Saturday, September 25, 2010

London Greetings!

Dear Adm: I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. Your sister is HURT that she's the only family member that didn't receive your email about your mugging in London! But Thank God you weren't injured because you complied immediately. Let us know how it's going across the pond as you visit the embassy and Police (who are of no help) and settle your hotel bills. In the meantime, the whole Holtz family will be gathering up our bank account information and other personal information (SSN, mother's maiden name, PIN numbers) to send over to you, stat. I'll put together a spreadsheet. Cheerio!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

more summer pics

A pictoral blog
by JT Pilaf

The evening was moist...
hands down this is my favorite way to start a story. Sandra and I received a night of from the kids (they were down at Camp Pioneer) so we went to Letchworth SP for the night and brought Jeter too.

We love going to the zoo
... there's always something new to see

Emma loves the Kids Play soccer program. This is the last night of the year, the kids/ parents game.

Of course there was a beautiful wedding and this may have been my favorite part 'snif'

Rick and Stacy came to town.

Zach's baseball banquet at the Bison's game.

The playoff champs Red Sox... ugh, I think I vurped a biit in my mouth.

We had a wonderful and fun filled summer. It's amazing how every weekend can be filled.

Monday, September 06, 2010


Camp site 222 was the setting for Jeff's birthday celebration! After a hectic summer of wedding planning, it was nice to just relax and enjoy Cayuga State Park and the company of the Rice's!

On your mark, get set, GO
Nephew had lots of activities planned, so everyone was kept busy, and had fun!

It was 3-D glasses nite at the ball park! Geo is pointing out the beer vendor!

It was definately a sitting and chatting weekend, another planned activity!

Austin, Emma and Zach just waiting for breakfast.

Not a very flattering picture of my sister, but a nice one of gary, don't you think?

A birthday toast for the birthday boy!

a beautiful end to a beautiful nite at the ballpark!