Monday, July 22, 2013

Our Lil' Minor League Baseball Trip

A Minor League Baseball Pictoral
We set up camp and went to our first game to see the Keys play in Frederick, MD. 

It was a really nice stadium, new, clean, very nice.

 During the 7th inning stretch everyone shakes their keys to rally the team.  Papa thought that his hanky woulld suffiice and we soon were kicked out of the stadium for being Yankee ""wiseguys".
To make up for what he had done he made breakkfast in the morning.
Off to Hagerstown to see the Suns play.   It was an older stadium that smelled of Prohibition .

 We traveled up to Pennsylvania to see the Williamsport Crosscutters play.   My father insisted they were called the Lumberjacks.  Me thinks he reads too much of the Tonawanda News.

 We had a nice site but no shade for relief.  It was hot.
 Last game was in State College to see the Spikes.  Beautiful stadium.   Zach and I were here last year watching Penn State play Ohio State.

 4th of July, hot and always in the sun.   Yikes!

Zach loves keeping score.  I taught him well.
We had a great time, had good food, good beer and hopefully we will do it again.


Betsy said...

I love baseball blogs!!! After holiday celebration blogs, big announcement blogs, baseball blogs are the best! Great job nephew, thanks for keeping us in the loop of your whirlwind summer tour!
So I am sure everyone is aware that mother nature showed us who was boss! On friday night at about 10:30, the tree infront of our house was hit by lightening, which inturn took out all the power on the street. Needless to say, it was all very scary, as the transformer blowing put on quite a fireworks display! But our power was restored last evening around 9PM, and just so everyone is aware, that time warner, will put you on the list to get your phone, cable and internet service back, at their convenience, so within 30 hours you should see a repairman! needless to say that was not acceptable to daughter! As in our neighborhood we were all in the same boat, no power, street closed, we hung out together on front lawns, chatted, walked up to 7-11 to get coffee, it was great to talk to neighbors! Generators were dropped off, and sunday most of the neighborhood had power, a few needed electricians, like us!
All in all, no one was hurt, and power was eventually restored and life goes on!! My mother was well taken care of by my sister, and the heat wave has finally broken! YEA! Looking for ward to the Holtz's coming to town!!

unk said...

Lots of familiar sights in the bb blog. Way to go Pilafs but you made Auntie a little misty eyed that she was left out of the trip. Glad to hear that power is restored at 431 and life has returned to some normalcy (a word that Warren Harding made up in 1920-your history lesson for the day). Lots more rain again last nite but no thunder or lightning. Proud to say that I put Ryan Braun on my "I don't want list" at the beginning of HFFBB. ARod back on the "disabled list"? Hmmmm? Another week and the formerly Quincy Holtzes begin their move.

Betsy said...

Not having my internet connection at home I feel the need to catch up at work, of course I do! Just to note, nephew complimented on the cleanliness of the stadium, not about the beer. Is it me, or is #1 newphew/grandson sounding more and more like his Dad???
And will the Quincy Holtz's be replaced by OP Holtz's? BillsCountry HOltz's??? Just wondering...
Daughter has a new nickname, Mayor of Adam St, all neighbors very impressed with the organizational skills and disaster prepared ness of said daughter, nat Grid on speed dial, DPW on speed dial, me?? I had to burn Christmas Candles for light! let this be a lesson to all, bet your emergency kits in order!

JT said...

Normalcy wasn't a word before Harding used it? That's awesome news foe Emma. The world will be a better and more interesting place with her descriptive words.
Plenty of good beers to drink for my highbrow standards.
"Clean". I'm thinking there was some kind of autocorrect going on along with my keyboard that continues to duplicate letters.

Betsy said...

I have to say I did get extremely nervous when the clouds rolled in last night, and my nephew posted pix of artpark! Hope the concert was good! met my sister and mom for dinner last evening, very nice evening! My bro has put some plans in place for tomorrow? A baseball game, and dinner? I am sorry that I can not partake, but my sister said you had another day in mind in August? Maybe we can do it again?

JT said...

Plans? We're always the last to find out stuff. Aunt Betsy, Uncle Chuck, if you guys want us to do anything please ask us. We're always looking for something to do.
Kind of cleaned out my garage a bit more, well, threw some stuff out that I've never in my life used.

JT said...

Shakespeare in the Park starts again tomorrow.

adam said...

cousin jff, or anyone really, although I ask cousin jff, because I know he is musically iclined... do you have any plans to go to the Tragically Hip, Lowest of the Low concert at the outer harbor on friday the 2nd? If you are, any idea how I could get some tickets?

Betsy said...

aww, makes me smile that Adam is making plans in WNY!!! I will ask around Adam, if I find some it will be your birthday gift.
So the big to doo on the radio this am was the fact that OP passed a " no open container Law" seems bills fans just figured out that they can not cross Abott Rd with an open beer! Now who is going to monitor that one??
Did everyone hear about the minor league shortstop that the skydiver fell on! Poor guy is out for the season with a concussion! Looking forward to the weekend, as I was robbed of one last week! 7/25 great numbers to play!

unkie said...

The plan is to head for today's bisons game. I like the 3rd base side around 115 with an easy get to the men's room. Looks like a great day for baseball for anyone with free time. Strange that my son didn't ask me about tragically hippy tickets. I wonder why? Off to Kelley's Island/Put in Bay tomorrow. It's supposed to be a "disneyland for adults", whatever that means. Report to follow. Enjoy

JT said...

Adm, I appreciate the kind words. No plans to see the Hip on the 2nd, (didn't they just play ). Though I am a big fan. Thursday the 1st iIm going to Yonder Mountain, then I have to pack for our trip.

Have fun at the game today.

Betsy said...

mmm I am missing my post from yesterday, as I had too sung the praises of the 3rd base side! Must be the Kaledia firewall! Love Love Love Fridays!! The best day of the week! Again, lots of work to do, just hoping to get home. Sad its going to rain this weekend!
Had to take Gramma Raisin Bran last night, yea mmmm you dont want to know! Have a fun weekend AP & UC! condolences to our "cousin" Eric, who lost his dog, Crystal suddenly! so very sorry for your loss!
Keep your head down today and get through it!

Betsy said...

so I get a frantic call from my sister, that I had to call her cell phone. Seems they updated their Virgin Mobile phone, to Virgin Mobile, and calls were being dropped? Now as someone who has tried to reach my sister via her cell phone, and it is neither on nor with her, I am kind of perplexed by the urgency with which they need to solve this problem???? So if you get a call to call ***-**** just do it!
Jff, maybe you can expound on how many times you had to call yesterday???

betsy said...

Part two of this is, with the advances in technology of cell phones, how is this such an issue for them??? Just curious

JT said...

Zachary resolved the cell phone issue. It just takes a teenager in today's techie world. It seems my dad was putting everyone on hold. Took Zachary 2 seconds to figure it out and instruct him on proper answering procedures.

kdh said...

Thanks for the morning chuckle, family. Zachary fixing Uncle Gary's cell phone tickled my funny bone. Man, I miss you all. Soon it will only be me and Rick from afar.

Seems that the COTGW inspired by beloved, as I'm on day three of the gardening marathan here in that ATL. The only thing worse than spreading mulch is having to go buy it at Home Depot. That's the worst place EVER. At least the gardens will look good for the october birthday parties!

betsy said...

K you should have called aunt sue and I! We could have been on the next flight down and taken care of everything! Just curious between the car seats and baseball equipment where did the mulch fit? Enjoy Sunday!

unk said...

Back from Ohio and glad to hear that the cell phone/raisin bran crises that I didn't know about are now over. Will give my travel review of trip to Put in Bay as soon as my head clears.

Jnna said...

I called Aunt Sue on her cell phone yesterday and she ANSWERED! Thank you Zachary for your efforts! Where did the month of July go?

JNNA said...

Tomorrow marks 100 days until election day. Which means my out of town and out of state family has 75 days to purchase a home in the COT 4th ward and register to vote! Let's go people!!!!!!

Betsy said...

OMG we have such a busy week, and it will just be interrupted with work! End of month, so I have to get my car inspected, how does that crop up so quick? tomorrow Jamestown Jammer excursion with the Rice family, UC & AP, are you interested in meeting in Jamestown for 1$ hot dog?? Had a nice lunch with Cookie and Gramma yesterday, which was a beautiful Sunday BTW! cookie has admitted that Chicago is better than NYC! People are friendlier and its cheaper to see a ball game! I did put a request in for a cutting of Ivy off the outfield wall, but oddly enough she could not even get close to it to get me a snippet! But I think I will just tell everyone that my ivy in the garden is from Wrigley field, that will work right?
Sat, was nice, went to the garage sale that Geo's cousins had, got lots of pix from them of his family.
Did catch some Garden Walk homes wtih my sister, only the west side though, as I was thoroughly disappointed that byronbrown could not see fit to send out one of the trillion youths that are on the summer payroll, to pick up the trash and garbage that line the streets! Way to many people in the city for it to look so shabby! Then when it started to rain my sister and I took in a tour of the Darwin Martin house, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Very interesting, highly recommend it! Other than that the weekend flew by at record speed, and here I am back at Larkin!
TFTD: " When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, I used everything you gave me"! Erma Bombeck
Use everything you have!

Sndra said...

It was hilarious discovering the "on hold" situation! Zachary was kind but giggling ,"Papa, are you pushing that button every time?...ahhh, don't do that OK?"

Then he proceeded to change his ring tone and wallpaper in 3 seconds...funny!

Anonymous said...

Just received a call from Aunt Sue and Uncle Gary's cell phone. My dearest uncle Gary yells into the phone "Who is this?". I promptly replied, " your niece Jenna." I am returning your call. I told him I had called on Saturday. Good thing it wasn't an emergency. Perhaps Zach can teach cell phone 101 to his nana and papa?

Anonymous said...

*he says, I am returning your call.

JT said...

Big excursion to Jamestown tomorrow night. $1 tickets.
It's supposed to be be a beautiful evening.

Betsy said...

Why is it only Wednesday??
Had a fabulous evening in Jamestown last night! I know I know how many times in your life will you say that??? But what a great game! The Jamestown Jammers vs the Staten Island Yankee's! And it was dollar beer and hot dog nite! Seriously does life get any better! we did see some future HOF'ers though! There was Jimmy "bottle" Rider, a name to be remembered and Paul O'Neill's nephew Mikey, is a member of the SI Yankee's. Jff and I did note that his uncle never would have taken a pitch down the pike for called 3rd strike with runners in scoring position! Great time, many thanks to nephew and lovely wife for including us!
BREAKING NEWS!!!! After much discussion with the committee, I thnk we may have a site for our Destination Holtzapalooza 2016!!!
Now I know we have all been anxious about this, and lots of great ideas have come in, but after the committee taking in all the information and suggestions, and as tempting as Mayor Park in North Tonawanda does sound, I think a better venue has been chosen. soon to be unveiled!
Welcome home Quincy Holtz's!!!

JT said...

I concur, I've never had a better time in Jamestown than last night and I've been to Jamestown... Ummmm once before. To fish.
Zach's last game tonight... Where does the season go?

Anonymous said...

So get to work in the pouring rain, only to be told that there is a fire and we need to leave. Well there was no fire, the AC just went off! Not a good way to start the day! Enjoy the day!

Jenna Koch said...

Yonder Mountain String Band!!! What a show!
I'm still giddy.

Betsy said...

Happy Friday! The end of tough work week. so quess who I had dinner with last nite?? give up?
Oliver, Audrey and Mr Benjamin!
Oh Adam and Amy were there too! So much fun spending time with our newly moved family! And i gotta tell you, everyone looked fabulous, great neighborhood, great home, looks like an amazing Italian restaurant 2 blocks away too! It was a most enjoyable evening! And the smile on Adam's face could not be scrubbed off! Welcome home! Can not wait for the Bills home opener!

JT said...

I was at Yonder Mtn too. I didn't know you liked Bluegrass.
Great show!
So, today's the day. Vacation started at 3:10 yesterday when I arrived home from work but we start our travels shortly.

unkie said...

Busy, busy week. Glad to hear that nphw jff is finally getting a little vacation time in. All work and no play... you know. Between the injury bug hitting the Bills, all of the stuff with Commissioner Selig and PEDS, the induction of "the big tuna" into the HOF, I don't know what order my who cares list should be. I think that I will just sit and reread my letter of the start of school is in 4 weeks. Where is our summer going/gone? Well, it's sunday and we can make use of that. Enjoy

Betsy said...

Happy August 5th! Just an FYI, Wed August 7th is Purple Heart Day!
So kind of a busy weekend, took GG out to see Mr Benjamin on Sat AM, wonderful visit! Hope Adam had a nice birthday! Other than that, we are hitting the campaign trail hard this week! Enjoy Monday!

JT said...

Wonderful sunny day today in NC. We spent the day kayaking, even Sndra.
Tomorrow, white water rafting on the Nantahala.

Betsy said...

What a great way to spend a Monday, Kayaking! Just noted that sentence had 10 "A"'s in it.
Had the bills scrimmage on the radio and the yankee game on the TV, it was a battle of the cheers and boo's! wonder if EJ is the answer???
Saw a quote on FB, Start everyday like its your birthday! Great idea

Betsy said...

ahhh Wed! So last evening the candidate sufferered through her first personal attack by a turncoat democrat! It was not pleasant, but daughter weathered the storm, and it will be first of many I am sure, as she asks questions, has her own thoughts and ideas, and is not afraid to express them! All the more motivation to garner 80% of the votes in November! Other than that, the Yankees lost, A-Rod got booed, and Jff is on vacation, seems about right! Ejoy Wed!

unk said...

Sounds as if the Pilaf family is enjoying their vacation. Sorry to hear that nc jnn is experiencing first hand the smarmy nature of American politics. Try to stay on the high ground dear, that is all you can do. Looks like things are normalizing in OP. Took the kids to Green Lake yesterday afternoon for a swim. Lucy is exhausted from all of her walks and Adm is enjoying his new tv/fios hookup. Only a few more days until the first Bills preseason game. Was it wrong to cheer Arod being hit last nite? That is the big question on Mike and Mike this morning. Enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Hip HIp Hooray, its Thursday! So our neighbor's daughter, dropped off a chocolate chip almond cake, Wegman's gift cards, and such a sweet note for daughter Jnna! Jnna went out of her way to comandere a generator for her 94 yr old mother, and make sure it never ran out of gas! needless to say this kind gesture, has taken some of the sting out of the verbal lashing she took the other night at the comical council meeting. Other than that living for the weekend! Putting a plan in place to paint the house and host an appetizer hour at the house for the neighbors. so lets see the Yankee's lost, A-Rod got booed and Jff is on vacation, seems about right! He has posted some great pictures with his aunt and uncle, white water rafting, check it out if you are so inclined to check FB.
Great pix from K yesterday, and kind of surprised school is in session? Just think Unkie, if you were in Atl, you would be in school right now???? on that note, get through Thursday as best as you can, because we all know what tomorrow is!!!!

Jenna Koch said...

Good AM! We have certainly been the brunt of some personal attacks. I must have gotten under someone's skin. We have been rolling with the punches, smiling, shaking hands, and staying focused. Please save the date of August 24th. There is a picnic, fundraiser, meet the candidates, et. Starts at 1pm, chowder will be served. I would love it if you could all come. I really want to show off my family. It's at Vets park. Ill have more information soon; but wanted to at least throw the date out there and if your schedule is free; that would be awesome!

Betsy said...

I will take Friday anyday, rain or shine, sleet or snow, does not matter to me! Busy Busy weekend of campaigning, and meeting and greeting etc...What is everyone doing this weekend? Sat we have 2 events to go to, one at the boys and girls club, the other at the legion. I hear I am missing out on an opportunity to babysit!!! Hopefully I will be asked again!!
sunday is GG's day, and I am pretty sure she will have some big plans for me! Other than that, Yankee's had the night off, Jff is still on vacation, seems that all is right with the world!
Rain should end this AM, enjoy this day and all that it brings!

Jenna Koch said...

Happy Friday! Hope the Rice family is having a great time on vacation! I am available after 5 tomorrow if that helps. Please please let me know. The campaign could use a diversion. I touched up on my Pokemon card game knowledge and I am ready for a rematch with Mr. O

unkie said...

Yes, it is friday and that is a good thing altho the current look outdoors is Glooo-mee, at least for now. The 24th is the twins b-day party and we will be in Wet=lanta so we will miss the big political rally. Nothing big here for the weekend unless you count my haircut this morning. Do take care.

Betsy said...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Weather was beautiful! did lots of campaign orientated stuff this weekend, as the COT was hoping with things to do!
The Bills are clearly on the right track and superbowl bound if you listen to the fans who called in after the game! And the Yankees were able to squeak one out! Other than that, not to much else going on.. its Monday, back to the grind!

unk said...

Taking GG to talk to the Frethold people tomorrow; thursday Bison game meeting the Fixxitts. Hope that others can join in for the last thursday day game of the season. Where has the summer gone. Waiting to hear how son ADM made out on his first day at his new job. Break a leg, son. Hope that the Pilafs are back safe and sound in WNY. Next tuesday to not so hot lanta. I guess that's enuf to keep me going for awhile. Was it last year I said the Bills could go 13-3? Based on yesterday, The 73 Dolphins record is definitely in jeopardy! Have an enjoyable Monday. I guess that would be an oxymoron.

Betsy said...

couple of things not noted. GG has been pretty obsessed with talking about her funeral, what she wants, what she doesnt want, how much she wants to spend. So just an FYI brother, it started with 9,000$ yesterday it was 5,000$ Not sure what number she will come up with tomorrow! Probably 999$.
cookie followed a mini van coming off the skyway this AM with Mass plates! She was wondering if it was Adam? If so he would have been at work at 7:15!

unckie said...

looks like Mrs. Fixxitt is joining in on the fact finding mission to Frettholdds this AM. She wants to talk to Creasey also, so this will start to put her mind at ease. End of the summer party in the offing? Sounds good.

unk said...

Met up with the Fixxitts yesterday at the Bisons game. 2:15 from start to finish and then went to Dug's Dive at the small boat harbor for a bite to eat. Sandwiched in there was a meet up with son Adm for a tour of his new office facilities. All in all, a most pleasant day. Today Auntie is off to the zoo with the OP Holtzes while I try to get some work done around here. Enjoy your friday; looks like a good one.

Betsy said...

Hip Hip Hooray, it is Friday! So I have been super super busy at work, I know I know me too! So lets catch up! Sorry I missed the game yesterday, but what a beautiful day it was, sunny and warm, the only thing that would have made it better would have been a win! Glad to hear the OP Holtz's are having fun in WNY! wonder if they will take in some of the kid day festivities at the Ralph tonight???
Hope my son had a happy birthday!
Campaigning is plugging along, said daughter is seeing the best of people and some cranky people!
Happy 3rd year anniversay, J&G!
Other than that, just livin for the weekend!

Jenna Koch said...

I am having such a wonderful time campaigning! I have not met one "cranky" person. In fact they want change! Just wanted to remind everyone of my fundraiser on the 24th. If you are able to make it, vets park 1pm. I have shirts for everyone who can come!

Betsy said...

Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Could not ask for better weather! so we had a belated birthday party for Good Gary, that was fun. And sunday was our normal Anastasia day, seems she is concerned that her funeral still needs to be paid for? We will have to resolve that I am pretty sure in the next few days. Other than that, as summer winds down, hope we all are enjoying our sunny days!

Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday! Still great weather!
So this week, we have our Democratic picnic, I wonder if Barack is coming? anyone waiting in line for tickets to hear him this AM? Rumor has it, there are 7 people in line, I wonder if I am related to any of them?
I hear my Brother and his beautiful wife are off to Hotlanta, for the celebration of the two's turning two! Travel safe! Geo is on vacation, and he has a job jar that is overflowing!
Me, just plugging away at work. UGH
Off to Document Control Commitee meeting, I know I know me too!

unk said...

I, for one, will travel better knowing that the documents are all under control. Sue said that she would arrange for a time that either jim frethold comes to mom or she brings the papers for mom to sign. She does seem somewhat fixated on it and better to get it out of the way and put her mind at ease. Looking forward to our wetlanta trip and hoping that it dries out somewhat while we are there. HFFB invite arrived today. Always a lot of fun and a big thank you to the Commish for working out the details. With the start of HFFB, can pirate gift purchase time be far down the road? Enjoy the week all. sorry we are going to miss the big shindig this weekend. I am hoping that we will be represented by the OP holtzes.

Jenna Koch said...

I have called about OP Holtz''s shirts and I'm keeping my fingers crossed they will be ready by Friday. I'm hoping you all can make it out on Saturday. Festivities start at 1pm. Tickets for family is $25. It's the big shindig fundraiser for us so I would be so happy to show you guys off. Not sure if Obama will be there but in order to remain bi-partisan I have invited the conservative chairman. Hopefully ill see you guys there! Hitting the campaign trail the rest of the week.

Betsy said...

It is not going to be a good Wed. My mailbox is full at work, so I can not communicate with the rest of Kaleida, and I can not modify a spreadsheet! UGH
Other than that, this weather has just been perfect! Think we will take in the Bison's game tomorrow.
I have to work Sunday, as we are having a big computer upgrade.
So saturday will be Anastasia day.
Other than that, again just waiting for Saturday and Sunday!

Betsy said...

so the OP Holtz's Vote For jenna Koch shirts arrived, and i am thinking, Mr Benjamin's will be a little snug!!! So is everyone excited that the President is in town!! My brother always leaves town when things are hopping! Think we will do Bisons game tomorrow night, suppose to rain today. So next Saturday we are hosting a Moon and Stars Cocktail Hour for our neighbors. And I am working on a signature drink for the occassion. Not sure if everyone is aware, but at good garys birthday party, we created a blackberry bourbon lemonade, which was a huge hit! Well he liked it. So I think signature drinks make a party a party! Anywhoo, our Moon and Stars Soiree, our signature drink will be an Adam St Appletini! I know, clever huh! Other than that, big democratic picnic on saturday, hope everyone can come! Enjoy today and all that it brings!

Betsy said...

Hip hip hooray it is Friday! So the burning question, will celery ever win??? Or is he doomed to loose every race as a brillant marketing ploy? We will be going tonight to root celery on!
so the big democratic picnic is tomorrow, hope everyon who can make it will stop by to support Jenna. And you can all say hello to your favorite Democrat! Hoping the OP Holtz's have adjusted to WNY!
Did everyone hear Barracks speach, yea me neither.
Other than that, enjoy the last day of the work week. Because tomorrow is Saturday!

Betsy said...

Hey I did not do too bad on that post, considering I did it without my glasses! T/U daughter for bringing me my spec's!

Betsy said...

zoom zoom, what an incredibly fast weekend! And was the weather not beautiful! So saturday we had our Democratic picnic, and I must commend the family! The support for candidate Koch was outstanding!
From Orchard Park to North Tonawanda, all in Elect Jenna Koch gear, showed up in full force!
Thank you Family! As always stepping up to the plate, being there, and showin the love! GG did steal the show, well lets face it, a Democrats only crowd, and she was the only one who can boast voting for Roosevelt, listening to fire side chats, etc... Everyone gravitated to her! And she did love the attention I might add! Again thanks to all.
Can this really be the last week of our official summer??? need at least one more Bison Game!
Get through Monday as best as you can!

unkie said...

Sounds as if we missed an awful lot of excitement, altho we had our own personal share in "dryingoutlanta". Talked to Mom briefly on sat. before the big political shindig and she was looking forward to it.She said that she had a short fish fry on Fri. and then her dining mate had to go and campaign. We, are looking forward to this weekend and sunday. What happened to the Bills in our absence? Will I have to modify my 13-3 prediction?

JNNA said...

Thank you so much to those who came and who were there in spirit. Gram shook the hands of many political candidates and I am sure she enjoyed the spotlight. She was the oldest democrat there, so of course she was the queen of the show.
We have been knocking on doors, getting our message out, taking notes, and listening. So far, so good. We have 114 signs out in the city, with more to come. I would like to wish my cousin Jff a happy bd! Hope you have a great one!
Bills, I am not optimistic about week 1. But, we shall see!

Betsy said...

Can you be somewhere in Spirit? If so, i would choose to be at work in spirit daily! I have to tell you the Koch Campaign machine, is a workhorse, surprised my family last night with Chef's take out of Chicken Parmigiana, and antipasto and they opted to eat when they got home from ringing door bells! Dedication! So what a gloomy day, ugh, hope it stays like this all day so I dont feel bad about being at work as the summer winds down!
Daughter Jill, is all over GG's paperwork, sent and email to Sister and Brother with details, so let me know your thoughts?
I thnk we are all taking a wait and see attitude with the Bills!
Hosting a cocktail party on Saturday for our neighbors, hope the weather holds out!
Just want to pass along some impt news, apparently there will be a rabies vaccination drop in Erie and Niagara Co??? And if you come across a dose you are suppose to leave it alone? Just curious as to who thought this was a good idea??? The day is yours, spent it wisely!

Betsy said...

Was remiss in wishing nephew a Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day, filled with the love of family and friends!
It so seems like yesterday! 08/27/1966!

unk said...

Ditto on the big HB to nphw jff. Hope that you find a little time for yourself in your busy work day. Is sunday still on? If so, what time, and what do you need in the "dish to pass" category to balance out the beer?

Betsy said...

Now who does not think of the commercial with the camel in the office every Wed or what it is nationally known as Hump Day! Not to much going on, Team Koch took a day off from campaigning yesterday.
Still no good news from Bills camp.
And now the radio is starting with Sabres news, which will not be good either! I just realized something yesterday AP and Nephew Jff birthdays are 6 months apart, not sure the relevence, but an interesting fact none the less.
Oh well, better get some work done.
Remember to brighten the corner you are in!

Jenna Koch said...

I won't be able to make party Sunday, sorry. Hope you guys have a good time. Jenn

Jenna Koch said...

I won't be able to make party Sunday, sorry. Hope you guys have a good time. Jenn

Betsy said...

Who is Jenn? And why cant she come to the party on Sunday, twice??
bills game tonight, is anyone going? Or does anyone care?

Happy thursday, before a long holiday weekend! Please advise what gg and I can bring? enjoy the day!

unk said...

Can anyone believe that the football season, albeit, college, starts tonite? I think that the OP holtzes are heading to the season finale tonite. Anyone else looking forward to the holiday weekend besides me? Sorry Jenn can't be there for sunday. I will write down my Bills pick for her. Enjoy friday.

Jenna Koch said...

Jenn must be one of our many followers. The campaign team is in high gear as the primary is less than two weeks away. Many thanks to my dad for patrolling the streets to make sure our signs are still standing. We have had a few issues of our signs walking, but nothing we can't fix. A big shout out to my mom for planning and throwing a block party Saturday.

JT said...

I can't wait for Unckie's picks. Maybe he'll put on the mascot's head like Lee Corso. That would be cool. Or maybe my dad could make him a podium and he could do a big presentation on Sunday?

unk said...

Great time yesterday at the Pilafs. Thanks to jff and sndr for hosting. Missed seeing the politicos who were out campaigning but there were a few adult beverages consumed in their honor. Labor day today and we know what starts tomorrow. Enjoy

JT said...

Thanks everyone for Sunday, that was a really fun time.

Now it's time to come up with a new fantasy football name.

Betsy said...

OMG, what a fabulous weekend! And you think its monday, but its really tuesday! so lets recap
we had our moon and stars cocktail party for the neighborhood on Saturday night, about 10 people showed, but we had a great time, and the Adam St Appletini was a great hit!
Sunday's picnic at Jff's house was awesome, the food, the drinks and of course the company! Thank you nephew and lovely wife for hosting! And I gotta tell you, the inclusion of the OP holtz's has added a positive spin on our gatherings, same ole same ole were getting kind of dull! On Monday, I hosted a leftover Labor day picnic, invited my mom, brother J and cousin Cathy. And that too was a lot of fun, rain held off, and everyone seemed to have a great time! So 3 days, 3 parties!
Fabulous time, thanks to everyone!
Enjoy the day, use the brain God gave you today and everyday!
Travel safe sister and b-i-l!

JT said...

Holy cow! You are a party freak!
No wonder you stay young. I agree, theOP Holtz' added a a lil excitement to our conversations. I was fresh outta topics.

Betsy said...

so its Wed already! The week flies when you do not work Monday!
I see NE is a 10 1/2 pt favorite over the bills on sunday.
I see my Yankees squeaked one out in the 8th last night.
And Kristin is speaking at a luncheon seminar today, where water and desert will be provided!
Not really feeling work today??? Any thoughts on what I could do to fill 7.5 hours non work related?

Rickety Old Ralph Wilson said...

Bills name EJ Manuel starter for opener!

Lets see what this announcement does to the point spread!

unk said...

Point spread probably jumped to 13. Me, back at work but did find time to get some wash quarters over to gg. One crisis area averted. Thank God I am off tomorrow. But then I have to start worrying about Fridays this year. One thing or another.

JT said...

Woo Hoo!

I got nuttin'.

Jenna Koch said...

Tuesday night your all invited to come down to the American Legion to watch the votes being tallied. Polls close at 9pm.

Betsy said...

a POLL party? I do not believe that in the history of Holtz family parties, we have ever had a POLL party? so the premise will be that we drink beer and watch qualified and expertly trained counters, count votes? I am kind of having a flashback to Adams rehearsal dinner where everytime the best man, said Nomar, Jeff made a sneezing sound using Jeter's name, so if people are counting out loud and someone random yells out another number, do they start all over? Very excited for Primary night! Daughter has worked very hard!
So I have booked flights for both my sister and myself. So we are leaving Friday AM, as we wanted to Atlanta gardens on Friday, and the choice of flights was a direct 6AM flight or an 8:50 flight with a plane change in Baltimore. show of hands of who thinks its a mistake that my sister and I have to change planes in BWI? I know Iknow me too! If we do not show up by party time on Saturday, please submit "gray alert" to DC area.
Other than that, things are kind of quiet, and just thinking about the weekend!
Glad my brother is back to school!
for AP's sake!
We have today, enjoy!

JT said...

I'll bring swim trunks, sounds fun. It's probably the last time we'll be able to use the poll. Fall is a com in'.
I was really excited about tonight's football game and now I'm just sleepy.

Betsy said...

such cute pictures of Oliver on FB for the first day of school!
good Luck MR O, for a very successful grade 1! It is Friday, and its a big bills weekend, so that is fun, other than that, yankees let one slip away lst night! And the broncos won big! Other than that, not to much else going on! Enjoy

unkie said...

I made it thru wed. and friday, barely. If this is the way it's going to go, my only hope is for lots of snow days. Met the formerly quincy holtaes at Chef's tonite for supper. One tired little first grade buckaroo, and his grandfather was probably worse off. UB vs Baylor tomorrow? Bills on sunday? First weekend of the fall a coming. Find a way to enjoy it.

Betsy said...

UGH to monday, double ugh as it was a bills debacle, and the yankees, nothing more to say on that one! saturday there was a mini Fronczak family reunion out at the woodcock brewery. Pat and the Col were in from Tx, and our gracious hosts, mark and andrea hosted a very nice luncheon, and gave us a chance to catch up! So that was a great time on a dreary saturday! And of course sunday! The older I get the less and less of losing I can stand. Looking for a new hobby on sunday to keep me away from the TV other than hosting anastasia! Oh well new week! Have a great one all!

unk said...

Another Monday, another heartbreaking Bills loss. This could have been written on any autumn monday for the life of this blog. Where will it all end? Keeping optimistic thoughts for nc jnn and her first election day coming up tomorrow. You go girl! The only good thing is that this is a non-work monday for me. Make the best of it.

4th ward council candidate said...

Nearly 11:30 and the polls will be open in 6 1/2 hours. I have done all I could and now I put the trust in the residents and will respect how the vote goes tomorrow night. Win or lose. A huge shout out to my family for all their support. There have been so many highs and lows through this campaign. Whatever happens tomorrow night, happens, and I am so fortunate that I had you all in my court. Don't let go, this is just the first step in our campaign.
Plenty of sleepless nights, but all worthwhile. Will keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. One may ask what the highlight of my day tomorrow will be? Getting the results at 9:00pm? Hopefully celebrating? No, the highlight of my day will be having lunch with my 96 year old grandma and awesome Austin. Good Night. Alarm will go off in 5 hours.

Betsy said...

Surprised, updates have not been provided? It seems a voter did show up and tried to write in Jenna's name, and the person was told no she could not do that, well that sent the candidate flying to the polls with the city chairman!!! last update was Jenna was up 3-1, Working Families and 2 -1 Independence party, I know I know close!!! I am thinking of getting a white board and just saying Florida, Florida Florida! Does everyone remember Tim Russert doing that???? Have a great day all! Go Jenna!

On to November said...

What a night! Yesterday morning our election inspectors were given names of all registered Independence and Working Families voters. When they came in to vote, the name was crossed off the list. Since this is a write in campaign we won't get the immediate results from the machine as the ballots need to be canvassed, reviewed, filed, all that fun stuff. We have an accurate idea of who voted, and as long as they did not write Mickey Mouse, or any other name; it appears we took both the Independence and Working Families lines.

For the Independence Party: My opponent received 8 votes. There are 27 write in's to be counted. We also have 2 affidavit's (both will count, will explain later) and 1 absentee ballot.

For the Working Families we have 7 write ins. My opponents name was not on the ballot since he originally declined the endorsement. We have 7 write ins. We know at least 5 of those votes are for us.

Yesterday we had word that a guy had voted twice in two separate polling locations, for my opponent. Thank you to Cousin Eric who investigated and spoke to the guy about voting twice. One of those votes will be challenged and tossed out.

Our midday numbers that we received had Team Koch and opponent nearly neck and neck. The last report we received was around 7pm. Team Koch was making calls up until 8pm to encourage people to vote. The results were coming in, but there was slight confusion on the number of write ins, etc.

In a week or so the results will become official. But, it looks like Team Koch will be on four lines come November. WOW! What a day!?

unk said...

What a day is most accurate. Glad to hear that seemingly, all went well. Can't wait for the final results. Currently I am melting in an unairconditioned building. Yikes.

Betsy said...

Oh my goodness was afraid I missed Friday??? So I have a had asuper busy week at work. I have been going to all the buffalo public schools and training their clinic staff in the electronic medical record. So all afternoon yesterday I was at Bennett High School, and I have to tell you I was very impressed! The kids were well behaved, quiet in the halls, and the staff was great to work with! significantly cooler today, with a very gray sky! So tonight is the grand opening of the new Warrior football stadium! Who is going??? Enjoy today and all that it brings!

unckie said...

So rumor has it that there were some who lost faith in our beloved Bills to the extent of grocery shopping? And then not even listening to the last few seconds on the car radio? How can that be so? I can't believe missing step one of what is undoubtedly step 1 to a 15-1 season.

Anonymous said...

Guilty! That would be me and my mother, I said to her, you dont want to listen to the end of the bills game do you?? And she said nope, turn it off. so that is how that played out! who knew??
Got some great pix of the Holtz-Twombly gang, can not believe how big everyone has gotten in 8 weeks!
Hope everyone is surviving!
Just a few more days til the WE!

unk said...

Must be a busy week. Everyone has been quiet. All of my hard season long work in HFFBB was destroyed in the playoffs by a certain unnamed high school junior. Woe is me! Plus, a 3 day workweek. It just goes from bad to worse. Sounds like the makings of a real get together in hopefully hotlanta. Rumor has it that the candidate is taking time off from the campaign trail to make the trip. Any truth? If so, must be that she needs another trip to Sweetwater Brewing. Only two more weeks. These last few days of summer have started mighty chilly. Not a good sign. 4:25 on sunday. Anyone else seeing this as pivotal? Today reminds me of the new Geico commercial. Hope the camel is happy; I am, just gotta get thru it first.

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