Tuesday, December 27, 2005

We did it!!!

Never doubt her authority!!!

Just a FYI family; we were a blog of note for this week. Way to go!!! The following blog was written by Grandma, so we felt it was necessary to post what she wanted. Only a few corrections were made.

"Alas, Alack and Blast, Christmas is past! I was asked to write a blog to finish off the holiday season so here it is:

Daughter Betsy gave me a set of the pictures taken on the "Finding the Falls" trip. Most of them were great but a few of them posed a little problem for me. I had to do something because they were pictures of me! I got the brilliant idea to save up some money so I could attend some modeling classes. Maybe they can teach me to keep my lips closed and maybe they could show me how to make my eyes look sultry. That should make me look less astonished in a picture. As for the hair, I think I will get a wig (Shirley Temple's wig has a nice curl). As long as the kids have a great time, I guess I can stand it. Christmas at Sue's is always picture taking time and each of the gang always carry that dangerous weapon, the CAMERA. Luckily they let me sit just in case I nodded off through this ordeal.

All kidding aside, our day with the family was just wonderful. The buffet had delicious food and the dessert table was full of scrumptious calories.

It always amazes me how they can come up with always the right gift. They do this year after year. They really surprised me this year with a trip to Texas (to visit my niece), a beautiful necklace (with me and pops wedding picture), stationary, stamps, a new phone, DVD's (my favorite movie Meet the Fockers), and sweatshirt. Thank you all so very much.

We all decided to start a different tradition this year; called the Pirate Game. It was a blast watching everyone fight for gifts; especially Jill and Kristen. There was a little cut throat going there. But they managed to avoid fristicuffs. We all had a lot of laughs.

One of our Holtz traditions is to watch a Christmas Story. The laughter from the television room is boisterous and quite catching. After the movie, I was ready to go home and collapse in my easy chair and try to relax.

All in all it was a very wonderful day and even though one star was missing, the day was a complete success. I have decided that I am the most fortunate of mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers, to have lasted this long and to have such a loving family; who takes excellent care of me. I hope they know that I love each and every one of them, in-laws, out-laws, any laws. You are all very special to me. Thank you for giving me such a great Christmas.

Love and a Happy Healthy New Year to all who read this and also to those who don't.

Merry Christmas to ALL, and to ALL a goodnight!!!!!


JT Rice said...

#7 you're up. I want the scarf.

Anonymous said...

will you be changing the blog name now that christmas is over? or is it count down to 2006? just wondering, I have enjoyed this very much. you guys are really funny, you should take your act on the road, or do a comedy club sketch or something

JT Rice said...

Now it's "Countdown to Big Party", Unckie C, time put that turf builder down.

Anonymous said...

anyway you can improve the quality of the pictures? they show up on my PC really dark, unless you are all african american.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

try changing the quality of your pc, anonymous...

JT Rice said...

The quality of the pics on my computer are perfect. Couldn't ask for a better lookin' fam.

Sandra said...

Countdown to the Big "o" Party! Ok...when is the date? Unkie C? Are you setting up shop or is it coming North to the jRice household? Jenna...hope you'll stay on as Queen Blogger! Hi to Austin!

Jenna Koch said...

Of course Sandra, The posts will keep on coming. In fact, Gram plans on going out to Chippewa for some late night drinking on New Years Eve with a few of her friends. We all know how she can drink. I will follow along with many pictures of her wild night.

Anonymous said...

Is Christmas over?? I seem to have missed a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Blog of the week, huh? Great.Christmas was, as always, quite an event. I only wish that there had been a way to capture all of the conversation--no I think that yelling over the top of one another would be a better way of describing it. We need to leave the question of what to do with the blog to all of our people out there. 2006 will see our family having two people turn 60, one 50, one 40, one 30, and, if we stretch it, we could celebrate the 90th anniversary of Mom being conceived; how's that for creepy? Even more importantly, my streak of consecutive months of having played golf at least once will reach 100 in June, not an easy task in sunny, warm Western New York. With all of that, what should we do about a party? Also, what do we call the blog as it leads up to it? And, if Jnna continues as Blogmeister, what do we get her as a gift after she has already gotten a great hat? What do the Fargoans suggest? Aunt Patti wants to know why Austin hasn't e-mailed her? And yes, not only are we Jewish, we are also black. And the worst part was that Kristen, so anguished over her loss of the scarf, resorted to taking my "major prize" of the day, my Hickory Farms gift basket, back to DC with her. I knew that I should have traded with John. At least I would still have the plant stand. She couldn't have gotten that on the plane.

Jenna Koch said...

Unkie C. Quite an achievement we made, wouldn't you say? The family blog has been going strong since October 18th. With so much to look forward to, the posts will keep coming. Especially the guest blogs. Gram loves to hear what everyone is up too. Unkie C. The greatest gift I could have ever received was already given to me. That blog brought us all closer together. I even spent some quality time with Grandma, toured the falls, helped picked out Christmas gift, and learned so many things about my family (Some would make for good blackmail). However, I do look stunning in red.

Aunt Patti, I had to explain E-mail and the internet to Gram. I also had to show Austin how to E-mail. He has everyone's addresses, so I am sure you will be bombarded with E-mails. I was proud of your refills on your wine glass. However, I lost count on Gram's Beer Numbers. Can someone tell me what her final tally was?

Glad to hear everyone made it home safe and sound. With the new year fast approaching; Kristen and Jeff please keep your tops on. Mom, please don't wear the fishnets out.

JT Rice said...

I knew we were related to Sammy Davis Jr., I just knew it.

I appreciate your (soon to be) 100 months of golf Unckie C. I think the fam is kinding of pushing that one to the side and they shouldn't.
Auntie P., is he getting the proper lovin' for this accomplishment?

JT Rice said...

It's not yelling over each other... it's just everyone wants others to hear their jokes. Ya have to be loud. Rick, the quiet one, never could quite understand that.

I had to stay home today for fear of missing some good blog.

Charles Adam Holtz said...

we need to change the name from the "0" party, cause that number zero, sure does look like the letter, which is causing my brain some crazy visual images... if you know what I mean. The big o party...

JT Rice said...

Should we say "Oh", as in surprise?

Jenna Koch said...

I would like my family to know that I just came home from my journey with gram. The day after Christmas she had to go to Tops for construction paper. (Everyone gets a birthday card out of construction paper this year with her hand traced on it).Well she never put the construction paper on the belt and walked out of the store without paying for it! I yelled Security!! Apprehend her!! I then had to bail her out of the slammer!

Well today it was the Corn Flakes!!! On our way home, she was writing on paper " I have a weapon now give me your money." She asked me if I could drop her off at Franks and leave the car running, well she went in there.

Oh what day with Gram!!

Anonymous said...

I have been a quiet observer on this site since day one. I have never really had much to say, but now I do, what a nice looking family, your blog site is a nice diversion from the usual trash that is out there, it is nice just to see a family, which is rare today. They are few and far between. keep up the good work, I am hoping for lots of laughs in 2006.

JT Rice said...

Thanks Anonymous, nice words. Where are you from? How's the weather?

A hand traced carrd again. It might be time to drop off corn flakes at Gramm's house again.

Anonymous said...

I had some fears when Mom announced that she was cutting back on gifts in 06, but I never realized that she was reverting back to construction paper and crayons. Does this mean that white paste will enter as a diet supplement? We need to watch her dietary habits closely since she is getting close to 90. Must be doing something right. But that also means that Bets and Sue will have to pack all of this extra stuff for the trip to San Antonio. I am guessing that if there are, in fact, any San Antononian Holtzes out there that there is little chance of them identifying themselves prior to your trip, after having seen that Rogue's Gallery in the photos. By the way Jff, I wanted to use the Sammy Davis reference last night, but your Aunt P. would not let me. I want an explanation of the "0" sight that my son made reference to. The only O that I can recall was Oscar Robertson, and he may have been a family member come to think of it. And thank you family for the kind words on my upcoming 100. Your Aunt P. was a major part of getting there. We wound up in some strange places and circumstances on Feb. 27 and 28.

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey family! I can't believe christmas is over and I'm back at work. Where did the time go? I had a great holiday and can't wait for the big "oooooh" party. Could we celebrate the 10th anniversary of my husband "finding out" he was gay? That's the only even number I have going ...

Remind me sometime to tell you about my adventures on Southwest last night. It involved a two hour delay, my flask of bourbon, a woman with alzheimers, and an unfortunate scuffle over the arm rest. Good thing Southwest doesn't spring for air marshalls....

Anonymous said...

I hope GG hasn't traded in the corn flakes for fruit loops if you get my meaning(wink)!

I think I will have to reward Unkie with a trip to the river for the 100th anniversary and I do mean reward if you get my meaning(wink)!

Auntie B-Can I borrow the black fishnets for that trip????

I did a great job with the champagne but have to bow to the champion-GG had twice as many beers and yes, I was counting.

Anonymous said...

P.S. To all the "anonymous whimps reading our blog---Speak up! Acknowledge us!! Give us motivation to continue! Besides, we love strangers. It's a nice break from each other!!

Anonymous said...

The thoughts for the new year were well spoken Bets, but the offer of the fishnets has caused a problem here. Aunt P is intrigued with the idea of Baby 2006 attired in fishnets. Thanks. Happy New Year to all.

Anonymous said...

I quess I am one of those anonymous wimps. You can never be too careful on the internet, how do I know you guys are legit?
It is better to watch from afar, and enjoy and I have enjoyed! Maybe your next countdown should be to MLK day!
And how does KDH get a flask of bourbon on a flight?

Jenna Koch said...

New Blog tonight!! 7 pm!!!

Charles Adam Holtz said...

yeah, KDH, how DO you get a flask of bourbon on a flight? care to share your trade secrets?

Anonymous said...

No comments for Baby 2006 in fishnets. Eww??? Are you kidding me??? Come on! Am I the only one that sees that?

I have to find that picture on the web.