Friday, May 13, 2011

What the???

Where is K's post?

Curse you Usama-aaaaaa!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


On May 4, 2011, Kristen and Eric ran off to Vegas and got married! It was a great day full of love and laughs. But family is oh so important to us, so we're having a big picnic party to celebrate and we want YOU there!

Look in your email and mail for the invitation to the social event of the season -- the Holtz-Twombly Shotgun Showdown Hoedown* on Saturday, June 18, 2011.

* No shotguns allowed, please. And there's not likely to be a showdown, unless its on the ball field. There will definately be a hoedown. Despite its inaccuracy, the H-T SSH is a great name for a fun, informal, tongue-in-cheek wedding celebration for a couple who has been together forever and has two kids with two on the way!