Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Remember when Gramma used to bake me an apple pie for my birthday

Yep, I remember when Gram used to sweat and slave over the oven, baking me pies for my birthday. Those were the good ol' daze.
By JT Pilaf

The Rice clan packed up there camping tie dyed T-shirts (Rck, the quiet one, loves these shirts) one more time for a season ending camping trip to Watkins Glen State Park. Even though it was supposed to rain all weekend long... it didn't.
Zachary wanted to cook a hardy breakfast for everyone Saturday moorning and did an awesome job. Of course he thought his egg cooking is better than my eggs and even compared his greatness to Papa's eggs. They were really good though. He also served up some cripsy bacon and OJ.

After our filling breakfast we strolled down the road a bit to the gorge and hiked down to the main town. Both kids finished the trip and no whining was heard... by either of them that is.
It rained during the night Saturday morning so the creek was gushing over the rocks. It usually doesn't rage this much.
Sandra and I hiked the gorge pre-kids, the main reason we were down at Seneca Lake was for the wineries, but found ourselves hiking the gorge later on. It truly is an amazing place.
After hiking, the kids were rewarded and taken to the playground. I got to sit.
The hiking, playing, and just busy day wore the kids out. So nothing is better than bringing a DVD player camping with you and watching "Spy Kids". I remember my parents bringing things like this camping for Rck and I to keep busy. They were called sticks and rocks. And, "go outside and blow some stink off ya".
With Labbatt Blue in hand and a Snyder's hard pretzel I'm a happy boy. I don't need much more in life... well, I was kinda hoping the kids would fall asleep earlier than they did. A boy can hope can't he?

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Happy Birthday, Jeff. Our Holtz Fest 2006 ends on a high note with Jff's birthday being the last significant event.

The twinkle in Jff's eye is still the same but now it's just for different reasons. We hope you still have those guns because they're worth a lot of money. Which reminds Auntie P of her favorite joke she'll have to tell it to you in person. ;)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Camping after Holtzapalooza

After Holtzapalooza I, we traveled south to Allegany State Park, just making it in time to put up the tent before night fell. After that, a cold refreshing beverage was in order.
The next day we traveled to "Thunder Rocks". Emma and I are doing our best AC/DC "rock out" pose. Thunder Rocks!!!

Whew, That was tiring. Rick, the quiet one, loves my outdated tie-dye shirt (circa 1988). He reminds me of that everytime he sees me in it. Bonnaroo 2007 here I come.
My two favorite gals.
The kids really love going to the beach and swimming and laying out in the sun. On the last day we took a stroll along a creek. We walked for about a half-mile up stream.
Zach loves to look for crayfish and salamanders.

We (the kids and I) really love going to Allegany and I was glad Sandra came this time.
The kids, of course, being veterans had to show Sandra the ropes. Then, as we were leaving the park, a deer was on the side of the road just to tell us "See you soon".

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Memories of a Great Day

Grandma shows off her Holtzapoola shirt & Jeff...I triple dog dare ya! The Unkie Family...guess we forgot to take other group shots!
Jenna & Gram relax at intermission: "The Games"

Jeff was finally given his Christmas gift from 1976!...and proceeded to break it!

The awesome & RED cake! AuntieP & Em snuggle the cutie! Wonder if Auntie is getting ready? Hmmm...

Em & Austin smile for the camera & Zach shows off the Rice 1st place trophey!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A picture is worth a thousand words

You knew it was going to be a long golf game when it took Jenna several minutes to see the golf flag.

Jeff let Thrillie drive the golf cart, it only took her the first 7 holes to get used to it.

Word has it that Jill carried her she is contemplating why she
didnt get the infamous 2-2-2 breakfast.

KDH searching for her ball...there seemed to be a lot of that happening amongst the Holtz golfers.

Adam obviously got the memo on mandatory tacky plaid shorts.

Olympizzle brought out the competitor in all of us.

Regardless of the winner, the whip cream was enjoyed by all.

ahhh the toothpick pick up...I am still nursing my puncture wound.

#1 in D-in-law was determined to win, but it is evident that she had a helping hand in the pick up. Note the Stranger's hand reaching in to help.

Poor Gram....Do you think she knew she had a bunny on her head the whole time?

The Games

The Ball Game Jill vs. everyone else!
No coaching allowed? Yeah right!Good sports!
Hey...this hurts...I'm bleeding!

Amazing how they ran straight and the "grown ups" couldn't run straight if their lives depended on it!
A lovely art project
The she even watching?
You can't beat the Holtzapoolza Games--yeah Kristen!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Two of my Favorite pictures... for different reasons

We sure had fun... and it all started with a blog. Ummm... I... I... I care. Can I have some?

Whip cream.... I swear. Nobody could wear it better. You da man Adm.

She would have been happy with a stick.

How does Thrllie always get the good presents?

Table dancing before noon father??? That's just not right.

"I was thinking about taking up golf, this sinches it." He would have said the same thing if it was an ash tray.

Now that's a good lookin' man.

Talk about "Man Candy".

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Golf Awards

The Golf Awards Ceremony was quite a thrill! Here are a few of the highlights...

Congratulations Adam on "The Longest Drive"! Anyone that drives from MA to NY deserves that award!

Speaking of those who deserve their award...congratulations to Mr. Fix-it for the "Messiest Game" award!

Lucy got the "You People Bore Me" Award while AuntieP slid in with the "I'd rather be home than golfing with you clowns" Award!

Many more awards...more pictures to come!