Before we started our golf outing at the rolling hills of the Spruce Ridge Country Club we all met at the Zider Zee in Holland for a family breakfast; "where friends meet to eat". You can see how early in the AM it is by how dark the picture is. I can't believe Unckie wanted us to meet there at 4:30AM. And even though we arrived before the rooster crowed you're never the first one to arrrive at the Zider Zee.
The ZZ offered the generous 2-2-2 special for $4, that would be 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, and 2 meats (bacon or sausage) . Most of us got the special and a cup of coffee. Someone ordered a western omelette and nothing on the side. Interesting. Another person had a chocolate milk. Hmmmmmm...
Overall the breakfast was filling and served it's purpose. Two thumbs up.

Who's Colombo now, baby!
After the first hole, Team Unckie/ Jenna took an early lead over Team Jeff/Jill and Team Gare/Adm/KDH. You could tell right off the bat that this was going to be an intense match. We finished the first hole in just under 30 minutes. So intense were the shots, you could slice it with a knife. Please take note on Kristen''s near-perfect form.
After completing the third hole in just over an hour and a half and being pushed by the entire population of Sardinia behind us. We made an executive decision to move on to hole #9.
We finished the round with a THUD and carted ourselves back to the cars to get to Emery Park for Holtzapalooza or as KDH refers to as just Pooza.
We all had a fun day. There were some really good shots and some really bad ones. We laughed, we cried, we left our emotions out on that hill. And we all came back a little wiser for being there. There were no losers, we were all winners.
WELL... there was a winner. Unckie always has to win. Ahhh I'm just kidding. He's an easy target.
It has already been suggested by Thrllie that a rematch is in order. I'd like to echo that with a resounding YES. A rematch is definitely needed. This time we play 7 holes.
First to comment...(make that second...wow Jill...that was fast) and I didn't even golf! Looks like a good time!
Now...about that chair...
wowza -- what a swing! What a swing!
I love blogs with chapters. That was a really great way to start an exciting day!
GREAT JOB JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have learned to try coffee, but still can't enjoy it.
Just an FYI, the ZZ has REALLY good Chocolate Milk
hey MY gift is missing too! Who made off the the WNY favorite foods snack pack?
Gram snagged the WNY specialties... figures.
The blue chair that's in my garage was used by Lucy (for a nappy, nap)at one point in the day. Who's is it?
The "Blue Chair Debate" began after the Rice's left Pooza. We are unsure who the real owner is. The Koch's brought two chairs with them, a green folded one and a blue folded one. We left with three. The two we brought plus the Pooza chair.
If no one claims it in 48 hours, it's yours to bring to the next Pooza.
I was just told basically the same story over a bowl of chowder by Glen and Shirley just moments ago. The "blue chair debate" may deserve it's own blog.
ooooooooooooh chowder. I'm going through withdrawl. Don't suppose that could be mailed too?
i can't believe gram stole my pirate prize! The horror!
Is anyone else feeling a little bored and unsatisfied this week?
who is the strapping young lad in the red sox t shirt? He's got style, taste, and pizzaz!
I am disappointed in all of you! You are German, you do love beer and it will be October soon. Does that give you any ideas for the next big party?
Adam~ Did you comment on your own picture? Shame!
Octoberfest!!! Yeah beer!!! I'll wear a skirt and wool socks.
Shame Adm, coommenting on your own attire. Rememmber ... I have a doozy of you covered in whip cream and it's not the picture of you and Mel Torme on your honeymoon. Freak.
I love the idea of Octoberfest! We can have our own Beer Hall Putsch!
Com'on man ... I'm dying to see the pic of Adam all whipped up. hee hee. When's the next installment of the pooza blog
You guys have really been busy. Just got back from a minor golf/baseball trip to the finger lakes region--Auburn Doubldays on tues. nite and Syracuse skychiefs this afternoon, along with 18 holes tuesday and 18 more today. Great pics jenna and a most accurate account on what may go down as one of the greatest, altho short, golf tournaments ever. So much fodder here with the Allegheny pics crying out for a blog, with the rest of the pooza activities still not officially covered, and there could be an entire blog devoted to the chair, the missing gift and the brushback pitches thrown by thrillie at the pretenders in the batters box. Way to go guys. Me, I'm heading to bed.
Heading to bed???
The Pilaf's just made reservations for Watkins Glen State Park 8/25 - 27th. Last camping trip of the summer. Boooooo.
Did AuntieP just suggest a Holtztoberfest?!
We have some great shots of poolza...should we e-mail them or should Jff blog them at a later date?
Bucky!!! That would explain a lot of things. I think that everyone with pics needs to do a blog--not a lot of text necessarily, but as much incriminating photo evidence as possible. I think that an Oct. golf outing a fest is a distinct possibility. Thanks jenna, I have shifted to choc. milk now with my breakfast and never realized what I was missing.
By the way auntie b, what did you say the count was of blogs and comments. I remember you saying it at the party but I don't recall the pretty substantial numbers. I wonder if our occasional contributors, ie. fargo, jimmy, albany, etc. realize that they were part of the holtzblog trivia game that K devised?
Oh yeah, when we got home on Sat. I realized that I had 3 chair cases in the trunk, but no chairs in them, so we are actually short two chairs. Any ideas? Bucky?
Run Bucky Run!
More blogs please. More pictures. i was so intent on the gaming that I didn't take a single one!
Holtztoberfest brings to mind some wonderful fall themed games ...
Working on Blog 2 that gram wrote. I will post it momentarily.
I have a blue chair.
It's going to Watkins Glen with me, but after that it's yours. I figured I could do like a Flat Stanley theme. The blue chair in different parts of NY state.
Congrats on the new job. I love wood.
I'm off to Watkins Glen today were it's racing ...only twisted. I'll be rooting for Tony Stewart and the #20 Home Depot car.
YEAH HOME DEPOT!!! Boo Loew's!!
Congrats Jill on your new position. Remember, after college, it is no longer a job. It is a POSITION.When do you start? I hope that you are not responsible for any of the stores in Niagara county. That's Buckyland.
Congrats, Jill!! Could I have 2-1x2s instead?
More pictures, please, since I took none-o-zippo!! I was to busy palying games.
Can't believe that it has been a week already. Hope that all are enjoying this great weekend weather wise.
Decided that it was a lot more fun to come up here and blog than watch the Bills, down 14-0 already, carry on what appears to be a less than memorable game. Is this a foreshadowing of the season to come??
I applaud adm for commenting on his own pix, he came up with a somewhat witty handle, and he inspires comments Yea hotforsux.. I think gramma did her job, now it is just a matter of assembly. jnna is off to the movies tonite, and thrillie looks comatose in her corner of the world...
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