What I really deal with, day in and day out, are nasty looking terrorists with bad hygiene. For awhile I was looking for Osama Bin Ladin, now I know you've probably never heard of that name before, but for the non-news watchers, he's what we call in the business, "a bad guy". For years he's been trying to be the majority owner of the New York Yankees (who wouldn't). A few years ago he devised a devious plan sending airplanes into some of our buildings. You might of heard about that. I was really close to catching him, but he got away.
Now it's personal, because he took my best friend with him. Muffy the sheep was my partner and the only one that truly understood me. And now she's gone.
Well, I may be feeling sad about Muffy. But I'm feeling redeemmed about the Yankees signing Johnny Damon. Who knew he could be this good looking. For years I've been tracking his every move thinking he was part of Al-Quada. Talk about profiling. Boy, am I red in the face. And now the Red Sox don't have a lead off hitter or centerfielder. What shall they do? Ahh, it's goood to be a Yankees fan.
Well, I'm off to catch the bad guys. I really feel good about letting everyone know what I do. Hopefully no one is mad that I've held back this infomation from you. I've have a new partner and we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning for Joplin. I don't know what for. I'm sure Charlie the Squirrel will fill me in on the plane ride down.
Hmmm...all this time I thought you were out playing hockey you stud! A secret agent?!?! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm turned on!
People, people! Just wanted to let you know that I know a place to get fishnets "bulk". There's a few flawed pairs here and there, but isn't that what adventure is all about? Now how many should I order?? They can go in the goodie bag for the oooohh party!
As for me, the flask, and an airplane, here's my story. As I was going through security the flask fell out of my bag, into the bin. The nice TSA security employee (a dead ringer for Floyd the cab driver -- this must be my demographic) asked me what was in it. I told him diet coke. So he said "is that the diet coke from canada, or the diet coke from kentucky?". Kentucky of course -- same as him. We bourbon drinkers just seek each other out.
KDH, very nice. Was there a 'wink' after the "Canada or Kentucky" inquiry? I just love code breakers?
Bulk order of fishnets? You can place an order for me and Sandra, we like to dress up for Mardi Gras. And I'll need some for the spring smelt run. Is there something out there to cover up my northern European growth area?
I was about to give jff raves for his incredible follow-up story, but I cannot get past his seeming obsession with small mammals. We haven't SEEN any gerbils yet, but it does not go too far beyond the pale to think of their playing a prominent role in everything that he does. If there was ever anyone with truly a secret life, it is jff. Since we will be seeing his mother and father this evening, I fully intend to get a copy of this latest revelation in their hands and get their take on it. Does all of this make Sandra a "bond girl" with the various incumbent responsibilities? Very well done nephew of mine. As an aside, Kathleen Parker, not necessarily my favorite op-ed person, has an interesting commentary in today's news about Blogging and the people who post them. It seems that we, except for some occasional hyperbole, are pretty well behaved, despite the insinuations of one of our anonymous contributors that we may be dangerous and up to no good.
The recurring role of small fury creatures stems from my childhood. Growing up in a poverish stricken household had me going to the fields behind the old man's shed looking for woodland creatures to share my thoughts with. Even Rick, the quiet one, was not willing to listen to my dreams and ambitions. Even now I often wonder what would Milland, the wise old owl, and I be talking about if he was still around today. 'Snif'
An owl? The family always thought it was you and Tuffy.
Awwww... Tuffy 'snif, mom told me Tuffy was sick and had to be put down. Later in life I learned mother was just bloated and having a bad weekend. Poor Tuffy.
happy new year to all, and a hopeful wish that the sox reel in both tejada and beltran early in this 2006. And that Randy Johnson, Arod and M. Rivera are found to be involved in some crazy three way tryst. Keep the faith!
Happy New Year all!!! Fargo and Anonymous too..
Did the Bills lose again today? I blacked out/seizures when the Jets ran back the KO against our #1 special teams unit. Does that not sum up our year?
Sorry Gram for the sudden info into my lil' world. Dr. Placebo prescribed some medicine recently that he insists will help.
Charlie, just told me he was a chipmunk. I unfortunately had to let him go. I only work with squirrels.
The Bills season is officially over; it was unofficially over 2 months ago. Christmas is officially over; the house has been de-Christmasified. So what is to look forward to? More with jff and small animals? The Red Sox doing anything of note? I may have to cast my allegiance to our neighbors to the North and hope that we revert back to the early 90's when the Jays were to be taken seriously. Beyond that, just a hppy nw yr to all and let's get going on the plans for the big O. Isn't Austin in there with a 10? Or is my math wrong? As soon as the San Antonio trip is out of the way we can begin plans. I am still waiting for the "Southern Plains" Holtzes -- west Texas--to sign in. By the way, my daughter gave me a book of 101 things to do before you die and one is to meet someone with the same name as yourself. Any Charles' up there in Fargo? I may have to make a return trip.
uh... who was it that gave you the book of 101 things to do? you want to try that one again?
I've been told by quite a few people that my infatuation with small fury woodland creatures is bordering on the bizarre side. With this information I have seeked the help of Small Fury Woodland Creatures Anonymous.
Hi, my name is Jff and I like small fury woodland creatures. Whew, good to get that out of the way.
OK, when do pitcher and catchers meet, 2/17?
I stand corrected by my son. It was he who gave me the book. Not that he is trying to push me along, but he seems to be looking to inherit a lot of my many valuable possessions. There are many advantages, as I can attest, to being the eldest Holtz son. Let us hope that the S. W. F. C. A. can be of help to Jff. By the way, who has the fishnets now??
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