Thursday, February 02, 2017


GRAM 100 stands for Gracious Randomness in Anastasia's Memory, and we chose to mark what would Gram Holtz's 100th birthday this February 2017 by mobilizing a group of her family and friends to each enact 100 small acts of random kindness in her honor and memory.
Our goals are simple:
1) Pledge your commitment to GRAM 100 here by joining our page.
2) Download the "kindness card" (linked to this page under "files") and print copies.
3) Get started spreading kindness! You have the whole month of February to execute 100 acts of kindness. Leave the kindness card with the people you touch so they can learn more about our effort and pass it forward.
4) Share! Post the results of your random acts or write a funny story about Gram, her family, or just your day.
Our goal is NOT to brag about how kind we are nor to recount our good deeds.
Instead, our goal is to spend some (virtual) time together celebrating Anastasia's memory and one of her most salient traits -- her willingness to reach out to other people.
5) Spread the word. Ask others to join GRAM 100 and spread random kindness. Can we reach all 50 states?