The evening was moist.
It's difficult to start a blog with an infectious beginning. I usually like to start a blog with direct confrontation and get right to the point. That way the reader is involved immediately. In this instance I would like to say that "The Incident" as it has become to be known happened because of a daughter's unwavering love for her mother.
Sandra and I were making an exchange at the Green Apple on Eggert and Colvin last Wednesday with my parents Shirley and Glen, we were dropping off the kids and picking up Gram to go and get a bite to eat at Gram's favorite eatery, The Gallery Grill. Just as Gram was about to enter our van four guys in "Have a Nice Day" masks started with catcalls and whistleling at Gram (Sandra just smiled thinking they were directed at her). Gram being the perfect old fashion lady was slightly embarrassed, yet mildly intrigued. Camera always in hand I was fortunate enough to get off this hipshot. (The photo has been forwarded to the proper Kenmore authorities). The ever protective, eldest daughter gave Gram a boost into my van to save her from more tauntings. Unfortunately for Gram she sustained an injury to her knee as her face was introduced to my floor mat.
Since that evening I have received countless inquiries, letters, and phone calls from lawyers wanting a full recant of the evening. Fortunately enough for mother there was an eyewitness that evening that is more than willing to testify on my mothers behalf.

Mustafa the squirrel
was minding his own business purchasing lottery tickets inside the Green Apple when he exited the door and saw the whole scene. Unfortunately for mother, Mustafa the Squirrel is known around town as having a drinking problem and his word can be disputed.

I've talked with Mustafa since "The Incident" and even though I believe he can handle the pressure of the courts stand under oath, it seems that he has already made winter arrangements and will be unavailable for about three months.
A few days passed by and Gramma's knees were feeling sore. She called her favorite grandchild... NO, NOT JENNA! Me, hello... and asked if I wouldn't mind taking her to DeGraff Memorial Hospital for a checkup.

As I sat outside in the waiting room I was constantly being reassured by the nurses and other staff members, including the custodians, that Gram was doing just fine and would come out of this a new woman. I can honestly say I think they did a wonderful job and took extremely good care of her. They're pretty creative up in N.T.
Jff...you forgot the story Gram told about the bee stings on her a**. Also...that she snuck out and bought you an extra present for Christmas because SHE felt so guilty about the first one!
By the way...I was there...it was definately a shove into the van!
Hey Uncle C...you're not REALLY going to go back and sub after Christmas are you?! How will you keep up with the "Countdown to Memorial Day" when you're hanging out at the High School? And what about golf?
Oh my!!! To get through that blog I needed to change my underwear twice. That will sure attract the trailor folks to vote for us for the blog of choice!!! Jeff you have been nominated to do another blog entry prior to Christmas, so say you one so say you all? Okay, I am reading that one again!!!!
As I called Gram to read her the post, she had her phone on speakerphone so everyone at Lutheran Manor could hear. In the background she was screaming there's PORNOGROPHY!!! LOL!!! Then Gram said, I hope Jff Doesn't get caught with Porn!!!
Gotta Love Gram!
Jill I'm glad to hear that my lil' blog will help you with your research.
Do I get a security blanket?.. or at least a 10 minute headstart?
Jff, I an clearly see your nuts. Or mustafa's
checking in again from fargo. i forced my son to download christmas songs and i am playing it all through the house. your blog and the music sure gets me in the christmas spirit.
this blog was very entertaining. this should make you the blog of note. i hope that your gramma is okay after the "incident". we too heard something like that happened in fargo. national news.
keep up the great work ny holtz. i am praying for gramma and hoping she is okay.
Jff, in the top picture are you the second person from the left with the brown jacket on?
Fargo family, Gram is doing okay. She just likes the attention and feigns for someone to go to lunch with. Perhaps you could be her lunch date next week?
Unkie C, if you can't make the drive in to take Gram to the doctors; call Liberty cab and tell them to keep the meter running while she eats at Lou's.
Adam, after lengthy conversations with Mustafa the squirrel, I have found out that he sometimes get a lil' excited over the smallest events.
Jenna, I am not the one in the brown jacket. I was stuck behind the steering wheel the whole time, helpless.
Talk about magic twangers....!!!!
I think that Jff has perfectly captured what has come to be a typical day in the Northtowns. I am already fearful coming in there tomorrow. And i do believe that picture one was taken at Jff's annual Thanksgiving mud bowl football game, and the angle suggests that Uncle Gary may have been the photographer.
I think that I saw some of them down by the river, no, not the squirrel.
I think for the first time in a long time, I'm speechless. And I thought I was witty with the cab driver. Silly Kristen.
can someone contact me and tell me how I can copy the pictures out of the last blog entry? The one with the squirrell, the naked guys and the last one with the girl with one leg thanks funny stufff
This is Gram from library. "JT I would have never believed it for you. I am going to have a face lift so that nobody will know me. Everytime I think of you I blush. Go to your corner!!!! TIME OUT!!! LOVE GRAM"
Chuck, Let me know if you are really coming in tomorrow if the weather is not to good. I can start walking now then. Gram
Kristen, How old was the cab driver? Would I be interested in any reasonable description of him? GRAM
Fargo Family, I have been put on the adoption list, if you are interested. I have always wanted to see North Dakota. GRAM
"I better say something to Adam, I said something to KRISTEN."
Betsy, Seeing you have all this free time to blog in HOw about calling me once in awhile?? GRAM
JILL, Ummm, "Lets see how to word this right," I know your working for justice but remember Holtz's don't rat on their relatives. Be Kind. GRAM
We did this from the NT Library. Ironically, there was a swarm of people wanting to blog into our website as well. Something about the nuts, Or were nuts!!
Frago friends & family; put your cursor over the preferred picture and right click--- save picture as. That's it.
Kristen, speechless??? I am truly honored. That's probably the biggest complement. GO MUDHENS!!!
FYI; Gram has massage therapy at DeGraff on Friday to try and loosen up the scar tissue developing. So maybe Jnna could pick her up and take her. I'm ascared to.
Sure, everyone gets positive feedback from gram, and what do I get? "your eyes will cross". Just like back in the day when she kept telling me not to sit too close to the tv.
"and a cloud of profanity still hangs over the great lakes"
Start walkin' Mom. I ain't trying to compete with that. It is bad enough that he uses all of the technology against me in golf, but now on blogsite too?
Unckie C you still complaining about my Jackie Mason "CaddyShack II" putter?
Thank God that niece Jenna has not given me the necessary means to be able to make a blog entry. The pressure is OFF!! We will just have to move on with the schedule. And I am a bit confused. Nephew Jff can hit 2-3 bad golf shots in a row and the worst I have ever heard is an occasional "oh rats". Now I see a totally different side of his personality.
You aren't out of the woods yet Unkie C. Gram is fully equipped with the instructions on your blogging duties!!! Don't worry, it would have been quicker for me to snail mail them to you; as Gram kept saying "What?" "Huh?" "Say that again!" I may have skipped a couple steps, but you will get the point.
I have to admit that yesterday and today I was thinking an awful lot about Grandpa, which brought a few tears; Because of Pearl Harbor. When I called Gram and just wanted to talk about it. Grandpa heard about Pearl Harbor over the radio with Grandma. He was really devastated. She said he knew at that point he was going to protect our country. Today is also the annivarsary that John Lennon died.
Where has Kristen been? Is she out of town again???
Looking forward to Unkie C's blog tonight!!!!
new blog new blog new blog new blog!!!!
Unckie C; regarding my "Oh rats" when I bury a 3 wood into the ground that houses fury animals. It's mind power Swede, mind power.
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