The best thing that I can say about today's game, is that it is over.
First off let me preface this by saying , going to Ralph Wilson Stadium boils down to one thing and one thing only, PARKING. With all the snow that has fallen in the south towns, my favorite place to park, which is along the road that runs parallel to the parking lot, is filled with snow. Plan "B" is to be the first car in row next to the exit to the road out. You never want to be stuck in the middle of a row That is the kiss of death. You will never get out, plus there are empty beer cans, empty beer bottles, and liquor bottles everywhere, which you end up driving over. It was a steady snow today, so hazard number 2 is bondfires. You never want to park next to a truck full of firewood, that is just asking for trouble.
Please take note of the hearty tailgater to the left attempting to put up their shelter in a driving snow storm
After surviving the parking ritual, you next have to try to get into the stadium. It is a ridiculous ordeal of photo ID, presenting our sports service ticket which is color coordinated, signing in and getting patted down. The sports service entrance is just beyond the tunnel, where the players, coaches, and officials enter the stadium. This morning as I was waiting to get patted down, a crescendo of boo's came from the fans that hover by the tunnel entrance, we in line all agreed that it was Tom Donohue arriving, we were right. A chorus of boo's followed Mr Donohue throughout the day.
The hardest working people at the stadium today were the field workers who got the field playable, the people who shovel out the seats, and those that serve the customers.
Here are some of the NU ladies, ready to face the masses, it is Felicia and Heidi rolling the weinies, that job is for freshman only. The beer of choice at the Ralph is Labatts, it is 5.50 for a 16 oz cup, or if you are Canadian and have Canadian funds it is 7.50, even if you dont have canadian funds we will still charge you 7.50, cuz canadians are annoying.
All in all it was a quiet day at stand 329, we had one puker, 3 fights, 2 arrests and one guy who offered thrilly a nice tip if she took her top off, she politely said she had 5 layers on , introduced her father who was to her right and Father Hubbard to her left, the lothario slunk off defeated.
Nephew Jff briefly stopped by during crunch time or half time as it is commonly known. Just to say "Hey, talk to you later."
The last two pictures are of the two teams on the field warming up, working out, etc. This is just proof that the Bills actually did show up today.
Oh by the way I talked to Gramma she is fine.
Submitted by Elizabeth A Holtz Koch
GREAT JOB MOM!!!! You are always the first one to post on my blogs, so I wanted to be the first to post on yours!!! Great Job!!!
Cousin Jff, if you saw a line why didn't you offer to help your family out??
nice job nice job. ps. get that "lothario's" address. I'll take care of him when I come to visit. family honor and all that.
by the way, I saw your picture "proving" that the bills showed up today. It don't prove nuttin. taken from too far away. I don't believe it.
You will never know the panic here as we lost our internet connection at 8 Pm and I have been on the phone for 30 minutes. Great job Bets under the most adverse of conditions!! You are working next sat. nite's game, right???
evening from your fargo friends. enjoyed tonights blog. the weather here is about the same. cold very cold. sorry to hear about your sports teams. your town cant catch any breaks in sports.
how is the hostess feeling. i am just dropping by.
Auntie B -- I looked for you and the clan as I watched the "game" today, with a friend who is a Pats fan. I left his house in shame in the 3rd. Didn't miss anything, it seems. And he didn't miss me.
My guess is that you guys fill a very very important role in the microcosm that is the Ralph. The whole thing would come crashing down if the frozen people were sober. I think ya'll deserve a car magnet.
Auntie B -- I looked for you and the clan as I watched the "game" today, with a friend who is a Pats fan. I left his house in shame in the 3rd. Didn't miss anything, it seems. And he didn't miss me.
My guess is that you guys fill a very very important role in the microcosm that is the Ralph. The whole thing would come crashing down if the frozen people were sober. I think ya'll deserve a car magnet.
Those pictures gave me chillbains just looking at them. How DO you do that??!! I was disappointed that there was no pic of Uncle George with the snot frozen in his moustache--I thought that I was the only one that happened to.
Thrilly, If I come with you some Sunday, can you guarantee some guy will ask me to take my shirt off?
Aunt P,
I will be one of the first to admit the stress that the guest blogger can bring, with anticipation that family and friends near and far will post a comment. Oh the joy on my mom's face when she gets a comment.
Well, I am off to my job interview at 9:30. The position I applied for was a recruitment and retention coordinator for MCDONALDS. When I conducted my phone interview, she was most impressed with my 5 years of experience from Wendy's. Then I have a manager interview for Borders. Sorry Cousin Adam!
Congrats Sis, you hit the trifecta.Your photo essay,which captured a bleakness that would make any Russian author proud, succeeded in undoing any previous efforts on the part of the WNY Chamber of Commerce to lure people to Buffalo as a winter destination. You also elicited an outpouring of sympathy from the Fargoites regarding our professional sports ineptitude, and, you hit a primal protectiveness chord in the Holtz men for "their collective women". Adam is ready to come to Jill's aid, that was until he found out it was a local yokel, probably one of his Quincey neighbors, and I certainly would come to your assistance were such a leering offer to come your way. By the way, where was Jff when all of this was happening? Is this another incident?? Seems that no matter where that boy goes, turmoil is never far away. Huzzahs to Thrilly for parlaying the potential unpleasantness into a Hamilton.
great pictures of the stadium. moved out of buffalo many yrs ago, now I remember why seeing the weather. they are a sorry team, but with a loyal following.
what does nu stand for? sorority?
I know we've gone far afield by now, but just wanted to draw your attention to the fact that my mother said something about snot freezing in her moustache??? Did anyone else catch that?
Way to go B, you even have others waxing nostalgic, well not really, for times lost in WNy. I am still waiting on Sat. nite. I was thinking about going, but if you are not going to be there it is pointless.
Aunt p is my hero...snot, topless and wine...lots of wine!
Another incident? Where?
Not to fear Unckie C, I was quietly lurking around the corner ready to pounce if anything went down. Thrillie was never in harm's way.
It's amazing how we can incorporate snot, female hair lip, and topless Christmas jigs into our family Christmas parties?
Great Post Auntie B. My apologies, I'm still shaking off the whoopin' the Bills took yesterday. To combat the Bills poor play I nearly had to drink myself into oblivion.
Is it supposed to take an hour and 45 minutes to go from section 329 to section 139A? I found myself dressed up in a lil' hat (with as strap for the chin),a vest, a long tail stapled to my rear, and a tin cup in hand. The foreign guy next to me was churning out circus music. People were throwing quarters at me. Very weird.
Don't worry Aunt B...all were included...did you see the back of the picture?
Jeff & I just celebrated Anniversary #13 by putting the kids to bed early & checking out our wedding video. We decided that the Fargo folks MUST have been there 'cause we're not sure who some of those folks were in that video!
Glad you liked the card--I figure that counts as a blog contribution!
holy cliffhanger batman! you can't do that antie b!! creating havoc in an attempt to increase posts... I'll bite. if I post three times, will you give me grammas scoop?
bills stink. that's post #2.
fire donahoe, fire mularkey. post #3.
alright, post #4. I just wanted to let everybody know that, being a bills fan in Boston today was excruciating... all those "does buffalo have a team" and "hey, at least you went to the superbowl.. 4 times without winning" comments has been killing me. If you hear of an increase in hate crimes in Quincy, MA, that's me. I will accept bail money. but seriously, can I have the scoop now?
I am under strict rules to not post a blog tonight, because Mama's blog hasn't been up for 24 hours. She refuses to go to sleep until her comment reaches 50. For fear of eviction, Jill and I went door to door and notified each sober Tonawanda citizen (20 to be precise) of the prominent website and encouraged them to comment.
Here was my eventful day with Gram:
I picked her up so we could go to lunch. We went to Athena's where it was a packed house. We were stuck in the corner next to a couple (we thought) who kept joining our conversation. I gave them our bill.
After Athena's, we headed to Tops where she bought more lottery tickets, corn flakes, her pills, bananas, and 3 loaves of her "special kind of bread."
It was this time that Gram admitted to me that her eyesight isn't bad all the time.
The print was to small for gram to read her instructions about her pills. When I read the directions word for word, it said "this pill may cause decrease in sexual drive." Gram advised me she better be careful. But something about pornogrophy. I tune her out.
Just to let everyone know, that her and Ruth polished off a whole bottle of wine in 3 hours.
Can't wait for Aunt P's blog tomorrow!!!
My mother used to read me books everynight to help me go to sleep. My favorites are "green eggs and ham", "Are you my daddy", or Charlottes Web." Instead my mother has started to read me blog entries. Ahh the good life.
Go Gramma!! It's so nice to see I've had some influence on the family!
Was anonymous, whose trying to up the posts, the guy with snot frozen in his moustache?
Where IS Uncle George?
Bets, it isn't the quantity of the comments, it is the quality of the comments elicited. Like any good series, it is all about the "spin-offs", and you have done that. You did benefit a bit from the Pilaf christmas card which was a gem, but you created the necessary "atmosphere. We grow up thinking back to the traumatic events of our childhood .which warp us in our own special ways, and then proceed to do the same things to our own kids. You have heard my #1 son complain about all of the things that have led him to "therapy", which, by the way, was something that was not an option on Grove st., but now the pilaf's have done it to their children. Way to go Jeff and Sandra. 20 years from now Zach and Emma will be telling everyone who will listen how their parents dressed them funny to pose for Christmas cards.
Just occurred to me that there is a certain something at work here. Betsy and George working at "the Ralph", with Jenna and Jill, while the key character in Christmas Story is Ralph. HMMMM???
would go for an extensive entry but I am working on my blog for today. Here is #40. And no Sandra, snail mail is not a blog entry. Actually this is Chuck writing for Patti, she is getting ready for work.
UB grad no longer living in the area, living is Fla. Friend of mine told me great pix of the stadium were on this page, and I was not disappointed! I used to have season tickets in section 120,they were sweet endzone seats, anyway would you guys take a picture of that section and post it from the Denver game? I will make a donation to a local charity in your name. But I would love to see that section again in winter, with those crazy fans.
I will gladly take a picture of the crazy drunk fans of section 120. If anyone shows up of course. What is your email address, so I can ensure that this is not just a silly prank. EMail me your address to NTripcoach@aol.com. I would also request that you make a donation to the Holtz cousin 1st annual Christmas Kegger or the Red Cross will do.
greetings from fargo. i know my holtz friends and family like to keep abreast of the weather here in fargo. it is cold very cold. however seeing your pictures makes me wish i was someplace warmer.
i know your family is overjoyed when fargo posts. it has been hectic with the holidays and holiday parties and decorating and all that. all the preparations and its over before we know it.
Almost there mom!!!! You only need 6 more posts to reach your goal of 50!!!!
i'll contribute
yes i will
'cause maybe there's a present in it for me.
just remember which nephew/niece has the most posts, antie b!
that's me!
i'm single handedly putting you over the 50 mark... I heard xbox 360s are the gift to give this season!
my son, who did not have enough TIME to get his picks in for last weekend's mano a mano football pool, just found enough time to get you over the 50 mark. Each time the bar gets higher. We now have people sending in requests??? I wonder which CHARITY he will go for?
I agree with Unckie C, it's not the quantity, it's the quality of the posts and spin offs. Now Frasier worked. The *MASH" and "Three's Company" spin offs did not. I'm not so keen on "Joey" either. So what's my point? Well, it really doesn't look like spin-offs work either.
I've learned quite a bit recently about our family. Auntie P used to make fins by the river the old fashioned way, Auntie B wants everyone west of the Mississippi to know her tales(no matter how twisted and obscene they are), & Unckie C was bypassed by the draft in the Viet Nam war because he could handle 5" heels. Some men gain their education aboout life at their mother's knee, others by reading yellowed volumes of fiction. I nurtured and flowered in the back seat of a chevy, listening to my old man.
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