Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Day After HoltzaPalooza

The Day after Holtzapalooza is quite similar to the day after Christmas or Thanksgiving. Following a get together with our loved ones, I was quite sore from laughing so hard. Cookie was sore from pitching 4 scoreless innings against determined cousins and uncles wanting to get a crack off her fastball. However she set the record straight by fanning cousins Jeff and Adam. The debate about Derek will live on.

Breakfast yesterday was simply a treat. I have learned to try coffee and hopefully it will grow on me. I do not want to be the only one drinking chocolate milk anymore. Zider Zee's was correct with their slogan, " A place where friends meet to eat." After our stomachs were full; to the greens we went. I did do some research with askjeeves. However, he wasn't there to help me with my swing. But, thankfully my family was there to correct my baseball swing. It's a sport that I will continue to try and hopefully be a pro at.

The party was memorable; something that I know I will remember forever.

Thank you everyone for a great time, great laughs, great memories. Pictures and a blog will be completed by gram relatively soon. I will concur with the group and say we can't wait until 2016 for the Holtzapalooza sequel.

May everyone have a safe trip back home. It's dreaded Monday. Thank you again.

The Second Place Koch's.


Anonymous said...

It is indeed a pleasure to have the first comment for the blog of the person who inspired it all. Without this source, the palooza would have never taken place and we would all be the poorer for it. From golf to clean up, it was all memorable. Thanks again golf partner and blogmeister extraordinaire. It was my pleasure to have you in the same cart as me, and if nothing more, there will be another golf outing, soon. As Nfw jff said so often: there were no losers yesterday, with the possible exception of unkie gare, but only until he found his sunglasses.

Jenna Koch said...

Just an FYI, gram is in the lobby waiting to be picked up for Holtzapalooza Duece.

Unkie thank you for your kind words. The blog started as the countdown to Christmas. Who would have thought it would be a year next month?

Anonymous said...

What's next, family? Holtzs do best when they have something to look forward to ...

Anonymous said...

What K did not meantion at 10pm was that she was sitting in the airport as her Airtran delay lingered on. Based on the single ring at 12:30 am, it seems that she finally got back to Hotlanta and will be spending a productive day at work today. Adam called a bit ago after dropping Lady Lucy off for her surgery so they are both a bit sad ---Adam and Amy I mean. I would guess that Lucy is just busy running around somewhere. Have a good day all.

Anonymous said...

Holtzapalooza rocks!
Airtran sucks!
and Mondays -- ? well, you all know how I'm feeling about Monday. Except for those of us that are retired or on vacation!

JT Rice said...

The Peel-offs (Pilafs) are finally back from a awesome time at Holtzapalooza. We got a lil' derailed and ended up in Allegany. (Why does NY spell it Allegany and PA. spell it Allegheny?) Too wierd.
Pooza was awesome. We had a great day and I know we're a lil' late but just wanted to reiterate everyone elses sentiments.

Derek, way to take back up the middle on Thrllie/Cookie. I, unfortunately, stuck out looking for an inside changeup, only to get an outside fastball. Sweet pitch. I think that first one was just inside the foul line though.

2016 for the next Pooza is just too long to wait, Gram needs to be there. And 10 years might be pushing it. We'll bring the watermelon.

Anonymous said...

Apparently if you win the 1st place trophey, you get a free chair put in your garage! Cool...seriously...anyone missing a chair?
We had a great time! Thanks so much to everyone!
Our pictures are now successfully downloaded and Jff will blog out soon!
Glad everyone is home safe & year you should all join us for the rest of the weekend at Allegany (Alleghany)...good times except for the Racoons clawing at the tent!
Guess a new title is in need...
Does Countdown to Christmas return or are we starting a fall tradition "to be named soon".

Anonymous said...

I had a great time...thanks Kristen for all the fun games! Rices Rock!