, I grab my trusty glue gun and set about making a few ornaments. After sorting thru my supplies, which include various scraps of tin foil, some packing peanuts and of course those ever handy toothpicks, I decide to make Q-Tip stars. Why, once you spray them gold and add some glitter they make a delightful addition to your Christmas tree. Hint #2- (for our Jewish relatives) -These delightful ornaments can easily be made 6 pointers. Spray them blue and add silver glitter-Voila! Hint #3. If you break one of your glass ornaments-heaven forbid- try picking up the shards with a dampened cotton ball. No cotton balls? Try dampening a tampon but save the string for a different project. (Applause to Jenna for her excellent use of duct tape. I once made a whole wallet out of duct tape but I could never get my money out of it.)
What is Christmas without fruitcake??? There is nothing like a huge piece of glazed citron to bring tears to your eyes. I started my fruitcakes in July but I seem to be having trouble getting them rum-soaked. The rum keeps disappearing. Unkie keeps getting sent to the liquor store to buy more, although sometimes I have to drive because he is staggering and a bit incoherent. In 2 days the rum is gone again. Alcohol evaporates so quickly. Hint #4. If your having trouble getting the rum into the fruitcakes before it evaporates, just drink the rum-nobody like fruitcake any how! www.fruitcakesociety.org

Finally, don’t forget to take pictures of those wonderful holiday moments. Unkie snapped this one of Jff opening the gift I had made for him. Just look at that smile. Isn’t he precious? The doctor said to give it another year and most of the fake fur I inhaled while sewing that outfit will probably be dissipated. But it was so worth it for the look on Jeff’s face when he opened that package!

I must go now. I think my Christmas pudding is burning-Hint #5-for the best puddings keep your mincemeat moist! - and Unkie is hiding under the kitchen cupboard again- Love to all-
PS Just found this picture from last Christmas. In case any of you thought I was “pounding” the wine. I admit Uncle George was

#1 son the first to post.... Excellent job, mom! now if you buy me the xbox 360 for xmas, I might even say it was better than antie B's post. I gotta play all my cards right... and Jff looks so cute in the bunny suit. What the hell happened?
That is a great blog (story, one would ask) Auntie P. Surprisingly Sandra asked me to put the bunny outfit on last night for our anniversary and it still fits like a glove. I'd rather not say what she was dressed as, you know young ones reading. Not surprisingly, she fell immediately asleep. So there I sat, fuzzy tail in hand.
Does seem to be a large emphasis on the "spirits" of the season, and I do remember on particular Christmas when Auntie P. did have a second eggnog.
Great Job Aunt P!! I won't call you AP like my mom did, that also could mean associated Press. I would like my dear family know that I read Gram each blog and comment. It is very painstaking!!!
Just wanted you to know that I read Gram the blog from aunt b. She said that for some reason she had not heard Jenna read that one. There was no response on the bottle of wine comment.
#1. I say $20!! What the heck ~ It's Christmas. Sorry UG!
#2. Adam~ NO xbox. Get over it!
#3. Jff~ Glad the suit still fits!
#4. I need a drink!
#5 Pass the bottle
That, "Whales Tails", "What's Santa Got In His Pouch", and all our favorite Christmas drinking games Thrillie.
But are you, KDH, & Jnna, going to be okay to play our family's annual Xmas drinking games. I hear you guys are partying it up at Bob's Pump and Pull gas stop when KDH comes to town. Plus, haven't you heard? Gramma's been priming with Ruth. She's not going to be wearing funny hats and clown makeup this year.
I'll have you ALL know that I was training tonight, and I think I'm in top shape for the family drinking games on Christmas. Serious props to my mom -- whatta post! she just rocks, now, doesn't she? And don't think she's joking about that flocking. She's a flock-meister!
Hey good news! There's yet another Danya holiday party tomorrow night. This one is at our office in Atlanta, and its another opportunity for me to try to keep my top on. Can I handle the pressure? Stay tuned to find out!
Way too much interest in drinking parties, but that is OK since we have the Ovaltine to bring. It is either that, or I claim it is a $20 purchase, and it becomes fair game for the gift exchange. And as you have all probably surmised, it was my beloved's ability to flock that first attracted me to her. And is it only K and Gramma who attend holiday parties? Aren't there other stories out there? What about a party for all of the Ralph employees? What about People Inc? I can't believe that there isn't something from Fargo involving Lutefish and homemade elderberry wine? I keep waiting for an invite to some event at the Senior Citizens Center, but so far nothing yet.
Get the flock out of here!
One People Inc. party down, one to go. I too managed to keep my top on. I'm the resident bartender, go figure, my job is to keep all the other managers in the business office glass full. Quite the task when the state keeps cuttin' back funds.
What I do enjoy doing is attending these parties like our cowboy ancestors, bare back. No one evers knows or would suspect. Yeah baby!
Just found this site, looking at christmas pages. Very funny! Very 1950's. You must all be baby boomers, only we would find that amusing.
Merry Christmas! I feel very confident in wishing you that, and not offending you or not being politically correct.
A big WNY hello to an anonymous fellow "boomer" out there. Welcome aboard and a Merry Christmas to you too. And Jff, it would seem that your anniversary celebration, hard to believe that it was 13 years ago that I was watching my nephew in the middle of the dance floor doing the "Hawaii 50" theme, has gotten you all libidinous. Please, no more references to "bare-back".
speaking of our cowboy ancestors and bareback, anyone see Brokeback mountain yet? Im studying for finals, and haven't been able to, but i've heard its a great movie about cowboys Jff, why don't you check it out and let me know how it is?
I've heard GREAT things about that movie -- very very popular down here in DC.
Unkie C, Please know that I do read Gram every blog entry and comment.But, keep in mind her and Ruth polished off a bottle of wine in hours, and I think some shots were involved as well. She can't remember what she did the night prior or whose bed she ended up in.
K in Atlanta!! K travels the world on business meeting new people, bringing bacon home for DANYA, and attending holiday parties on the east coast. What do I do? I travel around with Gram making sure she finds the best deal on her Kellogg's corn flakes. She once had me fooled that her lottery tickets were cheaper in Canada.
Cookie, In the spirit of the Holiday, will you please let me bring Bob home? He is a working man, and you know that is my only standard.
Thrillie, I need to take you to task on the following comment:
Seeing how Adam has left us and the single scene forever, I fear the three remaining Holtz women will be fighting over Bob's attention all night long.
The three remaining Holtz women? whatever do you mean. And by the way, Bob's pump and pull? Highly overrated.
methinks my brother doth protest too much. First, a recommendation for Bareback Mountain. Second, a little too much protesting about Bob of Bob's pump and pull. What's next, bro? A proclamation that you watch ice dancing for the sheer athleticism?
Rest assured Adam your review of "Bareback Mountain", starring I believe Scott Schwartz AKA Flick, was posted today in the Tonawanda News. I'm surprised you enjoyed that movie so much. Must be the horses and sensitivity of the western mountains silhouetting over the horizon. You surprise me with every post. You are the milleniums new Alan Alda, sensitive and a fashion statement.
Adam, I think that you had better quit while you are way, way, behind. Your only hope is to retaliate with a gift for the exchange, that is soooo sensitive that it will create a humungous cat fight. And, by the way, where is Bob's Pump and Pull and would they consider catering our big summer event commemorating all of the significant events of 2006? I suspect a continuation of "the blog"
Ahhh yes, "Countdown to Catered Party". Now it's going to be easy for us to reach our goals of 30,40,50,& 60, well... fairly easy. But the more important question has to be asked. Can you reach 100 months?
Do cowboys flock?
Cowboys flock sheep. No wait, those are Scots.
Great news, all! Yet another successful Danya holiday party -- not only did I keep my top on .. my boss actually spilled his drink all over me! So glad I wore my gold leather pants ... easy clean-up!
Karoke was featured at tonight's event. Can anyone guess what song I sang?
My Karoke songs of choice are "My little teapot, "Puff the magic dragon", or the seasame street theme song, okay or Brown Eyed Girl.
Twas the night when our website was down, and all hell broke loose here. Aunt P, you missed out on peak comment hours!!
I had a few comical things to say. Now I forgot, What the Flock?
My mom and I took Gram to look at houses with lights. (Okay so we just drove around the block a few times). She had a grading system, similar to the one she used on her students. A+++++++ to F-.
K and Karaoke. No doubt in my mind. Would be "MacArthur park". And yes, Mom always saw herself as a Miss Shields kind of instructor, although I don't recall her ever sitting home and grading piles of themes. Maybe she read them in the car while driving from home to the store to school to Mayer Bros. to the distributors, etc. Ah yes, the GOOD old days, right??
I grew up on Ovaltine, hands above Nestle Quick! But I never thought of adding alcohol to it! Novel idea!
oh anonymous, you lark! keep checking back... the holtz clan has 1001 ways to mix alcohol. its what we're best at. Hey, our progenitors used to have the beer truck make a special stop just at their house, between bars. And poor gram, having to lug 3 cases of Genny up 3 flights of stairs at a time. what a woman!
That's my boy!! Two finals today, but he still finds time to log on to encourage other imbibers with promises of drink recipes. Maybe Jenna needs to start a second site as a backup in case one goes down? Withdrawal is nasty. The big question is, will we still have anything left to say on Christmas Day, or will we all sit looking at one another drinking our laced Ovaltine?
I think we'll manage. After all, the movie of all movies will be playing!
NICE! Ladies, the blog just got turned in to online dating. How could we resist such a suave, sophisticated, romantic proposition? AND he's free on xmas eve, which has got to mean something good. Should we ask for a photo and dental records?
LOL!! LMAO!!! Perhaps the gentleman caller is 90 years old and looking for a single lady to celebrate the Christmas holiday with. Gram said, "Maybe he will pounce on me." In that case, maybe there isn't a dental record.
There will be a blog tonight, with pictures!! Plenty of pictures!!
Now,now girls~Maybe the gentleman is just looking for instructions on how to flock!
I think I should get 4 bonus hours since now I won't break the record for most # of posts! OH Flock!
It fascinates me that he is willing to take on all three of you. Obviously, he has no idea of what Holtz women are like. He would be left for dead!
FYI~ My Christmas Party-notice I did not say "Holiday Party"- is tomorrow night.The staff is waiting for me to come up with an unusal and suggestively named drink.(People who work in dental offices tend to be simple and easily entertained) Any suggestions?
I am going to wear my gownless evening strap so no need to worry about keeping my top on!
KDH and a hand held mic? Hmmm... my guess would be "Wild Horses" or a Patsy Cline tune.
Adam, mixing drinks, keeping the wife satisfied, and studying for a middle east sexual deviation class. I bow to you.
Hey, where is Amy? I need comments/postings from her. You are not immune. Amy, we see you.
A mixed concoction at a dental party. Hmmm. how about a "gum runner"?
... or maybe the "gas and fondle"?
I think it is truly a classic moment what our website has done to our family. A prime example was today when I picked my dear mom up from work. Considering the icy roads and weather; I slowed down to a mere 45 mph. She was clutching her fists and rocking back and forth. When I asked what was the matter, her reply; "Could you go a little faster? I haven't seen the blog since 730 am." Hmmm, I think she is going through withdrawl.
It's also to note, that Gram does the same thing when she isn't in arms reach of her "bottle".
Like mother like daughter.
Auntie B, not a fan of the "gas and fondle"?
How about the "The Night Cap" or "Filler Bicuspid"?
an anonymous male caller who doesn't understand the subtleties of Bob's Pump and Pull, and WRITES IN ALL CAPS. sounds like a catch! you go girls, this blog has reached new levels. So, in case you were wondering, my chinese history test went really well. It was an oral exam. I pulled my eyelids back, and talked like Mr. Chan. got extra credit for that one. After that, I had an hour's break then on to middle eastern history. I scrawled in big letters "thank god you people have oil!" in big letters, and walked out of the exam. all in all, feeling pretty good about the tests. Ahh. higher education.
ANONYMOUS MAN, I'm surprised you don't know where the Pump and Pull is. Its sandwiched right between "gladiators... you bet" and the ramrod, right there on hertel ave in lancaster. good spot. we'll meet you there christmas eve night. if we're late, get started without us.
Jff's an offensive man... I should have mentioned sulu's gayness. although he's probably indonesian, and I would have gotten in trouble for insinuating that "they all look the same" (which they do) my apologies to any chinese holtz's out there.
by the way, whatever happened to good old cousin ching ching holtz? is he coming to christmas this year? or is he celebrating tet?
I have been up here on 4 different occasions to check for the promised posting. It is not like Jenna to let us down. I did talk to Sue and I think that mr. fixit is finally clear on the finances of the gift exchange, but her references to things like candy dishes and cd's have me really nervous. Also, she insists that all will go smoothly because of the basic honesty of the participants. We will just let that one go. I have to go now and prepare mentally for tomorrow nite's office xmas party. You have never experienced a true "evening out" until you have spent it with a dozen dental professionals; although we do know they have a tendency toward being a little sad since they are always looking "down in the mouth". As Soupy Sales always said: "be true to your teeth and they won't be false to you". As George costanza would say, that's it, I'm outa here.
Here's a cheap #60 comment. Welcome Unckie G, where have you been?
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