Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Well-behaved women rarely make history by kdh

I've always found this quote inspirational -- not only does it encourage me every day to try to make a little history, but it also provides a nice excuse for my bad, bourbon-swilling behavior. With this quote in mind, I want to share with you three women I've recently begun to consider role models, as my "big news" has been unfolding.

Scarlett? Well, we all know Scarlett didn't give a damn. She ran businesses, farmed a plantation, and looked mighty fine in a hoop skirt the whole time. She had blockade runners lusting after her! I remember so clearly sitting in the back of that Aerostar all the way to Florida one Griswold -- I mean Holtz -- family vacation, wishing I could be like Scarlett one day....

And speaking of role models from my childhood who have recently come front of mind for me -- here's another icon from my youth. Forget Jessica -- the original Daisy Duke was just about enough to make every prepubescent individual -- male, female, animal or mineral -- feel just a little funny inside. Maybe its the way she managed the Boar's Nest with aplomb, without worrying about taking off her top every now and then.

Now, I doubt Rosalyn ever made anyone feel funny inside -- even Jimmy -- but she's the third in my "girl power" triumvirate of new role models. OK, so she married a peanut farmer. But she got that peanut farmer into the White House for God's sake. Enough said.

So what do these three women have in common, and why are they part of my new role model line up? Well, there's a good answer for that, family! They are three remarkable women from the fair state of Georgia -- and I'm about to become one myself! I'm moving to Atlanta, to head up projects at Danya South. New challenges, great opportunities, a big vote of confidence from my company and the omnipresent support from my mom, dad and bro have set me up to take this big step. I'm heading South, family, and about to become the Southernmost Holtz, and, potentially, a Braves fan....

So lots of things in my life are changing, but that's OK -- as we just learned from Scarlett, Daisy and Rosalyn, sometimes the most world-changing women are those that take risks .. and misbehave a little!


Jenna Koch said...

I am the first to post a comment!!! Congratulations KDH!!! You deserve it! I am so happy for you. I just took a few shots for you out of my Atlanta shot glass.

Do you need help moving?? Count me IN!! I am a pro at it now!

JT Rice said...

Awesome news Kristen. Congratulations and good luck. Yeah, if you need help peeling wallpaper... wait a second. Atanta? That's no where near Disney World. How about Orlando? Does Danya need a company in Disney... I mean Orlando?

Anonymous said...

I, for one, will miss the trips to DC with all of the various free, government subsidized distractions there, but Iwill learn to substitute those created by Ted Turner. I prefer to think of Atlanta as the home of the greatest TV station of all, the Weather Channel. The late, lamented John Hope and his hurricane forecasts; but now we have "it could happen tomorrow"!! to provide concerns.If my daughter wants to win over her daddy's heart, she will arrange a weather channel tour for me on our first trip to visit the "one and only Peachtree street" , but no, I hear that there may actually be more than one peachtree street. Also, I would suggest that Daisy Duke poster as a most appropriate gift for next Christmas' exchange. And kudos to the kochs--love that alliteration--for their Seabee like effort in getting as much done as quickly as they did in getting moved into their new digs. I was a bit disappointed in nieces Jll and Jnna. I really thought that they could have spent a bit more time at Bob's Pump and Pull and recruited some of the boys for assistance. With the vast array of pick up trucks parked out there, the need for a u-haul would have been eliminated.

Anonymous said...

My daughter~the Southern Belle~!

Anonymous said...

Oh, fiddle-de-dee. We need more activity here. No former-Confederate Holtzes out there??

Anonymous said...

New to this blog site! just browsing and came across this! That was great, congratulations to KDH for the great blog and the promotion. And dont forget the famous sugarbaker sisters of Atlanta! Just one more group of woman to emulate

Anonymous said...

check out this web page KDH

Anonymous said...

Ok now I am hooked, the most famous southern belle, from Atlanta! Taa Dahh, Ms Julia Roberts.

Anonymous said...

ok now everyone in the office is looking up famous people born in Atlanta, that fit the bill. And we are coming up with not much, brenda lee? Gladys Knight? Now here is one, Brittany Murphy.

Anonymous said...

Four anonymous replies in a row! Way to go darling daughter. Loved the web site! Start practicing, K!!

Anonymous said...


JT Rice said...

I have to get involved in this search for accomplished Atlanta babes... now that's goiing to be a challenge. I'll be back after intensified research.

Albany, my boy, I have no choice other than to root for black n gold of Pittsburgh. It's my son's favorite team, his uncle lives down there. Needless to say I'm receiving grief from my friend who's been a lifelong Seahags fan. Should be a good game though, both can run and stop the run. Are you reading this Marv?

Sandra said...

Excellent news Kristen...jff's best friend's dad lives there (and yes, is a Braves fan) When is the move?

This news might call for TWO bounce houses at the Holtzapalooza-can ya get on that Unkie C?

Anonymous said...

...and a ring toss.

JT Rice said...

Bessie Cole was the first licensed black aviator. She was born in Atlanta... ummm... Atlanta, Texas. That's all I got.

Anonymous said...

Great website, anonymous. Since there's no prohibition against drinking large amounts of bourbon in public, it looks like I'm in good shape. Of course, I always walk in my outrageous high heels like I'm walking on air (even after said bourbon) so I think I'm going to be a natural. I won't ever forget my Buffalo roots though ...

Anonymous said...

Just a family FYI -- Rick, the quiet one, just contacted me "off blog" to wish me luck. I think he's upset I ousted him as southernmost Holtz.

I move weekend after next!

JT Rice said...

You're right, he probably is. It's the little things that keep Rick, the quiet one, going. At least that's what StacEy said. Hehe... I said little things. Right Amy... lil' things. Hehe... I said it again.

Anonymous said...

...and to think that Jff came up with that after only 3 drinks!...it's AWANA night!!!!

Anonymous said...

The mere fact that I will be supporting the seahawks with my wagering will be enough to ensure a Steelers victory. I have always rooted for the AFL rep. even KCity in 1966 when they beat the Bills for the Chance?? to be beat up on by the Packers in the first, even tho it wasn't called it, super bowl. Even though i don;t consider the Steelers as a true AFLer (notice that I do not use AFC) that would limit me to 8 possible choices--Denver would have been acceptable. I know that Albany would probably support the Jets, who are 1-0 all time and gave me, personally, my happiest super bowl moment. Welcome back Fargo. Where to the vacation? I hope that you didn't go south to get away from all of the nice weather that you have been having in N. D., although our local weather people are saying "a significant change in the weather pattern next week" spells gloom and doom. I would imagine that would mean more typical Feb. weather for you too. Please albany, the Roslyn/Daisy thing, poor Jimmy got into hot water when he admitted to "lusting in his heart" in a Playboy interview. Let's not get him into trouble again.

JT Rice said...

she said "up with that"... hehe

Anonymous said...

can't believe that jff and sndra came up with 3 responses in the time it took me to wander aimlessly over the landscape. what is AWANA?? I am afraid that I have a guess or two on that.

JT Rice said...

AWANA stands for "kids are gone two and a half hours with my parents at their church". No wait, that would be KAGTHWMPATC. It's kinda like the christian girl/boy scouts. It's pretty cool for them and they like it. But more importantly it gives us time alone to go on a date. Tonight we went to Neighboor's Pub. Last week we went to the Eagle House.

JT Rice said...

Now I'm home after a few guinesses and feeling fine listening to the Flaming Lips folding laundry. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Anonymous said...

Not THAT Jimmy. Sheesh Dad, you're going to get our paper writer in trouble with the confusino between him and Prez Carter!

Anonymous said...

"Yes, sir. I'm a real Southern boy. I got a red neck, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer."~~
This is the kind of men you can look forward to meeting in Atlanta, KDH!

JT Rice said...

...and the fan club keeps on growing.

Anonymous said...

How did jff get the flaming lips to fold his laundry? And my daughter being solicited by a Pabst Blue Ribbon drinker? No Schlitz drinkers out there?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

boy, being a teacher is tough work! Not the lackadasical (whateva)4 hour days that my father put in for oh so many decades. I haven't even had time to check up on the blog in recent days! Congrats, sis! even though I already kinda knew the surprise. But I din't spoil it, no siree.

Anonymous said...

this was a very funny conversation. I am new on the computer, and was looking for family genealogy and history info I am not sure how I got here. My last name is Schmidt? I will keep looking, just passing through

JT Rice said...

Welcome Scmmidt, have fun browsing the blog. But if you break something... you bought it.

JT Rice said...

Adm, you're working more than 4 hours a day. What is Kathy Lee Gifford your boss?

Anonymous said...

she sure is, Jff. 16 hour days, and I'm not even getting paid!

Anonymous said...

Sis, glad to see that you are battling thru the minimal technology to get caught up. I, for one will be hoping for a pair of safeties vs. a single field goal, for either team. My favorite square story, and a true one, is the husband of one of my former teaching colleagues had, Bills 2, Giants 1, with the final square worth $10,000. Wide right !!

Anonymous said...

ok, I know I'm not the brightest light, but how can you score only one point in a football game???

I'm so excited about the party on Saturday. What is everyone wearing?

Anonymous said...

In the squares, it is the final digit in the score, ie."1" would be 11,21,31,41, etc. No, it is not like canadian football where a punt into the endzone that is not run out scores a point for the kicking team=="a rouge". Unenlightened U.S. football does not have this, so, no, you can't score a single point, just on an extra point.My outfit is not quite altogether yet; I am having trouble with my jewelry.

Anonymous said...

I will have pizza and drinks ready. The candles will be lit and the fireplace roaring. If that's not enough to get you here through terrible weather, Kristen is hinting at taking her top off!

Anonymous said...

boo! I wish I could be there! all have fun, and tip a couple for me!

JT Rice said...

Another topless evening with the Holtz's on Saturday night. Aahhh... memories of childhood return. Hopefully no one plays with my nipple barbells. They're still a lil' sensitive. If it wasn't for Adam's encouragement (and $5) I never would have gone through with it.

JT Rice said...

Unckie C, don't let Tom Clements find out about how you feel regarding Canadian football rules. Go Edmonton!!!

JT Rice said...

Kristen, I ask you. Is there any show out there on TV land funnier than Spongebob Squarepants?

Jenna Koch said...

Good Morning Family!!! I heard all about Holtzapalooza! Thrillie had some great ideas for games. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

My thanks to all of you who ventured out to the southtowns. It meant so much to ap and me that you were able to be part of the evening. But now that we have August 6 as THE DATE, plans will have to made and put into action. More to come on this.

Anonymous said...

How lucky I am to have such wonderful, supportive, talented and funny people in my life. Although I never wanted a party, with me as the center of attention, it was a night I will always remember. What better way to end my working career than to be surrounded by the people who have always surrounded me with love!

Sandra said...

Guess that means you like the bench...was thinking that would look nice in my yard...oh, well...enjoy!

Also...left the original picture at your house on the cabinet near the kitchen (in case you didn't see it)Enjoy it!

Party was fun...thanks for the invite!

Anonymous said...

The party was so much fun. Thanks for inviting us. We had a ball. I washed my hands as soon as I got home though. You never know where the para flu may show up.

Anonymous said...

I think we need so more Durez bloggin'... too funny. "I've got the USGA rule book".

Anonymous said...

Go Steelers! Yahoo!
Did anyone win their squares?

Jenna Koch said...

I bet Jimmy is happy! The Koch's did not win any squares tonight.

Anonymous said...

Glad that Zach is happy that his team won. I, as usual, went down in flames with my wagers. The only good thing was that I resisted the temptation, when called yesterday, to substitute today for 7th grade science. Looked at weather report and said, uh-uh. As it turned out, school is closed out here today for reasons I can;t figure. Nice to know that Mr. Fixit will have the rule book and see to total enforcement during the Holtzapalooza invitational,pro-am, skins, best-ball, stableford scoring event on August 6.

Anonymous said...

not to marginalize my sister's life changing post, but methinks its about time for a new blog!


Who's up for it?

Jenna Koch said...

Good Afternoon family. I was at work this morning busy at my desk when the fire alarm went off. I grabbed the most important things in my office and rushed out the door. Of course I assisted the children from our day care center.

However, we stood outside in the freezing cold for 1 hour until we were cleared to come back in. This couldn't have happened when it was 60???? The fire was caused from a burned bagel without cream cheese!!

Anonymous said...

albany blogger checking in. how is the weather in your neck of the woods, it looks like you guys are getting buried.
ok who won money? who picked the correct team to win? not me, I was seattle all the way..

Anonymous said...

for those who live in a cave and didtn watch the game my steelers pulled it off last night for superbowl XL. i won $50 on a bet with one of my friends. the bus retired last night and bill cowher got his first SB win.

and i didnt get that A+++ i needed. i made a few mistakes so my teacher gave me a c. i can earn extra credit by revising it. but i am busy with baseball starting. but of course i will do it.

i did play hookey today to celebrate the steelers win. nobody goes to school the day after the superbowl. arent yall familiar with that in buffalo?

Anonymous said...

kdh congrats on your new job. do you need a new assistant? i am a atlanta thrashers fan. how about it? were practically family now. plus i think my high school education background is just what you need. i am 18 so i can move out of the house now. will you pay at least minimum wage?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

ah yes, the days of playing hooky after all the years of the bills superbowls. of course, those days off from school were necessatated by my vodka haze. anything to get rid of the pain. the horrible horrible pain. and fargo, I am quincy public lacky. I just like keeping people on their toes.

Anonymous said...

Fargo, the date is Sat. August 6. Directions to the site will be posted. It is our hope that there will be no snow that day. Ah yes, great memories of those post super bowl celebrations. They were such great times, for dallas, new york and washington fans.

JT Rice said...

Ahh... ya gotta love Jimmy's resume. Quincy Lackey... I had no idea. I thought it was purple haze. Yes, I remember going down to Niagara Square and screamin' for Scott Norwood to say something. I was young and still getting over that lost weekend.

$0.00 for squares.
Was rooting for the Steelers so I won there, except no money was exchanged with bookie. So broke even on that.

MMMan, it's cold outside.

Anonymous said...

so does anyone know what 6 months from today is????? give up?

JT Rice said...

Yeah!!! Holtzapalooza!!!

"You bring the watermelon... okay king". Remember Seseme Street?

Who's turn to blog? Rick?

Sandra said...

Did not win a square either but got my 50.00 winnings from fantasy league--1st in the standings but bombed in the playoffs--a 12 year old got my 300.00 bucks!!

Anonymous said...

frequent reader of this blog site, I really like you, yes I do. From Akron, Ohio and am curious how you get your blog ideas, most that I read are geared towards one subject matter, for ex there are great Olympic blogs out there right now. And your ideas are fresh and new dont know you kdh but good luck in your new city and job. it takes courage to move away from your family and comfort zone. be a trail blazer.
keep up the good work, this site is always funny and I can recommend to friends, nothing offensive her

JT Rice said...

The ideas come from different folk. We take turns writing goofy blogs, trying to make our other family members laugh, yet keeping it somewhat related to the everyday matters going on. Thanks for the kind words Akron.

So anywhooo, Cookies, how's the movin' going?

JT Rice said...

We haven't heard from Auntie B in awhile. How about it?
How about a blog Aunt Betsy?

Charles Adam Holtz said...

Mmmm. Cookies... I need an after school snack.

Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard Akron. How much longer until the Aeros, who we all love here in Buffalo as part of our indians chain, start the season? Love the stadium there. the only thing was i happened to be there on "bring your dog to the park nite" and it was a bit of a minefield getting around. We do need a new posting.I am working on an idea and hopefully we can come up with something before too long. I won't be getting much help because Auntie P is working on her thankyou notes.

JT Rice said...

Work day ends at 3PM for me Auntie B. 35 hour work week, Not-for-Profit.

Emery Park bombs??? ... that's odd. Didn't see that one comin'.

Okay, here's my protected list for fantasy baseball.
1. Jason Bay
2. Derek Jeter
3. Jose Reyes
4.Aramis Ramirez ???

Still deciding on #5; is it Adam Dunn or Joe Mauer
Letting go of Mark Prior and Joe Nathan.
Okay, are there any fantasy geeks out there with some advise?

Jenna Koch said...

Cousin Jeff, I am sure my dad can assist you in your fantasy baseball draft. On Saturday when our hero, the cable guy came; my dad informed him that he was in first place for his fantasy hockey team.

Poor guy, he was forced to listen.

I heard through a birdie, that Jill was working on a post.

Anonymous said...

New post new post new post! ya'll don't know that checking the blog obsessively is my security blanket as my house becomes more and more disarrayed and it is CLEAR that I am moving this weekend. Yipes!

JT Rice said...

I talked with Uncle Geo already (good stuff), I'm just looking for anonymous fantasy feedback. Adm, would have me draft Kevin Youkilis and his projected 40 dingers.

KDH, sorry about the disaray in your home. I like everythiing in it's place, I can understand. Good luck.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

buffalo wings, beef on weck, pizza.
menus done. whats next?

and jff, the difference, you have to realize, btw yankee fans and red sox fans is that we, unlike you, don't automatically assume that our players are "the bomb". we know that youks is young and untested, we're just hoping that his OPS (On base plus slugging for all you neanderyankee fans out there) is somewhere around .900. As it has been in his limited action.
Year Two thou-sand! clap -clap -clapclapclap

Ahhh. spring training is almost upon us. let the jibes begin.

Anonymous said...

kdh i didnt hear a response to my job proposal. when can i interview?

i think the red sox fans will have to wait another 86 years to win a world series. the detroit tigers have a stronger chance in winning their division.

since i am a regular here to this site i will offer my advice on menus. first start with cheese and crackers for a appetizer then for teh main meal cook a nice steak with a few sides. my mom makes awsome scallop potatoes. is she invited?

Anonymous said...

do you guys want me to do the blog??????? A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE JIMMY. its hard being a good looking high school student.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

what an eventful day! elongated posts from the jimmy and fargo, plus gram checking in. Jimmy, the slant against the sox will be ignored... This time. but definitely do a blog.
Jimmy! Blog! Jimmy! Blog!

JT Rice said...

Fargo, absolutely hysterical. Excellent research. We'll have to put you in charge of our R&D Department (that means reseach and development to help the Red Sux fans out there) for Holtzapalooza.

I agree with our esteemed colleague from Quincy,MA... Jimmy blog, Jimmy blog!!!

"A day in the life of a good lookin' high school student", that's a great title. I was actually going to do "A day in the life of a good lookin' reimbursement manager". But I'll wait my turn.

Pitchers and catchers, baby!!!

Anonymous said...

so you guys want me to blog? okay okay dont pull my arm. how do i do it give me some direction

Charles Adam Holtz said...

the jimmy,

you can email me for the password for the website if you want, but first you have to pinky swear that you won't ever give the password out to anyone else... you have to swear on the arm of Ben Rothelisberger. on the legs of Willie Parker, and on the Brain of Bill COwher. we have to keep our high standards around here. My email's chaholtz@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

So much activity here from Pa, from Fargo, with laws that kdh needs to be careful of; so much going on; better post fast jmmy before k reaches 100.

Anonymous said...

I worry about all those laws in Atlanta. I am afraid my daughter will have a very hard time not breaking them. I hear those prisons in Atlanta are cesspools of moral degradation.

Jenna Koch said...

A Jimmy blog!!! How fun!!!!! When can we expect your blog Jimmy??

Jenna Koch said...

Cousin K, I wanted to be your 100th post!!! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Breaking 100 to tell everyone that my mother's fears may be confirmed -- Atlanta isn't a cesspool of moral degradation, but I am. Nice!

Jimmy, I'm a tough boss, sure you're up for it?

Anonymous said...

100 + comments, way to go.
union mandated breaktime in the state capitol. til the weather gets better, a cup of coffee and reading your blog site pasts my 15 minutes quite nicely, thank you. Is the family up for the Olympics? Been to Lake Placid a few times, so I do enjoy the winter sports. talk to you all later holtz family

Anonymous said...

i am at home working on the blog for today. kdh when do i start my new job? will i get at least minimum wage?

Anonymous said...

fairly new graduate, considering moving to Atlanta for job opportunities that do not exist in my area. Liberal Arts major, so KDH could you please put up some job opportunities once you get settled? good luck on your move, and maybe something will work out for me too

Anonymous said...

I am ready to relocate to Atlanta to work for my daughter but Danya has some crazy nepotism rules. Good luck Jmmy, but you had better be careful, she is one tough person to work with. She still harbors grudges, as does her brother, for when they were part of Holtz painting co.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

hey anonymous, if you get a job from my sister before i do, I will be very upset. `

JT Rice said...

The Holtz Painting Co., those were the good ol' daze. Nothing like the smell of laced paint in the morning.

Does anyone want to know who's on my Josie and the Pussycats calender for Thursday the 9th?

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