There hasn't been a lot of activity on the blog this past weekend. I am rather concerned about our Fargo family. Below you will read Grandma's Blog. I was going to take her to the library and make her do it herself; but I felt that would be to cruel. I also wanted to get this blog up on Monday, so we could hear Jeff's rebuttal in his guest blog tomorrow. Just to warn my family that Grandma's blog was written on paper towels and she put the word count on the bottom. Well here goes:
"Well! it has finally happened, the Boss (my granddaughter) has ordered me to write a blob or a blog, or a blog. It's funny but when they say that word to me, they seem to mumble, (they say I'm deaf) it is so low I can't make out that word. Anyway, we all obey orders when she speaks. As you know, I am the eldest (not oldest) dowager of the Holtz clan. I would gladly give up that title but nobody wants it. It doesn't cost or pay anything but that doesn't make it very popular either. Guess I'm stuck with it. Oh well!
You have all probably heard of my battle with my grandson's van. Vans and I never got along very well. They are much too imposing and have a tendency to frighten me. I was right, of course, now I have a sore knee. I have been using my knees for quite a few years now and I suppose the parts are wearing out. I did fill out an application form for a new body and sent it to the Organ Foundation, but so far, have not had a reply. Guess they are busy. I am sure they would help me, I told them I was 35 years old!
Anyway I decided to put one of my back plasters on my sore knee, I don't think it will notice its not a knee plaster. Because I am hobbling when I walk, my very concerned neighbors have been offering me a cane or a walker, while shaking their hands and rolling their eyes as I walk down the hall, which seems to be a lot longer than it used to be before B.A. (Before Accident) In my humble opinion vans should be outlawed, they are too aggressive. Where is Wyatt Earp when you need him?
Seeing as I'm going to be sidelined for a few days, I guess it will be a good time to write out my Xmas cards. That will only take me about a half hour and then what? Let's see! What else is there to write about. My social calendar is over- flowing of course (ha ha). The gang all think I go out to lunch too often. That of course, is not really true. We have a gene that runs through this family, we have finally given it a name. Exageration! I think that's the way it's spelled. If not you can look it up in the dictionary! The printing is to small for my eyes. Hey Jenna! Have I written 300 words yet? Sooooo folks, anything you hear about me is all written by that family gene. Busy little fellow. Guess I will sign off for now.
P.S. To be precise it should be A.C. but that sounds like a battery. I like N.C. better! Aloha!
well I'll be derned. If that don't get the North Dakota family to respond, nuttin will. Hey gram, if you want to increase the amount of time it will take to write out your xmas cards, you could send one to every holtz this side of the mississip. There's gotta be at least 50 of 'em.
ps, just because you're the eldest dowager of the family doesn't mean you don't have to post pictures. it was getting hard reading all that text!
n. c. for nancy?? I had heard about the back plasters. You are being real creative mom, keep up the good work.
What I want to know is where were you going with the Rice family and was it worth the sore knee?
Just for the record the van has only attacked one other person and she too had it coming to her.
I believe all questions will be answered in tomorrow''s blob.
Just for the record the van has only attacked one other person and she too had it coming to her.
Just for the record the van has only attacked one other person and she too had it cooming to her.
When I called Gram, her comment was, "Your all nuts." In response to Aunt Patti's question, I was going with Jeff and Sandra for supper. It was worth the sore knee. It feels much better now." "I did not finish my Christmas cards, with the cost of stamps, You will get yours on Christmas."
When I called Gram, her comment was, "Your all nuts." In response to Aunt Patti's question, I was going with Jeff and Sandra for supper. It was worth the sore knee. It feels much better now." "I did not finish my Christmas cards, with the cost of stamps, You will get yours on Christmas."
man, i was going through serious withdrawl there while the site was down. thank god i'm in the midst of writing 43 friggin papers. I can check this site for "workingness" at all hours of the day.
And, Antie b, i agree with you... ne pats fans are the most obnoxious sobs in sport.
It was touch and go there for awhile. For some reason, our website was out of order. :( Okay, but it looks like we are back in business. I really hope the Fargo Holtz's weren't trying to reach us during that time.
A bit concerned over my sister's fixation over some Hung guy, but she is absolutely right. We had our moment, which is more than most ever get and now we are old news.We have lost middle America. All those promises from people who would check in every day. No one from the outside cares any longer but that is OK so we can go back to doing what we do best, picking on each other. I too confess to extreme agitation over the blog being "down", plus I had to answer phone calls from stressedout kids. Looking forward to today's post. Hope that putting it together does not interfere with Jff's viewing tivoed episodes of Desperate Housewives.How many times should I enter this in a bid for attention?
Oh family. I may need to be excommunicated from you all -- I fear I've let down the good Holtz's from Buffalo name. There was a crazy "snowstorm" here in DC last night (read 2 inches) and what couldn't I find this morning, not anywhere? My snowbrush. So I scraped my windshield with a yankee candle airfreshner rear view mirror hanger thingie that quickly dissolved under the stress of it all. At least I wasn't alone -- the guy across from me on the street was scraping with what looked like a toilet bowl brush.
I'm so ashamed.
greetings from fargo- i have a confession to make. i started my christmas shopping over the weekend and finished yesterday. i didnt know i was so popular on your website. but your friend from fargo is back. i emailed my brother and told him he had to post. have a good day holtz's from all over.
fargo is back- our thought process is a little slower than the northeasterners. it took me awhile to catch up on the latest news. ever think of starting a newspaper. i dont see how that would be possible as you have a reality show coming soon. any of you actors? singers? so if i understand what is going on the lady whose site you created this for, hurt her knee. is she okay.
we have a huge family in fargo. i usually spend about $7000 on christmas. between the kids, cousins, nephews, sisters, brothers, parents; the list goes on. i have a feeling i am going to get a response to everyones christmas list this year. i saw this story on cnn abotu people travelling to new orleans to get christmas presents to help boost economy.
adam holtz- my next door neighbor owns a bookstore here in fargo. i can put in a good word for you
signing off from fargo
welcome to the fargo family betsy. you are more than welcome to come for christmas. i have 5 kids; son trent 24, son trevor 22, daughter trisha 16, daughter tammy 11, son taylor 5.
any takers? i would like to get them out of the house. so you can just imagine what our house is like on christmas
great idea fargo -- I'm going to NOLA for my xmas shopping. Someone must need a feather boa, a waterlogged shot glass, and some beads. I've contributed many tax dollars to that economy over the years, and am HAPPY to continue doing it in their time of need!
ok, a few things as i'm scrolling down.
1. antie b, what the hell is a scrapper? Sounds like a plumbers tool.
2. Kristen, you are a disgrace to snow loving holtz's the world over. and if my wife ever finds out you defamed something from yankee candle... it'll be a blood feud.
3. Fargo holtz. put in a good word. I need the cash, and am willing to commute.
4. In an attempt to get cuz rick back on the site.... How's StacEy doing? StacEy StacEy StacEy. Its kinda like a bat signal, but for radio DJs.
I really need to start setting my alarm for 7 am, so I can participate in the blog! Gosh, I feel I have missed out!! I will recap!!
Cousin Adam,May I please field this one? Mom the correct spelling is SCRAPER. Snow Scraper, not a scrapper. Sounds like P diddy's next name.
Cousin K, I could use a Yankee candle air freshener. I still have the smell of BEN GAY lingering in my car from Gram's sore knees.
Cousin J, Could you please let your mother know that its not a GLOG it's a BLOG?
We should have at least one post from Rick before Christmas. And, Sandra where have you been??
What an eventful day. Fargo, plus others, are back with us. And the best that we can come up with is a quest to secure a scrappy scraper?
We need more. I doubt that we can do much to combat pimp whiz, but we need to take this in a new direction. Here is hopping (I know it is hopeing)that Jff can "pluck his magic twanger" and get us all back on track (and maybe there is someone out there who can remember what kid show had a magic twanger) And I want to go to Fargo---7K for gifts. I am impressed, but we Holtzes have always been a generous sort.
Cousin K, for the record; I had to explain to my mom what NOLA meant.
Jeff, just so you know; you have some big shoes to fill tonight.
Looking forward to your 8 pm GLOF or GLOG or BLOF or whatever.
I did not know Jff had a magic twanger! Does Sandra know???? (Buster Brown asking froggy to pluck his magic twanger). Can you pluck yours, jff?
Kristen it is near impossible to desecrate the Buffalo Holtz name. Trust me, I've tried.
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