Whip cream.... I swear. Nobody could wear it better. You da man Adm.
She would have been happy with a stick.
How does Thrllie always get the good presents?
Table dancing before noon father??? That's just not right.
"I was thinking about taking up golf, this sinches it." He would have said the same thing if it was an ash tray.
Now that's a good lookin' man.
Talk about "Man Candy".
First to post. Yeah Me!!! Great pics Sandra. You are doing a fine job in carrying out all of the post-palooza responsibilities. Keep up the good work.
Thank god I'm married! Else I'd have some 'splainin to do.
I'm the boob guy who posted the pics. Now does it makes sense?
Adm??? I think you probably still have sum esplainin' to do.
He's correct...my hero the boob guy! I did do the "awards" blog though...
We still have more pics to come!
By the way...no forkin' the Rice household for the official 40th...we'll be camping...
i didnt forget about ya guys. just busy with summer school, work and slacking off. i had to go to summer class for ENGLISH. the paper i wrote about your family didnt save me from going to summer school. i started a petition who wants to be the first to sign?
Ah Jimmy, senior english has made more than one student an unhappy camper. Sorry that the blog did not prove to be your salvation but you were mentioned prominently at the big celebration last week. I confess that I am/was/still am totally confused as to the Rice authorship, although the first pic does make more sense having been posted by nfw jf. I think you need to rethink where my nfw's birthday will be celebrated. It needs to be remembered for more than insects buzzing around.
Yay ! New pics AND Jimmy shows up. What a day on the blog!
oh adam, you devil ...
We love the Jimmy!!! Sorry to hear about summer english class. When I'm out golfing I'll think about ya.
Hi all, it was at my request to have a camping trip for my 40th birthday celebration and Sandra relinquished. Is she the bomb or what?
Did I mention the racoons at the last camping trip??
We should all meet at the Tiki Hut on the last night it is open to...I don't know...celebrate something...What do you think?
When is the last night open?
I thought The Jimmy was done.
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