I would like to preface this by saying that the post you will find below was supposed to be posted on Christmas Eve. It was written by Gram, and surely brought tears to my eyes. But, with 10 days to go until Christmas, I felt it was necessary to post this tonight. I enjoy the attention from all over that our blog has received. But, what I enjoy more is the fact that we all are doing this together. That's scary, I sounded like Gram there for a minute. Of course the blog will stay afloat after Christmas. We have many important celebrations coming up. I also encourage my family to think of the blog administrator during the holidays. During this time the paperboy gets a tip, the mailman gets chocolate, your hairdresser gets a candle; well the blog administrator also falls into those categories. I can not wait to see everyone on Christmas. I am sure there will be plenty of laughs, drinking, maybe a few tears; and Grandpa in his glory. Well here we go. This was written by Gram.

"Here I am Nancy Holtz (if we didn't know) double eight in age and body, double three in mind and spirit (until I look in a mirror then everything is eight). Orders have come from B.J. (Boss Jenna, some of you people have dirty minds) to write another Blog. You'd think she'd have more respect for my age and frail condition.
She wishes me to write about my favorite Christmas. Now that's a hard question to answer. Memory will have to take me back to 1941, when I married my lovely Charles and into the Holtz family. That was when I really learned how Christmas should be celebrated. My mother- in- law was called Mama by all her family and she had five children plus sisters and brothers and was a widow who worked hard to keep her large family together. This was my first experience with a large group of men and women who were quite proficient and witty and clever quips at the dinner table. The table was long and the ladies all brought dishes of food while the turkey, dressing, potatoes, and gravy was up to Mama. The only silence at this meal, was when Grace was said. Then it was every man for himself. The laughter was catching and I loved it and was amazed by it too.
In 1942, 43,and 44 the meals were a little more subdued and the Grace saying was longer for our two boys that were overseas in World War II. The table was still long and the quips kept coming. In 1945 the atmosphere was all aglow. The boys were back home! I was so lucky I had my husband back; bruised and battered but all in one piece. Even better he had a two year old son to welcome him home. He hadn't seen Chuckie since he was two months old.
Everyone came to the homestead on Grove as usual and after the festivities we went home to our little home on Payne Avenue and our real Christmas tree. We put "our" little Chuck to bed and then set up a train set for him, so he could see it in the morning. We had one problem. The train refused to go forward no matter what we did. It was a riot. It only went backwards. Grandpa changed the batteries, moved the tracks, even put the trains in the other direction. Nothing would get it to go the other way. He was up all night trying to fix it, so it would be perfect. I think Chuck still has that train set.
Each Christmas was wonderful until 1960. Mama had a heart attack and passed away. Mama had taught me well; cooking, baking, sewing, crocheting, knitting. Everything I learned, I learned from Mama.
Grandpa and I decided to buy the homestead and kept the traditions going. The family kept growing, some dropped out for their own traditions but the quips kept on coming. Love and laughter reigned until 1984 when we sold the Grove street house because pop decided he wanted to live in the country. This meant that we would drive into the city and I was just dethroned. Daughter Sue took over Thanksgiving and daughter Betsy took over Christmas. Each Christmas seemed to get better and better. After a few years, the parties were switched. Sue and Gary wanted to visit their son in North Carolina for Thanksgiving, and celebrate Christmas on Nash Road. This is the way our tradition stands now.
Pop and I were overwhelmed with the competition in the whole bunch, laughter was the best thing on the menu. We just sat back and enjoyed the fun; beaming at each successful quip and brilliant saying. You have all inherited your father and grandfather's sense of humor; thank goodness; which he had inherited from his Irish mother, who came from County Cork, Ireland in 1902.
Even though his voice is silent now, I can still hear him whisper to me. Boy, mom did we ever create a motley group. I always answer; yes dear, we certainly did; aren't they so wonderful? Thank you to everyone who has taken such great care of me since he has passed away. I know he will be watching us on Christmas with his red hair and blue eyes; smiling at us, whispering to us all.
I am looking forward to Next Sunday at Sue's with MY oyster dressing and polish sausage to hear the love and laughter again as the whole gang is together. So tell me, how can I pick a favorite Christmas when they ALL are so very wonderful and special to me? Isn't it what its' all about, "Love, Laughter, and Friendship." Oops, the food is great too!
So, I hope that you will all join me in being grateful for all that has been given to us. I love you all just as much as Grandpa did. He was so proud of each and everyone of you and thankful for the time he spent with you".
Signing off,
The most grateful mother, gram and gg in the whole wide world.

There was no reason to wait for this post until Christmas Eve. Jnna thanks for posting this tonight. I joke a lot, but everyone in this family means so much to me. Thanks to everyone. I love you. Now I'm going upstairs to flock my wife. I may even wake her.
hmm. it got a little "dusty" at my house a minute ago. In respect, I'll take one post off from the wise cracks.
sheesh, and I had been working on the names of some remarkable drinks for mom to try out with the dental crew, but I suppose I should be more respectful of the touching post that just went up. Wowza!
Well this will bring the barbs and zingers to a screeching halt, at least briefly. I guess that the story about the backwards running train pretty much set the tone for my life. It helps to explain a lot. The nature/nurture argument once again appears, and I guess this answers the question. It obviously is both.Why else would we all be making such fools of ourselves, in front of the whole world no less, were it not? Yeah Mom and Dad, a real "motley crew".
i still want to know what happened to cousin ching ching.
I'll post later when I can see thru my tears! We are indeed blessed!
Bets, it probably is a good thing that "the man" puts the walls around you during working hours. Otherwise we would be reading about you in the newspaper like the poor W.Seneca supervisor monitored going over the bridge to Fort Erieduring working hours. Maybe we are all better off not knowing what that phrase actually means in Polish. But I always claimed that the best part of me, whatever that might be, came from my Polish genes.By the way, it is not too late to reconsider attending tomorrow nite's game. The weather report sounds really good. With the game on Tv--I can't believe that they sold out--the crowd might be just a little sparse. Just Jff and a brother in law plus a few other hearty fans. Remember that picture from section 120. I am guessing that the title of this blog entry may bring in our first overseas contributors. Acknowledgement from Lech Walesa would be nice.
greetings from fargo. i can say that i have no idea who any of you are. but that was a very touching post today. i will be thinking of my friends in ny and all over on christmas. your family really does do a great job on the posts and your comments are beyond hysterical. i wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a blessed new year.
ps. what the hell is that language and what does that mean. i hope you arent swearing to your friends in fargo.
pps. i check regularly to make sure everyone stayed clothed at there holiday parties. my husband owns a law firm and i dread his holiday parties. maybe we will have to spice it up.
greetings again from fargo. your loyal holtz blogger checker upper. i just saw on our weather channel a big storm is approaching the buffalo area dropping 8-12 inches. stay warm. snowing in fargo right now. my pain in the neck kids decided to move our christmas tree in front of a window so all to see. nice of them until they left our electric heater on which is near our drafty window. needless to say my tree is dried out, brown, and almost on fire. and my kids will be going to get a new one shortly
bi-lingual holtzs even better. you are more than welcome to come to the holiday parties. the more the merrier and of course the more laughs.
I always thought that polish phrase meant "pass the labatt's"
Count down to my office Christmas Party~Must go floss!
Looks like everyone is in a party frame of mind tonite. I have my list of "witty remarks for all occasions" ready to go. My wife starts to cringe about an hour before the event and doesn't unlock until, sometimes, 24 hours later. And gramma contends that Jenna is exaggerating about the wine. It is all Ruth! Is that true Jenna? We need a report. Jill, you were supposed to provide details and location of tonite's event in case our guest responder is out and about. You can't spend every nite at the Pump and Pull.
Well, Sndra and I just got back from Christmas party #1 from JP Bullfeathers and unfortunately I could not keep my top on. I'm not sure if it was the Xmas lights or the Sam Adams Cherry Wheat that made the mood oh so right.
Kids are at Shirley and Glen's and and now we're off to party #2. Here's hoping party #3 happens when we get back home. I don't need Snndra for that.
Auntie B...very nice comments about Unckie C, his wife, and his daughter...hmmm...I thought there was another one but I could be mistaken...something about a cross-eyed kid!
(from Sandra)
Whoops...my bad...there was a brief mention of whats-his-name
But you could use a floss Jff!
Jff, why do you hurt me so? and I grew out of the cross eyed. There's a tear in my beer.
As you all probably wanted to know, I did survive the party last night and there were only a few minor incidents. I caused a bit of a stir when I was the first to remove my metal-chained bib after the meal; apparently protocol calls for everyone to wait for the host. There is a short break for mass flossing and We broke up into two teams for "dental trivia"competition.I refused to be assigned to the molars, as I always am, because the cuspids seemingly get the easiest questions. Well, that caused a flap but it was resolved. Your Aunt Patti was quite well behaved, at least for her. It is 10 a.m. Is Jill home yet? Poor Bets. She gets an unexpected day off and look what happensto her day. Tonite: National TV and our BILLS. Will they be watching in Fargo??
In the spirit of the season, I have elected to give my mother the night off from working her last Bill's game. Instead, I have stepped up to the plate to brave the conditions and take her spot. This also gives me a chance to widen the man search instead of looking inside of Bob's Pump and Pull to get lucky. With T minus 3 hours til departure time, I am jotting down notes of pictures to take.
Let's see if I can keep my top on!!! It's always a challenge when guys are shoving money in my face.
I just awoke from last night's party. Things were fairly uneventful during the night (I kept my top on). I did unfortunately awake on my neighbors couch though as they were vacuuming around me. More later as the story develops.
Way to go Jff!!! Now that is a party story and ending. You have a week to recover.
Jllian? 11PM??? Come on. I was just getting started with my one- man performance of "Chicago" at 11.
Jnna, where are you when all this is going on?
Go Bills!
Adam, at 11:30 I test your "Go Bills" was sarcasm. Here's looking forward to the 2006 season. Hire Marv back.
One week to go!!!
There has to be a special spot reserved in heaven for all of those who work, for a charitable organization, and as their reward get to deal with thousands of pre-holiday drunks, and have to rationally inform said drunks, that they can't buy more beer, preventing said customers from becoming even more Jfflike. God love ya. Me, I cut my own beer sales off to myself about 9:30 when it became obvious that the few wonderful moments early in the game, were done for the evening. What is really interesting about this team is that all of the former quarterback controversies notwithstanding--Kemp/Lamonica, Briscoe/Darragh, Johnson/Flutie--that there was never a situation where the receivers decided which quarterback to play with: Evans will play with Losman but shortarms everything from Holcomb, and Moulds will play with Holcomb, but leaves the field if Losman shows up. The more I see JP on the sidelines, the more I see someone more interested in riding a skateboard down a metal handrail than someone who will lead us to the "promised land". Can anyone help me understand?
I'll help you Unckie C, could you lower the lights please, spotlight on.
And in that region there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their "flock" by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them...
Ooops... wrong story to help you understand. I just got done watching a Charlie Brown Christmas.
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