First I would like to call a moment of silence for the sudden passing of Richard Pryor and former Senator Eugene McCarthy. Prior to my blog post, I researched our past 18 blog entries to see what it would take for us to win that "major award," (Yes, I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night) or blog of note. I would much rather have a leg lamp in my front window, but knocking out "Holla in NYC", "Desperate Housewife", "Pimp Wiz", or "Chili Dog" would also give me satisfaction as well. Our guest blog has encouraged our readers near and far to comment and we look for new and exciting posts from them soon. Now, we must strive to get back to the top. I can't wait for Aunt Patti's Blog on the 13th. But, now onto my day with Gram.
I awoke at 4 am with a loud pound on the door. I thought that burglers just wanted to break into my house to use the phone to call for a taxi. Anyway, I awoke from my slumber and saw my dear sister walk in the door. I can not say anything further for fear of rebuttal or legal action. I quietly shut my door and told my mom it was "T minus 7 hours til Gram duty."
When we drove to Luther Manor to pick Gram up, we were 12 minutes late. She would not let us live that down. We quickly found out she was not in good spirits. She wasn't feeling well at all. Her back was bothering her, she was trying to recover from lack of sleep the night prior, and developed a cough she could not get rid of. When I told her to give me her list and mother and I would finish her errands for her. But, she didn't want to hear any of that. As soon as she got in the car she admitted she was lonely and just wanted to get out for the day.

Our first stop was to HSBC (Holy Bleep Buffalos Cold). Her pin number still hasn't changed. After she quickly grabbed her cash, we were off to Lou's. Lou's was very crowded, as it's 2 weeks to XMAS and Webster Street was a hubbub with Christmas shoppers. Gram suprised her favorite waitress, Cozy; by ordering a cheeseburger without the cheese.
After Lou's it was off to Tops to purchase all the ecoutrements (Mom's word) for the Luther Manor Kissmiss Bash 2005. Gram picked up her Merry Christmas Cake and two gallons of icecream. We tried convincing her that maybe her party should have egg nog, peppermint, or rum raisin icecream. But, no she was firm on her decision of Orange Blossom an

After Tops we were headed to Mr. and Mrs. Fix it's house for coffee and a great blog recap. Mr. Fix it really did get the best tree from Home Depot. He did question s on the price of the gift game. He was under the impression that it was $12 and not $20. He also insisted that #1 d in law set the price at $12. Mr. Fix it would like to know why he wasn't informed of the change. We quickly changed the subject. It was an enjoyable visit, as they posed for their Christmas Card picture. I tried explaining to Aunt Sue that our blog takes an obscene amount of hits when her picture is included. She thought someone was trying to

We dropped Gram off at her "crib", as she didn't want to be late for her party. She felt it wouldn't go on without her. The community room was nicely decorated for the shindig tonight.
FYI- The Koch's purchased the tree today!
first of all, Jenna... the "sudden" passing of Richard Pryor? I lost the death pool on that one back in '99. No offense, but that dude was holding on to dear life just to cost me money.
Anyway, I had a WONDERFUL time at my wife's xmas gathering. Some dude who wholeheartedly believed that Heroin should be legalized clung to me the whole time... Great fun trying to find common ground in those conversations. don't worry, I gave him all your names, phone numbers and addresses. He'll be stopping by or calling you each in turn to share his view on how the government is keepin the man down by refusing to legalize ALL drugs.
And antie B, I hope your blog has lots of pictures.
Great news all! I managed to keep my top on throughout the WHOLE office Christmas party. I'm SURE to get promoted this year -- yay!
Great blog Jenna -- very good stuff. I'll drink with you any time!
Kristen, great job keeping your top on, I smell $$$$. I know how hard it can be sometimes. You, Jill, & Jenna should have a great time going out on the town. I'd like to recommend Brownie's Truck Stop in Erie off the I-90. A classy joint if there ever was one.
Okay, since those Bills workers of mine left, now I can talk about them. My eyes usually never see light until at least 10 or 11 am. Unfortunately, I was pounced on and thrown water at a little to early; to go get a paper. So the nice daughter and sister that I am goes out to get a paper to greet the smiling faces of high schoolers at TOPS, with one lane open and 3 people in line doing their yearly shopping, yes I witnessed an abundance of toilet paper and TV dinners (That's considered eating out in Tonawanda).
When I got home, I was going to tell my loving mother that I would work the bills game for her, so she could stay home and wrap all my Christmas presents. But, they were gone when I got home.
It looks like I will maybe clean the house, finish the laundry, dust, send out Christmas cards, maybe do something productive. On second thought, its Sunday and I am going to stay in my pjs and watch the Bills lose yet again and mourn the loss of Richard Pryor.
Congrats K!! In your acceptance promotional speech don't forget to announce your family who stuck by you during those hard times. I am sure you were tempted to take your top off.
Lou's had a holiday party; pizza and beer. Gram wasn't invited. But, I was, and it was good times.
I think all cousins; even the married ones to up the number, should go out when everyone is in town. I know a great bar called Jake's, 4 houses down from my house. K, Jill, and I are sure to find a toothless, obese, smelly man. What do you think about that idea???
Jenna, you have outdone yourself. All of those family photos will indicated to the rest of the nation what we REALLY are all about--the beer cooler and mini-trees. I am glad that my turn is over. I just wish that I would have had a celebrity go down last Thursday. No luck. No need to go to Erie. Try the truck stop on Walden across from the Galleria. But if you bar-hoppers do Tonawanda, my vote is for Keller's. I want to see if Lyman has changed the scotch tape that holds his left eyelid open.
No No No Unkie C!!! You get to pick your day for the next blog!! Maybe the tree cutting day would be a good one.
It looks so cold at the Ralph.
you have no idea how hard it is being a Bills fan in New England.
Kudos to the part of the Holtz clan that braved the elements to travel to the stadium to view, first hand, our home town team in action. The question is, were there any of you among the 15-20 Buffalo fans still there to see our hope for the future Josh Reed, stick it to those Patriots? I do think that we held them to less than 500yds total offense, and with that last td pass I think that J.P., who I will now refer to only as "our skate rat", brought his qb rating over 20. Cant wait to see Auntie B's blog after today.
I'd like to discribe my day at the Ralph today without Gramma. I usually like to begin my tailgating around 9:30. My brother-in-law drove and picked me up at 11 AM and we got there around 11:45 (due to poor driving conditions). So I had to hurry and down 6 beers in the 40 minutes that we had remaining before you have to enter the gate to get mauled by the nice security folk. The easiest way to accomplish that feat is with a funnel. One funnel... three beers down... whew, now I can relax with the remaining three.
Inside the weather protected and heated suite (courtesy of B-in L #1) I sipped gin and tonics and ate chili, mmmmmm good (lil' extra cheese and some hot sauce). Man was I roughing it today. Did the Bills win, I wasn't really paying atttention. A lovely Swedish girl was giving me a back massage and painting my toes.
I did go down and see my fam in section 329 where they were selling beers by the fistful to derserving Bills fans. I tried to get Uncle George's (not in the white collar) attention but he was incredibly focused at the task at hand. I did get a warm, yet sympathetic smile from cousin Thrillie, I must've been leaning towards one side a lil' too much.
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